Originally Posted by blackchilli
Is it just me or does Tusk's vigil look exactly like VG's logo?
Yeah I'm semi surprised that Col didn't ban techies themselves. There was an article after they beat IG on joindota about how COL mentioned that techies are a must ban after a Tusk pick.
you could tell that they had a very specific plan to fight the techies though. naga to clear out mines (with an early gem) + high base armour, dark seer surge to help get away from the snowball + high base armour, zeus to scout for mines and most importantly cold embrace to completely mitigate the early mine damage.
Honestly this was a 4v5 for the most part outside of the first blood + a couple of ridiculously clutch kills late game (the mines in the tree + the land mine getting BS as he was running away from that last team fight)