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Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs)

10-12-2011 , 07:18 PM
As for getting CB's. You get an alliance CB if you're allied to a nation at war with others, you get CB's for warnings/guarentee's. Obviously the Claim Throne CB's, Holy war CBs, Crusade CB's, Excommunication CB's, Free CB on anybody who exceeds the infamy limit. The Emperor gets a whole bunch of special CBs. Border dispute CB's (if somebody puts a national focus on the border). Diplomatic insult CBs (you get when somebody gets a free core from the disputed territory event). Trade league CB's, Religion based CB's once the reformation hits. There are colonial-specific CBs... the list goes on for a while.

Suffice it to say that with some work you can get a CB, and it would be difficult (though not impossible) to completely shield yourself. My main thought on this is that it would encourage more diplomacy and avoid wars that appear completely random and arbitrary from certain perspectives.

Like in one of the last games I played I got into a war against Spain and England because they wanted the gold I was going to get from raping the africans (seeing as I was going to beat them too it). We had fought 0 wars up to that point so from my perspective it was completely arbitrary and out of the blue, and ofc I swore undying revenge and promptly committed to several puntative wars later in the game. What made it pointless in the end is that had they told me this would happen I would have made a diplomatic deal rather than fight a war, and in the end we pretty much both lost. **** like that eventually makes people pissed leads to them quitting the game if they get pissy enough.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-12-2011 , 07:57 PM
Should be able to declare war w/e you want tbh, -2 stab for no cb sucks and infamy rapes your ability to trade, you would be taking 4 per province you take in peace plus the 2 for declaring w/o cb
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-12-2011 , 08:02 PM
I'm in EST and Sat nights are def no good for me, usually live poker time at the casino.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-12-2011 , 08:52 PM
Still open:

Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 01:42 AM
You rang djstu?

I will be Portugal, the land of delicious rotisserie grilled chicken. Or if someone else can't make it, I can maybe move around to fill in.

Have to agree with DO, needing a CB for war is kinda weak. Stability is bad enough, and wars tend to grow quick in MP.

Most important rules are to not be a douche or an idiot. Correspondingly, try to avoid long term alliances or enemies/grudges, as they can make things get stagnant p quickly. Everyone else is playing for fun too so don't rape too hard and blah blah blah.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 02:05 AM
Most important rules are to not be a douche or an idiot. Correspondingly, try to avoid long term alliances or enemies/grudges, as they can make things get stagnant p quickly. Everyone else is playing for fun too so don't rape too hard and blah blah blah.
Yeah this needs to be said. I'm going to try and make a point this game to be a-political in my actions and avoid grudges.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 03:12 AM
I am gmt +2. And I can play on saturday evening/night.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 03:21 AM
I've only played as Portugal so far, so I guess I could do that in MP.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 04:49 AM
GMT+2 for me
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 09:25 AM
GMT for me but can do whatever time or date.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 12:23 PM
Maybe do like noon EST?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 12:38 PM
Now we have 2 portugals lolz.

Ranok should play holland imo
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 12:48 PM
Yeah I get the cb's, but that wiki should be useful in trying to acquire them against specific countries.

Does anyone have an issue with this Saturday 4pm GMT (that's noon eastern time and 9am on the west coast) work? I didn't notice anyone on the west coast but if there is, 5pm GMT is probably better. We can use vent or mumble or some other voice chat also to taunt and make deals.


Currently about 1485 as Castille->Spain and I've been fighting off huge attacks lead by England (I pissed her off when I took most of Algiers/Morocco after she Holy War'd them) who constantly ex-communicates me. Was stuck on regency council for 15 years only to have a 0 legitimacy leader for a few years before he died. Infamy is high and I have a ton of rebellions. Madeira defected to Poland of all places (and back to me) and ****ing Algier nationalists split while I was defending my homeland . Oh and I wasted 3 stab on getting Conquest of the New World only to have a weak Portugal (who bailed from my forced PU when my King died in 1450) beat me to the coast of Brazil because my colonial range isn't high enough to reach it and Azores aren't core until 1500.

****ing Kongo nationalists kicked me out of the conquered nation while busy in Spain, now my plan to reach India first and fast are failboated since I won't get cores in middle Africa until like 1550 by the time I can set up base. Oh and ****ing Golden Coast is impossible to colonize, my guys get kicked out all the time.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 12:57 PM
If you send in troops into a province you are going to colonize you can usually trigger the natives to attack you and kill all of them, improving colonization chance and also eliminating the chance that the natives rise up and destroy your colony (since they are all dead already ldo).
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 01:23 PM
Whatever natives are still alive will add to your colonies population tho once it matures
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by djstu
Now we have 2 portugals lolz.

Ranok should play holland imo
2nd choice Golden Horde, 3rd Timurids :O
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 03:21 PM
Are the Destabalization and Inflation spy missions banned?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 05:13 PM
Nope. I suspect however that should somebody be caught using them the backlash will be quite severe. Sure as hell if I catch somebody using them on me it's going to be instant war.

Having a Russia + GH, while interesting, might be a little crowded. Timurids--> Muhgals might be fun

Last edited by djstu; 10-13-2011 at 05:27 PM.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 05:44 PM
I think Vijay--->Hindustan has got to be better than Timurds-->Mughals no? Hindustan gets cores on all of those juicy Indian provinces whereas Mughals get NW and N India and the ****ty area between Persia and there. Only advantage is that Mughals are Muslim tech compared to Hindu tech. Plus I guess if you go Timurids you at least have some interaction with other players and aren't playing alone for the first 100 years
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 07:09 PM
How do I release a state as a vassal? I have two Milan-core provinces and annexed Milan because it was 0 infamy, but I don't want to get mixed up in wars with Austria and HRE.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 07:13 PM
Button in the bottom left, can only release vassals when you are at peace:

Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-13-2011 , 07:22 PM

EDIT: Does it make sense to vassalize here? The provinces are worth a lot but defending them is a pain and everyone around me has -200 relation.

Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-14-2011 , 08:00 AM
So who is actually going to host? Maybe they could PM all the players with the time of the game to be sure everyone has seen it. As well as PM igetjokes to see if he still wants to play.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-14-2011 , 08:25 AM
I'd host but my internets are a bit ****ed occasionally.

Also, veryone make sure to check BEFORE WE PLAY that you have the correct checksum. Seriously, I know from experience that it can take ****ing forever getting everyone set up. I'm sure even after posting this 1-2 people will have the wrong checksum. If you have the wrong checksum, you will be unable to play.

Correct checksum is: BJLT

To get the correct checksum, delete the map/cache folder, load eu3 to the main menu, then exit and restart. The checksum should now be correct. If the checksum is STILL not correct after doing that, your install is probably messed up in some way and you may need to reinstall.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
10-14-2011 , 11:42 AM
What kind of bandwith Is needed to host? I have about one mbit up, hopefully someone is on fios or something and can do better.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
