Originally Posted by Dr. Wily
daaamn 2100 is really low. I've always wondered what the mmr floor is like. I can't do anything about raising your solo rating. I could party with you and maintain like 95% win rate until you get near 4k, but that'd only be for party mmr.
Honestly, I have a hard time imagining any player could improve themselves playing games at 2100.
It's what it started at when I first got an MMR and I was hoping it would go up since then but I have only won slightly over 50% of my 20 or so games since. I have only slightly over 200 games total played.
There are people with 1500 MMR.
What do you recommend I should do to improve? It's not about inflating my rating somewhere carried on someones back but really just to improve myself which playing with someone like you obviously would naturally but it wouldn't even be fun for you.
One issue I have is unlike starcraft 2, where when placed in gold or silver I can play 50 ladder games and be back in diamond, just because if a player is worse than me I will beat them 90% or even 99% of the time depending on their level. Until my MMR is back around diamond level I will win 90% of games. In Dota it seems like the equivalent would be like 55% or 60% WR maybe? One player can only make so much difference unless they are like absurdly better than the opposition in which case they can win by themselves. So lets say I was actually a 3k MMR player (I don't have any reason to actually believe this just an example), then doing a rough calculation I would need to play nearly two hundred games to get there at 60% win rate. Thats as many games as I have played total!
In my games I am very often my teams best player in a win or a loss, but I am not a good leader because I lack game knowledge.
Perhaps posting replays would be more useful. Give you guys a real look at the trench like a nature documentary?
Originally Posted by IPlayDonkaments
If you can last hit >50% you should be able to get to 3k+ pretty easily. The hardest part about Dota is knowing what to do and when to do it, and learning that mostly just comes from playing a lot of games so you recognize certain situations. In the wood trench there is usually a huge lack of initiators so try to play heroes with stuns. Something like beastmaster would be very good because he has his ult which is a very solid stun, a free ward which at your level nobody probably buys, a good nuke and an aura for the remaining four carries on your team.
People do buy wards if you pester them enough, although sometimes you only get one support and he is rushing aghs or something. If I am support I try to buy them everytime they are off cooldown and ward the runes at least, or jungle gank paths. I can also last hit > 50%, as in I am capable of doing so if left alone or protected. With melee heroes quite a bit more if not completely harassed. In reality I am not sure how often that happens but I do know I have the most last hits on my team if not playing support a very large % of the time.
Yeah I was thinking about that recently, what heroes I should play, what I do is wait until late in the day and see what my team needs. I go whatever we don't have. Support, mid, carry etc. But I don't put too much thought into initiation I guess or the other teams line up (since I don't know what counters their line up unless its obvious). Perhaps learning to play gankers/good initiators would be the best way to move up quickly?