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Esports is dying but... Esports is dying but...

04-27-2023 , 05:33 PM
Seems like Esports is dying because they can't find a sustainable business model. Although I have one for them, players should compete as we compete in poker, which sounds sustainable.

Esports is dying but... Quote
04-28-2023 , 02:31 AM
Poker model works for poker because enough players have income from outside the game they can afford to lose and my two year old grand daughter can beat the best player in the world over 25% of the time in NLHE with 100BB buy in with a two word strategy of all in every hand. A good player has under 1% chance of beating a great player in Esports so the fish get slaughtered too quickly.
Esports is dying but... Quote
04-28-2023 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
Poker model works for poker because enough players have income from outside the game they can afford to lose and my two year old grand daughter can beat the best player in the world over 25% of the time in NLHE with 100BB buy in with a two word strategy of all in every hand. .
Not accurate xDDD Tell that to Phil Ivey, Timex, Antonius... I could be here all day long

Also, that's why you have stake limits and I would bet 1M your grandfather, with all due respect, can't beat a pro player 25% of the time... Maybe 1% and maybe I'm exaggerating

Players grind from micro to high stakes because the player skill increases exponentially as you move up stakes. It's the player's responsibility to know where he should play. It's like you play soccer, and want to play against Real Madrid in CL expecting a win. Doesn't work that way... You have to develop skills to be amongst the best and that's through stakes.

Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
A good player has under 1% chance of beating a great player in Esports so the fish get slaughtered too quickly.
That's why you have stakes from micro to high so you don't compete with the top players. Knowing the playing field is an essential skill to be successful in any sport, job, or activity... If you think it's a game of chance and not skill, then I believe you're approaching it incorrectly. Tell that to Nash and to PioSolver xD
Esports is dying but... Quote
04-28-2023 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by wineandpound
Not accurate xDDD Tell that to Phil Ivey, Timex, Antonius... I could be here all day long

Also, that's why you have stake limits and I would bet 1M your grandfather, with all due respect, can't beat a pro player 25% of the time... Maybe 1% and maybe I'm exaggerating
I think the 25% figure is not about "beating" the pro long-term (that approaches impossibility when volume increases), it's winning a single, no-rebuy HUSNG 100bb deep. Atc shoving does win around 25% vs the optimal calling range.
Esports is dying but... Quote
04-28-2023 , 06:22 PM
It is a remote possibility but... cmon do you really believe it?! Also, a pro playing in micro, small, low stakes is a loss of his/her time due to the WR. Will happen in Esports too
Esports is dying but... Quote
04-29-2023 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by wineandpound
It is a remote possibility but... cmon do you really believe it?! Also, a pro playing in micro, small, low stakes is a loss of his/her time due to the WR. Will happen in Esports too
I don't understand what there is to believe. I know beyond any doubt that any two shoving wins 25%+ vs any strategy. You can't magically make your high pair hold up more than 75%. And that is when the SNG ends.
Esports is dying but... Quote
04-29-2023 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Vanhaomena
I don't understand what there is to believe. I know beyond any doubt that any two shoving wins 25%+ vs any strategy. You can't magically make your high pair hold up more than 75%. And that is when the SNG ends.

Esports is dying but... Quote
05-01-2023 , 11:32 AM
It's preflop all in for gods sake, it's not skill based what cards come on the board
Esports is dying but... Quote
07-12-2023 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by wineandpound
Seems like Esports is dying because they can't find a sustainable business model. Although I have one for them, players should compete as we compete in poker, which sounds sustainable.

Well, in the beginning of fighting game tournaments is was like poker. There were no sponsorships and everyone pretty much paid their own way. This was from about 1992 until 2008 or so. Then "esports" took over the fighting game community.
Esports is dying but... Quote
07-12-2023 , 10:45 AM
In that sense, esports will never die.

They'll just go back to community-run leagues with token payouts. You can find Starcraft tournaments with $100 first place prizes on any given week.

OP is indeed delusional if he thinks it can move to a player-funded model like poker tournaments, and Vanhaomena already explained why. The skill gap between the top players and the good-but-not-great players is more like a continent-sized chasm and there's no pre-determined deck of cards to save them. You just simply get crushed with no hope of victory. Plus, where are all of these 15-22 year old kids going to get their entry fees when they spend 18 hours a day grinding the online ladder?

The days of $35,000,000 Dota tournaments are probably over forever. Being a professional caster will go back to one of those passion pursuits where you aren't in it for the money, sort of like teaching. It already doesn't pay well, and sometimes not at all when the tournament organizers go belly-up and stiff the talent, but you can eat.
Esports is dying but... Quote
Yesterday , 08:01 PM
Great thread. I always think of the mess that the professional Call of Duty (CoD) league is in when seeing how e-sports will probably keep going downhill. There used to be the CWL (Call of Duty World League) which seemed to really help improve and grow the scene and seemed to have figured out what similar game leagues couldn't (ie. Counterstrike and Quake).

Then of course they sold it to Activision who then turned it into the CDL (Call of Duty League) and then decided to rebuild set teams based in certain cities and then charged the teams millions to be in the league...promising to help grow and really promote the league. Teams in turn, then signed players and took cuts of their content (like streaming and youtube) and merch revenues as well to recoup money. The only positive of the change to the CDL was teams had to pay players a base salary; before that it was "here's a t shirt and maybe a practice office, gl!"

Of course it's Activision, they basically took the money, let some teams flounder, never brought back as many in person events as pre-covid ("to save money"), then laid off like 95% of the staff that ran the league. So you have pro players in their bedroom or home office playing 4v4 championships from 4 different parts of the country lol. At the same time they really crippled the, then, growing opportunities for anyone anywhere to grind in game Ranked mode and ladder up and maybe get picked up by a team; by letting Ranked mode flounder. I imagine many aspiring pros simply shifted to being content creators on their own rather than try to grind for limited slots that the same handful of players seem to rotate in and out of. They did create Challengers, which lets pros who were dropped from rosters a chance to grind, what's akin to the WSOP circuit, for some wins and showcase themselves to try to get signed somewhere again.

And if you think that league is bad, just read up on the Overwatch League (Activision also bought then when they bought Blizzard). Blizzard got potential team owners/interests to bid on having a team then having to pay to rent/lease or build an Overwatch arena (like an actual physical arena) in their city. The idea was, like pro sports, teams would travel around the league arenas to complete. Yeah that didn't work out to great. Most teams are gone, arenas are empty or were re-purposed or sold, and now there's a few "major" series every so often.

It's a mess.

Decades ago pro gamers shifted to poker because they could make much more, then you saw more kids going towards pro gaming and not poker because you could make more in gaming with less risk, now I think it's shifting back to gamers going to poker again.

Last edited by JeeeroyLenkins; Yesterday at 08:09 PM.
Esports is dying but... Quote
Yesterday , 10:59 PM
Esports suck so maybe that's the problem
Esports is dying but... Quote
