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02-22-2013 , 05:04 AM
plus he sucks. They lost so many games because of his terrible calls. I've been asking for him to get removed from the team, glad they finally did. I don't really care why they got rid of him, I just think it'll be better for the team.
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02-22-2013 , 01:22 PM
He made a detailed post on TL

Envy is certainly not the highest skilled player on the team but he explains why he MAY have been playing worse recently. He is at least trying to improve which is what teammates need to do if you want to succeed. Pinning the blame on him is a joke.

Loda has been at best an average carry player in the dota 2 scene. Keep in mind people say the carry position is the easiest position in the game. Admiralbulldog is basically mediocre on everything not Syllabear. The team went through a lot of changes recently regarding decisions and captaining so they should be aware that they will run into rough patches.

Akke even vouches for envy saying there 4/5 combination is the best her has worked with. I think it's pretty obvious that his long relationship with Loda played a huge factor in him choosing sides.
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02-22-2013 , 02:39 PM
Interesting write up, he is extremely honest about the poor calls he has made recently so I'll give him that. He does seem very genuine and I can't help but feel a little bad for him.
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02-22-2013 , 06:00 PM
noob question - what is the name of war3 dota version Magnus ?
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02-22-2013 , 06:19 PM
Looks like Magnataur?
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02-22-2013 , 07:39 PM
I dunno about s4 doing the playcalling for No Tidehunter. There's a reason I can't think of a single pro team where the mid does the playcalling, and why the majority of playcallers are in the 4/5 role. Mids end up being disengaged for the first 10-15 minutes worrying about their own sht.
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02-22-2013 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by JulianAssange
noob question - what is the name of war3 dota version Magnus ?
same name, even the wc3 neutral creep the model is taken from is called magnataur.
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02-23-2013 , 12:45 AM
Which roles do 12345 usually represent? Guessing 4/5 are tri lane supports. 1 is mid 2 is offlane 3 is hard carry?
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02-23-2013 , 12:56 AM
Since stuff like trilane and hard carry aren't necessarily in every game I would not use that as a reference at all. 1-5 represents the priority of the hero with respect to his teammates, so 1 would be the main farmer and 5 would be the hardest support.

If you already know this and you're just asking the question anyways, then I would say 1 = carry, 2 = mid, 4-5 = roamer or carry's support. I think 3 is often the long lane soloer. I mean, laning is so dynamic in dota you really can't assign the numbers to roles/lanes. Some games you won't even have a long laner, they will just abandon long lane entirely in favor of a stronger presence in the safelane jungle and being able to support the mid better.
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02-23-2013 , 02:13 AM
Thanks. Just want to know more of the lingo. I know they had to do with roles just based on the usage but i wasnt sure what was what. Basketball uses 1-5 to label positions so I figured it was analogous.
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02-23-2013 , 04:01 AM
I can't stand purge. He's a huge ******* who thinks he's good even though he's awful.

Edit: wow I've never seen players play that bad. Is this normal on euro/na servers?

Last edited by blackchilli; 02-23-2013 at 04:18 AM.
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02-23-2013 , 05:20 AM
I have no idea really, I assume that at the very low brackets, this is how people play. But that game is hilariously bad.
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02-23-2013 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
I can't stand purge. He's a huge ******* who thinks he's good even though he's awful.

Edit: wow I've never seen players play that bad. Is this normal on euro/na servers?
Apparently 2300 DBR tho
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02-23-2013 , 06:25 PM
Don't really know how dbr scales, how much of a difference is 2150 to 2300?
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02-23-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Count Chocula
Don't really know how dbr scales, how much of a difference is 2150 to 2300?
No clue here. But if purge is 2300 i think the system is flawed.
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02-23-2013 , 07:44 PM
He probably has a thousand wins though. I've seen a lot of very poor players in my bracket just because they had a thousand wins, but their win rate was basically an even 50%. I feel like I would be at least 2300 if I had twice as many games. Just not sure how the scaling works once you're in the 99th percentile. A friend told me he was top 100 on dotabuff but he doesn't know his dbr.
DOTA 2 Quote
02-24-2013 , 03:52 AM
I dont know, but purge randoms alot and at least as far as I can tell has a plan for every hero, does that, adjusts to other picks and goes from there. It looks pretty good to me. Im nothing special, but I know I couldnt hold up to that.
He doesnt post many losses, but does do that occasionally. He is pretty critical, but afaik he doesnt flame, he is not an ass during the games. Is critical of himself aswell and when playing with what he believes to be better players like Blitz he lets them call the shots.
I have to say that I like the youtube channel alot and watch pretty much all of the vids. Guess Im somewhat of a fan.
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02-24-2013 , 01:37 PM
DOTA 2 Quote
02-24-2013 , 02:38 PM
I have not seen anything Purge related for almost a year now. Maybe he is nicer now that he plays with more pros, but he was a jerk in the past at least. In my opinion he is average at best. I would even say he is below average when it comes to top tier match making.

I remember one time he was playing Lina with Maelstrom. If you are gonna do an unorthodox build that probably isn't optimal you should not be flaming your teammates. You should especially not flame them because you can't land a LSA stun which was entirely his fault.
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02-24-2013 , 04:25 PM
is it still possible to find your DBR? If so, how?
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02-24-2013 , 05:27 PM
It publicly shows the dbr of the top 50 players, so I think it probably is possible still. I have my settings set to public (allow 3rd party) and it doesn't show me mine anymore though.
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02-24-2013 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Tao1
I dont know, but purge randoms alot and at least as far as I can tell has a plan for every hero, does that, adjusts to other picks and goes from there. It looks pretty good to me. Im nothing special, but I know I couldnt hold up to that.
He doesnt post many losses, but does do that occasionally. He is pretty critical, but afaik he doesnt flame, he is not an ass during the games. Is critical of himself aswell and when playing with what he believes to be better players like Blitz he lets them call the shots.
I have to say that I like the youtube channel alot and watch pretty much all of the vids. Guess Im somewhat of a fan.
kind of my point of view word for word. i'd be more than happy to watch a different caster who does things better, are there any other alternatives? if not I think its pretty much case closed for now.
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02-24-2013 , 09:36 PM
I don't understand why people watch him in the first place? Plenty of real pros cast their games. As far as casters go, I like LD. He casts a lot of chinese tourneys. Although, I guess there is no caster that I find to be really outstanding right now. But my point is that there are better casters and better players than purge.
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02-24-2013 , 10:38 PM
LD is the best caster in Dota 2, ainec.

godz isn't bad, and tobiwan can be entertaining, but over the top at times as well.

quite a few co-casters are decent, but couldn't carry a cast.
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02-25-2013 , 01:08 AM
I agree that LD is the best caster. When he first started casting around a year ago I thought he was already one of the best. Granted there were not as many casters at the time but he showed a lot of promise. I think in general he has one of the best attitudes in addition to a high amount of game knowledge.

For those of you who are unaware, Beyond the Summit got funded I believe 10-12k USD in one day of fund raising. LD and Godz are moving to California with a studio to do casting. The quality of casting should now be better and more frequent if I had to guess.

Draskyll is another good caster who is probably the highest skilled out of the caster pool. I also think Luminous, Godz, Winter, Synderen, and Tobi are all good. They each have their own style however.
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