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Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time

08-18-2013 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I've fought as England a few times and it seems that the best plan is to lose the hundred years war. I had a game where I took most of France, but to actually core the provinces and hold on to them is too much to handle. I think the best plan is to fight France to a standstill where you can hold three of the five (ideally keeping the trade node, and lose Calais), then if you want to go land, go for an easier route into France.
You don't have to core the provinces. The hundred years war is a war of succession. I had just enough war score to claim the personal union. So I had fifty years to clean up the British Isles (and I made some major mistakes there, including attacking an Irish province that was allied to Castille when I still had zero manpower. Bad move.

Right now Portugal is without an heir and as they and Spain are both fighting the Inca overseas I will claim the throne. Will be rough on my Carribean colonies. I think the North American ones will be mostly fine. Europy should be rather easy as I have seventy regiments there and their combined forces are smaller. If I am really lucky Spain won't even join, as they should be rather overextended from just annexing the whole Creek nation.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 03:45 PM
Question about claiming throne:

I am France under a regency council. I have a royal marriage with milan, who has a weak succession. If I claim the throne of Milan, what happens? Specifically, am I going to end up with a CB that I can't use because of regency?
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 06:45 PM
Does anyone know what mechanic determines if another culture becomes acceptable in your realm?
I've had it happen once after incorporating France after a long union and I think it happened with a different culture randomly, but I am not quite sure about that.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 06:56 PM
It's something like that culture representing a certain % of your provinces, or more likely representing a certain % of your total base tax.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 07:00 PM
Alexander the Great BABY. Its about damn time.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by phillydilly
playing as a non euro is pretty interesting. with poland, it seemed i had enough pts to stay at tech limit, but was very sparse on ideas. vijay game, struggling horribly for points. vijay gets 50% tech penalty, so each tech is 900 pts.
I think the best way to play non-western euros is to go pretty idea heavy then hopefully you have a neighbor bonus to help out in tech.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 11:03 PM
So, here's something I don't understand:

How the **** is my tax income calculated?

If you sum up all my tax numbers from the first pic, and divide by 12, you get 9.5. But the problems with that are...
- I thought they were doing away with all the yearly **** and making everything monthly, because yearly is confusing
- where the hell does 20% tax efficiency come into play if they're just like "herp derp gonna take all your tax (which doesn't involve the 20% figure at all) and divide by 12" ?
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-18-2013 , 11:05 PM
Oh, wait, the 20% comes from...
- 10% positive stability
- 5% liquor act
- 5% weights, scales, measures

...which does come into play in the tax screen.

So that is how it's done. ok.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I am beginning to feel genuine affection for Castille as they've twice sent their armies to put down rebellions in (my) Granada.
That did not last long

Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 05:07 AM
What's a good way to kill your heir? I tried setting him as general and sinking his unit in the ocean but he survived.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:23 AM
MP game on other forums that I briefly participated in yesterday was able to get to 1502 (!) in one 5 hour session. I think our eu3 average was 25-30 years. Also no crashes and very stable, lookin good.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Question about claiming throne:

I am France under a regency council. I have a royal marriage with milan, who has a weak succession. If I claim the throne of Milan, what happens? Specifically, am I going to end up with a CB that I can't use because of regency?
You get a cb to claim the throne, and i think if they have no heir and not just a weak heir you can peacefully get a PU with them if no other country also claims the throne. If another country also claimed the throne, a succession war happens.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
MP game on other forums that I briefly participated in yesterday was able to get to 1502 (!) in one 5 hour session. I think our eu3 average was 25-30 years. Also no crashes and very stable, lookin good.
Is it possible to just lurk (i.e. "observe" mode) some MP games anywhere?
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
You get a cb to claim the throne, and i think if they have no heir and not just a weak heir you can peacefully get a PU with them if no other country also claims the throne. If another country also claimed the throne, a succession war happens.

This game is remarkably good.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Lateralus
Is it possible to just lurk (i.e. "observe" mode) some MP games anywhere?
No, but we have some AARs going, which is sort of the same thing.

The thread is here:

If you want to read or join in next session. The game is remarkably stable, paradox region locked the stupid thing (so euros can't play with people from the US) but you can get around it by changing your region in steam.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:15 PM
At first I thought Forced March(Offensive unlock) was a pretty lame idea but it is awesome. Just build a doomstack and use Forced March to chase down and crush all enemy armies.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
EU 4 on sale for 15€ on a brazilian site

will buy it this afternoon
Got it for $22. Gotta love that.

I'm going to keep that site bookmarked for other steam games. Rome: Total War is on sale for only $33 compared to $60 on steam.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-19-2013 , 10:48 PM
Today I learned...

Country A gets the Dishonorable Scum CB against country B when the following are true:

Country A's opinion of Country B is affected by the Aggressive Expansion modifier (i.e. country B is a bad boy)
The size of that modifier is -50 or worse.
Country A's opinion of Country B is -100 or worse.
Kinda sucks that there's nowhere (afaik) to see this easily - there's a ledger page showing which countries hate you, but that doesn't include everyone with a CB, and it doesn't list what CBs those countries have on you (just that they have one). But if I go specifically to Austria's diplomacy page and mouse over their opinion of me, it will have the aggressive expansion modifier there and show that it's bigger than -50 and their total opinion is more than -100 so they have dishonorable scum on me
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 01:06 AM
i couldve told you you were dishonorable scum

Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 03:48 AM
Hmm. Bit bored now. What are you supposed to do in 1615 when you have infinite money, 3 colonists and need to use your points on tech instead of on building or killing things?
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 04:17 AM
Bump the speed up to 5?

I will admit that a lot of my EU3 games fizzled out due to disinterest before 1600*, I definitely never got to 1700 I'm pretty sure. My EU4 sample size is currently one game in ~1522 though so I don't quite have a comparison yet.

Last edited by goofyballer; 08-20-2013 at 04:19 AM. Reason: *but those first 200 years were always fun as hell and totally worth it!
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 07:16 AM
Mp time
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 08:08 AM
i haven't played eu4 into the late game yet. i was hoping that the coalition mechanic would make the end game more difficult.

playing a vijay game right now. have to say, i love the new trade mechanic. At least in my games, I feel like attempting to dominate trade is really a driving force for my empires.

I think coring may be a little too fast. I'd have no problem with cutting the coring cost slightly, and making it take 5 years instead of ten.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 08:38 AM
10 instead of 5 I assume?

Coring time varies though I don't really know what around. Tech level of opponent perhaps? That certainly seems to affect price (as does Barber, which is deeply annoying).
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
08-20-2013 , 01:30 PM
There are modifiers like Berber or w/e but the driving force is base tax.

Also, for missions that give you a claim, better start coring asap after taking it cause I think the next month after the mission completes you lose the claim so the core cost goes up if you haven't started it. I only saw this happen like once though so it may have been a freak thing, but I don't want to take chances.
Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time Quote
