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Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs)

02-01-2012 , 05:39 AM
I'm going to Canada today so I won't be around on Saturday. Difficult to play EU3 when you're halfway up a mountain shredding sick lines....jelly?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:40 AM
you are going to canada, no one is jelly
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-01-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
Can't you just refuse to peace out with them if they capture Ceylon, like England often does with its continental provinces?
Whatever works
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-01-2012 , 03:57 PM

Also, I still need that sub for Sunday. BE A WOLF, BE INDIA.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-01-2012 , 07:00 PM
Time to discuss Ottoman partition?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Time to discuss Ottoman partition?
Austrian proposal:

Tried to involve as many ppl with interests in the area as possible.

As the weakest, Bohemia and Milan come away with the most. Milan gets 9 provinces, 8 of them Greek which should give them greek accepted culture i would think? Bohemia gets 10 provinces, 5 of them Hungarian (same culture group as czech).

Austria gets the Serbian minors, 5 provinces total.

Russia gets left out of major Balkan gains with only 2 provinces but gets Georgia's 2 wine provinces (currently a Mughal vassal). In exchange for giving up Georgia, Mughals get larger gains from Ottomans, 7 provinces in total for pretty borders.

Portugal has its Syrian vassal which now seems like it will survive with no lolottomans, so Portugal gets 2 provinces for Syria (or itself, w/e).

Option 2 which I came up with after doing the above and am now too lazy to do would be Mughals keep Georgia but only get ~5 provinces in southern/central anatolia, and Russia instead gets 2-3 provinces in north Anatolia plus the same Balkan gains.

Either way, no one should get Thrace or the super valuable provinces of western Anatolia as they are all too valuable, Thrace itself is one of the most valuable provinces in Europe and I can't see any fair way to give it to anyone without others contesting it.

Last edited by Nonfiction; 02-02-2012 at 11:48 AM.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Austrian proposal:
Would this partition be edited in or would we have to do it in the game?

I am happy to see Syria's provinces rightfully returned to Syria. I do not wish for them myself.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 02:00 PM
Russia gets: a base 2 tax, 2x base 3 tax, 1 base 6 tax with 2 wine, 1 wool, and 1 fish, with ~1650 base manpower. 14 tax

Mughals gets 4x 3 tax, 2x 4 tax, 1 5 tax with 1 iron, 1 wine, 1 copper, 1 cloth, 1 fish, 1 naval supp, and 1 wool, with ~3500 base manpower in return for a basically worthless vassal. 25 tax

Austria gets a 6, a 5, a 4, and a 3 with 3 wool and a grain with ~1800 manpower. 18 tax

Pretty cool
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by cantthinkofanythin
Russia gets: a base 2 tax, 2x base 3 tax, 1 base 6 tax with 2 wine, 1 wool, and 1 fish, with ~1650 base manpower. 14 tax

Mughals gets 4x 3 tax, 2x 4 tax, 1 5 tax with 1 iron, 1 wine, 1 copper, 1 cloth, 1 fish, 1 naval supp, and 1 wool, with ~3500 base manpower in return for a basically worthless vassal. 25 tax

Austria gets a 6, a 5, a 4, and a 3 with 3 wool and a grain with ~1800 manpower. 18 tax

Pretty cool
pretty cool counteroffer. Mughals can easily get less provinces, i just drew lines on the map to make it pretty. Also, my 2nd proposal would give you northern anatolia. You have only a 1 province border with ottomans so not sure how else we would do it.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 03:24 PM
Skrittak gone for 1 week and we're partitioning his beloved Ottomans?!?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Skrittak gone for 1 week and we're partitioning his beloved Ottomans?!?
ottomans will have been ai 3 of the last 4 weeks :s
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 06:29 PM
I vote it's time to partition the Netherlands

Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 06:33 PM
I'm just not sure we need to partition ottomans. Toxic is available.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 11:12 PM
Russia Austria and Mughals shouldn't get **** in any partition, split it all between Milan and Bohemia imo since they are the weakest. (Not even sure why Russia factors in, they have nearly no border and little need)

And yeah, reason wise it's not just being gone 1 week, it will be 2 in a row now, plus 50% ai time before that. Not saying it needs to happen, but it's getting to be time to consider it :S
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Ranok
Russia Austria and Mughals shouldn't get **** in any partition, split it all between Milan and Bohemia imo since they are the weakest. (Not even sure why Russia factors in, they have nearly no border and little need)

And yeah, reason wise it's not just being gone 1 week, it will be 2 in a row now, plus 50% ai time before that. Not saying it needs to happen, but it's getting to be time to consider it :S
Well, its great you can say that, you don't have borders with both Bohemia and Milan. If both of them are getting 10+ free provinces, Austria needs to get a piece. And I assume that if Austria gets a piece it would be unacceptable to Russia that they dont get something. And then I assumed you wouldnt want Russia getting something and you not, so here we are.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-02-2012 , 11:55 PM
They will both still be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind you though, even if they 50/50 split it. Russia really doesn't belong there, and I don't want anything (I'd want Anatolia as a big vassal or something, but that's ngth)

Greece to Milan
Bulgaria+Hungarians to Bohemia
let them fight for Anatolia
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-03-2012 , 12:35 AM
Why not let Russia restore the cross over Constantinople and bring about the new Rome?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-03-2012 , 02:51 AM
I think the best way to solve this is to give all the good provinces to a neutral power like Spain who is friendly to everyone and has no enemies!
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-03-2012 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Jim14Qc

Also, I still need that sub for Sunday. BE A WOLF, BE INDIA.
I wouldn't want to be a wolf.. maybe a Tiger though. But instead I'll be a lazy bum watching football, sorry.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-03-2012 , 03:31 AM
It hurts me to say, but my band will be playing every Saturday for the next 3 weeks and alas, I won't be able to play D: Which is a massive bummer, always interested in how the game's history progresses
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-03-2012 , 02:29 PM

Problem solved.

Now to switch it to 60/1 in a few weeks... mamma mia!
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-04-2012 , 11:46 AM
Remembered I didn't do an AAR for last week. Nothing that memorable happened.
Mini summary of Hindustan;

Declared war on Ming with Mughals. Ming imba, Hindustan only managed to take 2 provinces off them.
New 1 province minor appeared from the remains of Pegu. Easy omnomnom for the grand armies of Hindustan in theory. They were only allied with Assam who I wanted to vassalise but hadn't a cassi belli yet. Excellent. Suddenly MEGA-ALLIANCE-CHAIN which messed me up. 1 province minor called Assam into war, Assam called another random nation into war, this other nation called Ming into war. Ty.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:16 PM
History of the GLORIOUS Empire of Spain, 1504-1536

Emperor Tomás I de Trastámara (1495-1521)

Tomás continued his benevolent rule of the Spanish Empire by focusing on domestic issues. He built up the infrastructure of his provinces so that Spain could be a rich and powerful nation once again, and sent colonists to the far reaches of the known world so that the borders of Spain would encircle the Earth. He also claimed the rich island of Brunei for Spain's glory and converted the heathen natives to the true faith of Catholicism.

Emperor Gabriel I von Habsburg (1521-)

Gabriel began his reign by launching an expeditionary force to the faraway island of Japan to establish a military presence there. He continued Spain's strong relations with the glorious King TERRY of Portugal, and as TERRY wished to permanently move the seat of the honorable Portuguese Empire to Mexico, Gabriel facilitated the move by exchanging some of his fruitful Brazilian colonies for Portugal's territory on the European mainland. As a result, the GLORIOUS peninsula of Iberia is now united, with all Iberian cultures accepted in the Empire.

Last edited by goofyballer; 02-04-2012 at 04:37 PM. Reason: 2 magistrizzles
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:27 PM
You get +.05 magistrates/year for each country in your sphere of influence. Just discovered this and thought I'd share in case anyone else didn't know it.

Also, from the building overview in the ledger you can compare how provinces stack up wrt tax/production and fast and easy decide where your magistrates will provide the most return. And you can build from that page as well so you don't have to individually click from province to province.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:29 PM
Yeah, the building thing in the ledger is nice. Only irritating thing is that it doesn't tell you **** about colonies (since all production income becomes tariffs) so you have to go to each colonial province to see which ones are worth building stuff in.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
