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Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs)

11-12-2011 , 06:45 PM
The peaceful Kingdom of Portugal once again finds ourselves the targets of an illegal and aggressive invasion by the evil and considerably stronger Kingdom of Spain. As we are unable to defend ourselves effectively from such a threat, we find ourselves at the mercy of the other nations of the world. Ever since Portugal's earliest colonial ventures began a century ago, Spain has acted with nothing but hostility and unchecked aggression towards us, their peaceful neighbour. It is time for Europe to band together to end this oppression.

Portugal is prepared to offer the vast sum of 10,000 ducats to any nation or alliance of nations (total, to be shared as they see fit) who come to our aid. This payment is contingent on not only a successful defense of Portugal's territory, but bringing Spain's illegal South American colonies under Portugese control. As our the borders between our two Kingdoms have brought nothing but strife, only their elimination can possibly bring end to this conflict.

We will also extend this offer to Spain itself. Cede your South American colonies, swear to not colonize in the portions of the Americas claimed by Portugal (namely South America), and agree to 50 years of peace - reinforced by mutual military access treaties - and we will send the entire 10k to Madrid. Consider it a payment for the colonies, and for peace.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jim14Qc
??? The war I just declared is the first war. I don't know what you mean, constant warring by me. The other "wars" were already agreed upon in the war of 1512 or w/e it was (i.e. I slowly take Iberia). I haven't warred you in the new world yet at all. Just trying to take my carribean back. It's hardly my fault you're situated in the best colonies in the world.

The first deal you offered me, whicih you sauy would have made you happy, was you transfer all Iberia to me and I get 3 islands in Carribean + Cuba. How is what I have right now any worse than that?
This is the 2nd war you declared, after conquering my homeland holdings before I was ready to give them up. Both wars are backed by Milan, which makes it incredibly difficult for me to find help. It's not your fault for my geographic position, no, but it is for never accepting it or coming to terms. You could have easily continued down a different path.. Castille has tons of options, Portugal has only one pre-determined purpose/destiny.

As far as the other deal offered, that's just it - it was offered. It was on the table a long time and you didn't accept, so I made different deals. There's no point in bringing it up now since it never came into existance. This should reflect on the offer I just posted above, too - if you're interested in it in the least (big mobnies+50 years peace for your south american colonies+no more colonies), then take it. Take the friggin money and run.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 06:58 PM
lol, what the hell did you do to Zeta djstu
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 07:11 PM
I'm appending 'revoke the random event Core you got on my colony that you can't even see' as a condition to my offer to Spain, as a condition to encourage further peace.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
lol, what the hell did you do to Zeta djstu

I won
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 07:29 PM

Last edited by goofyballer; 11-12-2011 at 07:29 PM. Reason: no really tho how do you rename provinces?
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 07:37 PM
savegame editor
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 08:11 PM
Fixes needed for Portugal:

-restore fleet: 24 Carracks + 5 Barques deleted by AI (the 1 big ship I have now is brand new construction)
-move Capital to Mexico province, from Pernambuco (AI's hacked and bad capital location)
-move sliders 3 towards Centralization, real setting = -2 (I moved 1 back and am still at +2)
-switch state Religion to Protestant
-if possible: swap all Reformed provinces' religion to Protestant, and my Protestant prov (Curacao) to Reformed
--> if it's not possible to swap province religions, can missionaries be placed directly?

EDIT: also switch govt back to Feudal Monarchy. AI changed to Despotic, omfg.

I don't see any new decisions/modifiers so no need to remove anything there.

Last edited by Ranok; 11-12-2011 at 08:39 PM.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
click on the province name, you have to own it tho. A text bar will appear and you can edit the name.

Originally Posted by Daer
savegame editor
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 08:56 PM
History of Portugal, 1520-something - 1545

King Joaj IV was mysteriously absent for 5 or so years, during which he left his court jester to rule the Kingdom. When he returned, he found that the jester had treated ruling much like one of his bad jokes. Portugal was in disarray: her armies were scattered and exhausted; her navies were even more scattered; her fleet of Carracks was nowhere to be seen (and had no record of ever being lost); her merchants were no longer trading abroad; and the kingdom was wracked by instability and rebellion. Most oddly of all, his Court had moved to Pernambuco, in the new world. Lisbon's splendour was a distant memory.

After making an example of the jester, the good King got down to business. His navies were reorganized, returning to the previous system of stationed patrols. Portugal's fleet of Cogs remained, and were used to ferry armies from rebellion to rebellion. Spending was focused on restoring stability, and as it came back the rebels gradually subsided. Most importantly, Portugal's merchant empire was slowly rebuilt - one market at a time.

With the nation back under control, thoughts turned to Europe. A major war had just concluded, where the Hansa and her ally France were beaten back in their invasion of Milan and Austria, who were further aided by the evil Spanish. Spain took the opportunity to demand what was left of Portugal's Iberian homelands, and knowing they were promised in an earlier peace, King Joao accepted. Spain quickly occupied and took the 3 provinces, finally removing Portgual from Europe altogether.

Spain had, however, not kept up their end of the deal. Spanish colonies were being developed in South America, in direct violation of the same peace deal that Portugal had honoured. This would not bode well for the future.

King Joao IV died in November 1529 and his son Joao V took the throne. The new King's policies mimicked his father's. With Portugal's economy back on track, attention could be turned towards religious conversions and development of provincial infrastructure, as well. A new golden age for Portugal seemed to be dawning, as Portugal's technology began to finally catch up with the rest of Europe's. Most tellingly, after 130 years, Portugal's inflation was finally being reduced instead of increased.

Of course, the evil Spanish quickly became jealous and started mounting their forces. The 41 thousand Spanish troops in the South American colonies were easily seen, and Portugal began a military build up of it's own - albeit at a slower pace, due to the limited reserves of manpower. At this time it was discovered that many of Portugal's troops were of an inferior quality - more than half of her regiments were composed of Muslim Archers and Men At Arms, troops never recruited by the Kings of Portugal; no doubt a final 'gift' from Joao IV's jester. Knowing Portugal would not succeed against the mighty Spain with such depleted reserves, Joao asked several of Europe's soverign leaders for assistance in the coming war. But Europe was reluctant, since Spain had an alliance with the powerful Milanese.

In the fall of 1545, Spain finally declared their war. Being caught at a most vulnerable moment, King Joao V has redoubled his efforts to find allies against Spain, even going as far as to offer a deal to Spain itself. But facing and overwhelming manpower and technological disadvantage against Spain, the future of Portugal looks dark indeed.

For reward: the requested fixes above, please.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Theres prolly 50ish custom named provinces including my capital, Lubeck, renamed Capital imo
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 09:39 PM
lollll just looked back at djstu's screenshots and saw what Tiny did to Salzburg
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:55 PM
that was DooM actually
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-13-2011 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Ranok
Fixes needed for Portugal:

-restore fleet: 24 Carracks + 5 Barques deleted by AI (the 1 big ship I have now is brand new construction)
-move Capital to Mexico province, from Pernambuco (AI's hacked and bad capital location)
-move sliders 3 towards Centralization, real setting = -2 (I moved 1 back and am still at +2)
-switch state Religion to Protestant
-if possible: swap all Reformed provinces' religion to Protestant, and my Protestant prov (Curacao) to Reformed
--> if it's not possible to swap province religions, can missionaries be placed directly?

EDIT: also switch govt back to Feudal Monarchy. AI changed to Despotic, omfg.

I don't see any new decisions/modifiers so no need to remove anything there.
how did you get 3 slider moves in 10 years?!
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-13-2011 , 02:43 PM
idk, probably from decentralization event popups, or from rebels? I obv wasn't playing them so don't know, but you can see from checking the stats pages that something got ****ed there.

While I was playing I made 1 move towards Cent (regular slider move) and 1 towards Merc (event). Stats show the overall change for yesterday's game as +2 decent -1 merc, which means the AI somehow moved 3 times towards Decent.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:04 PM
So should I get this? It's on Amazon for 8.99 for EU 3 plus the two expansions.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-13-2011 , 10:58 PM
Theres 2 other expansions not included w/ complete
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 12:54 AM
You should get this game for sure, it's amazing, everyone on 2+2 plays the "Chronicles" version though which includes 4 DLCs (and you need the same version as everyone else to play MP - as others have said though the DLCs have good gameplay improvements that make them worth it).
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 04:03 AM
nice sale just shame its not downloadable
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 10:12 AM
I got mine on steam. $30 right now.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 01:29 PM
Power Rankings:

Great Powers

The 3 great powers have a combination of great wealth, large armies and manpower, and areas for further expansion to continue their power.

1) Hansa. Don't think there is any bias here. Despite losing the first major war in the game, Hansa is still the tech leader, the #1 power economically with an income vastly higher than #2 (lol 570.9 monthly), and also maintains a ~200k strong army. With numerous German vassals left to annex, Hansa will continue to grow in Europe, and can also expand its new world colonies and take out the rest of West Africa/Mali at its leisure. Hansa seems to be out of the race for East Asia though, with only a small Bengal area colony for an indian port.

2) Milan. Very close between number 2 and 3 on the power rankings, but Milan won so overwhelmingly last session that they get the nod. In the first major world war, Milan was able to carry its 2 bumbling allies to victory, gaining some rich French provinces as a result. On top of that, Milan was able to snag HRE, and secure it by forcing Hansa to cancel its vassalized electors. Using its victory in the war, Milan grabbed most of South China, boosting its economy a ton. With HRE, A chunk of India, and South China, Milan is very wealthy, has a huge army, and strong alliance system. It also can expand with near impunity and potentially grab the rest of China and/or Japan which would further increase their power.

3) Ottomans. Despite losing the war, Ottomans lost nothing at all, and had a very successful session, connecting their main empire to their Indian holdings. With by far the largest manpower pool and a very strong economy, Ottomans are in good shape to continue grabbing Persia and Central Asia. Despite still being backwards and yet to Westernize, they remain among the tech leaders in government and land techs. Only major downside is that they are very vulnerable to blockades with a big coastline and low naval tech, and will eventually need to modernize to keep up in tech.

Second Tier Powers

The second tier powers are strong in their own right but are clearly outmatched 1v1 by the greater powers, but on the other hand would be a favorite 1v1 against any non-great power. These 3 are relatively interchangeable imo so no number ranking.

France. France is normally a superpower by this point in the game, but lack of a human player for several sessions and losing a few wars has knocked them down to this group. France still has a good economy (197.4 monthly), high manpower and a large army, but it is very behind in the race for colonies. Outside of newly annexed Benin, France has no presence outside of Europe, and with Asia being gobbled up it may have missed the boat. Honestly no idea where France goes from here besides maybe making a play for a piece of China or Japan. Plus the sure to come revenge wars to recover its lost provinces.

Russia. Ze Russians have yet to fight a PVP war and has basically been afk expanding east. With a relatively good economy (174.7 monthly) and the 4th largest manpower pool, Russia is already pretty strong, and still has a ton of Central Asia and Siberia to expand into. Despite being pretty behind in tech, Russia has modernized and is catching up to the rest of Europe. With a lack of threats on its borders besides from the Ottomans, Russia could chose to continue its peaceful expansion, or finally engage itself in world affairs.

Spain. Having finally realized its ****ing Spain, has made an amazing recovery from the early sessions where it was a bottom tier power. Its alignment with Milan has paid huge dividends, with the partition of India leading to the partition of China and gaining of Korea. Spain is still relatively behind in tech and has a fairly weak economy (140.3 monthly) and should consider consolidating its position rather than engaging in expansion war vs Portugal which seems to be frowned upon by the Great Powers. I put Spain in this tier because even though they are pretty poor, they have a large manpower pool and army, and currently have the largest navy in the game at 65 big ships.

Trader/Colonizer Tier

Countries in this tier have a lot of colonies but have fairly small armies. No matter how wealthy you are, its tough to wield real power and influence without an army to back it up. Super strong navies can change that though.

7) Portugal. Second richest country in the game after Hansa, with 410 monthly income. Portugal recently move its capital to the New world, fleeing Europe and eliminating the overseas penalty from all of its colonies, resulting in a massive income boost. However, despite this huge income, Portugal suffers from very low manpower, and has an army of only 57k. AI Portugal also apparently deleted or lost its entire navy and Portugal has yet to rebuild it. Portugal still has areas to expand as there are many new world provinces still uncolonized, but it will need a very large navy to defend its holdings.

8) Great Britain. Strong economy, colonies all over the place (North America/Canada, Kongo, Ceylon, Indonesia, SE Asia), good opportunities for further expansion in africa, the new world, and Asia. While GB's manpower situation is nowhere near as bad as Scandinavia or Portugal, it is still dwarfed by the major land powers, although given GB's strategic situation they rely more on their large navy anyways (2nd largest with 52 ships). GB has played a strange game, snatching seemingly random provinces in Zeta and Estonia but besides that being aloof from the continental drama and wars (although had some brief anti-spain interventions early on)

9) Scandinavia. A recent player on the world scene, Sweden has done well under the umbrella of Hansa protection, converting to Scandinavia towards the end of the session. With Hansa help, Sweden conquered the Baltics, as neither Russia nor hansa wanted that poor area of Europe. Sweden then made a bold move going colonial and grabbing the one area uncontested during the scramble for India/China, snagging a large chunk of SE Asia and the Philippines. However, there is not much more for Scandinavia to grab, as other areas would be contested by the stronger powers and with its tiny navy (wtf build more ships you are losing overseas income), small army, and weak economy, it will be unable to fight any of them without help

Special Austrian tier

10) Austria Lol Austria

Last edited by Nonfiction; 11-14-2011 at 01:35 PM.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 01:32 PM
france is pretty sad about the current state of france :/

( I don't mean how bro played, he is probably better than me anyway )

I also have no idea how to work with colonies, that'w why I suck so bad I guess.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 01:34 PM
In regards to westernization, slow ass euros around me, trying to break my stride.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 01:39 PM
Meh, I really don't see how i can turn my poor decisions around...
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
11-14-2011 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by YouR_DooM
france is pretty sad about the current state of france :/

( I don't mean how bro played, he is probably better than me anyway )

I also have no idea how to work with colonies, that'w why I suck so bad I guess.
tbh, this was/is the "practice" game for most of us. Only 3 of us have played MP eu3 extensively so it's unsurprising a lot of mistakes are being made. Next game you'll be among the eu3 vets (if you play again) and can school all the newer players who join in.

Also, on that note, if I may critique your defense of southern france. The ABSOLUTE GOLDEN RULE* of fighting a war is you do not get routed. Having a stack routed is the worst possible result you can have. If the choice is between giving up land and having your army routed, you give up the province. Your major mistake in our war is that you never had safe lines of retreat, toward the end you threw your entire army into the battle with no reserves to cover you if you lost, so when you did lose I was able to destroy over half your army in two battles.

Always, always, always have a fresh stack of troops in a neighboring province when you make an offensive. If you start to lose retreat before your army breaks (and then runs in a random direction) so that those fresh troops will cover your army and stop them from being routed.

*You may see me break this rule sometimes, that's because I have a ton of experience fighting wars and know when I can get away with it. You are not me.

Addendum: There's also not a huge gain when you massively outnumber an opponent, like 60k-20k. Since you can only "flank" with 4k cav on the ends of the line only around 24k troops of yours are actually fighting, less than half your army. The better option is to keep more troops in reserve and rotate armies in/out as their morale drops.

Last edited by djstu; 11-14-2011 at 02:11 PM.
Europa Universalis 3 - New and Improved! (with ongoing MP game and AARs) Quote
