Still a little wary of getting this. Sounds like a lot of the hunting, capturing strongholds, other non-plot stuff may be fun at first but get repetitive after a while. Is that completely wrong?
You dont really have to take over strongholds if you dont want to. Cant believe this game isnt stirring up more chatter, this seriously the most fun I have had in a single player game in a long time.
I haven't attempted a stronghold takeover since the first (basically tutorial) one. Want to get a sniper rifle and otherwise get better at the game first. Have hit a few of the radio towers though.
Also, for some reason the flora/fauna activity doesn't seem nearly as tedious as RDR or Skyrim, and I loved those games. Maybe cuz you get notified when you can upgrade and you can do it right on the spot. Or maybe it's the wide variety and behavior of the animals. Or maybe I'm just not tired of it yet.
The poker reminds me of Red Dead Redemption. Opponents are pretty conservative without a hand most of the time and then do the most random things to give away money. Like, just now I got it in HU for like $1500 pf with AQ vs TJ and held. SHIP THE MONIES
You dont really have to take over strongholds if you dont want to. Cant believe this game isnt stirring up more chatter, this seriously the most fun I have had in a single player game in a long time.
+1, I have been playing for about 15 hours, really enjoying the game. Reminds me a lot of World of Warcraft. Anyone who liked Borderlands will appreciate this game.
+1, I have been playing for about 15 hours, really enjoying the game. Reminds me a lot of World of Warcraft. Anyone who liked Borderlands will appreciate this game.
What I'm liking about Borderlands 2 is that the combat is pretty fast-paced and twitchy. I hate the slow-paced, aim down the sights all the time rubbish. What's the combat in Far Cry 3 like?
I can't compare the two but Far Cry 3 is pretty openworld and my guess is there may not be enough bloodshed for you, but maybe someone else will be more helpful.
Anyway, for reasons too aggravating and complicated to get into here I had to buy another copy of this game so have now spent a cool $120 on it. That said, put in a long session yesterday and am looking forward to getting back to it later. It's the most fun I've had playing a game since probably Catherine, and I definitely enjoy it more than Skyrim and at least on par with RDR. Getting the sniper rifle was a game-changer since it meant I could at least start my stronghold attacks with stealth, which is pretty key. Plus it's pretty fantastic to use in general for hunting or sniping from high places like radio towers.
One annoyance is I can't find any goddamned boars anywhere, wtf. Everywhere on the map I go where they seem to be they are pigs instead. Thus I haven't been able to upgrade my ammo capability. lol @ me no doubt.
Yeah I got that at first too and spent 2-3 hours finding pigs instead of boars but the symbols for pigs and boars are really alike so you are just in the wrong place I reckon.
If I play later tonight then I will try and post a photo of the map and where the boar are for you.
Thanks for the offer, but don't pull a muscle if it's a hassle. I too was trying to figure out the difference in the icons and went to three different locations, only to keep finding pigs. I also went back to the site of the game's first challenge, which was getting boar tusks but none were around. Argh. At least I can carry three weapons already so that's one way to add capacity...
OK found the damn boar - towards the south end of the north island. Correctly figured out the logo, went there and found four grazing together. BAM, two instant upgrades to two different things, and I already had enough other animal skins to upgrade to both rugged and then heavy duty ammo pouch, heh.
Fwiw if you havent used hunters instinct syringe yet its worth using them especially when hunting the big cats because they have a habbit of sneaking up from nowhere before its too late
What I'm liking about Borderlands 2 is that the combat is pretty fast-paced and twitchy. I hate the slow-paced, aim down the sights all the time rubbish. What's the combat in Far Cry 3 like?
I would define it as fast paced, but slightly less chaotic compared to Borderlands. When taking over a strong hold you could rush, but it does involve some patience and planning.
Yeah I got that at first too and spent 2-3 hours finding pigs instead of boars but the symbols for pigs and boars are really alike so you are just in the wrong place I reckon.
If I play later tonight then I will try and post a photo of the map and where the boar are for you.