Originally Posted by g-bebe
Finally home and got the chance to install and play a few rounds. I think there's a mechanism inside the game to sent an invite to friends, let me know your Stream id and I can add and try and invite you if interested.
First impression is... it is a lot to take in at once. I wouldn't call myself a "veteran" of MOBAs but I've played thousands of hours of League. There's a lot going on in Deadlock and I think it hinders the experience, even just the visuals. Being a 3rd person shooter makes it worse vs. a 1st person shooter like Overwatch, or a top-down MOBA like League.
I've played 24 hours now of Deadlock and it's growing on me.
It's not perfect by any means, still definitely needs a bit of tuning but it has a bit of its teeth into me. Addicting like League to understand how to play and build, and how all the various interactions go.
Think the GUI needs some improvement, it's still incredibly busy on screen but more playtime helps to temper that.
If anyone is playing, add me.