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05-28-2013 , 04:02 PM
dont forget about his reposition on stun. also, animation canceling while attacking.
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05-28-2013 , 04:10 PM
i drop dark seer ults so big they freeze the whole game. /dotatrashtalk
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05-28-2013 , 05:52 PM
Saw this post in a thread on joindota about ig's internal problems. Thought it was hilarious.

'From what I've read, Ferrari seems to not be getting along with the team lately. Maybe they all pick on him because he is tiny. I also think it's highly possible that ChuaN tried to eat him as a snack, and that created a rift between them.'
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05-29-2013 , 04:05 PM
any dota fans in vegas for wsop?
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05-29-2013 , 04:14 PM

NAVI! beats Alliance

game 1 of bo3 that is

Last edited by Count Chocula; 05-29-2013 at 04:26 PM.
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05-29-2013 , 06:22 PM
Thrown away by giving up prophet/naix in games 2 and 3. Alliance undefeated in a series since April 13th.
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05-29-2013 , 07:25 PM
I thought navi's draft in game 2 was ok, they took batrider and gave up naix, nothing wrong with that. Their draft in game 3 was awful though, really gave them no chance of winning.
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05-29-2013 , 09:20 PM
i am ready for 6.78 please icefrog. in the mean time, training up my invoker when i can. max wex build ftw!!!
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05-29-2013 , 09:40 PM
Vici is knocked out of the qualifiers. Rattlesnake and LGD are going to Seattle. Most likely LGD will win the bo5 tomorrow vs RS and RS will beat DD in the wild card round in Seattle.
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05-30-2013 , 12:32 AM
yep, most likely. RS was kind of my dark horse pick for the eastern qualifiers, but in the end I still went with 1. LGD 2. VG.

I actually didn't watch their games, I was busy because of memorial day, but kabu has a really good clockwerk.
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05-30-2013 , 01:02 AM
Yeah I thought it would be 1. LGD 2. VG as well. In other news, mousesports and Na'Vi went 1-1 in a series of 2 games.

Surprisingly in the first game Na'Vi played with a stand in for Puppey of all people. His stand in was D3XTR who has a really high score on dotabuff. Interesting to see how a 'high level' pub player seems to struggle in a professional game. He seemed to make a lot of mistakes.

Wow there's a guy called DreamyU on dotabuff with a 85% winrate and he plays a variety of heroes. He also seems to solo stack. Insane.

Last edited by blackchilli; 05-30-2013 at 01:09 AM.
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05-30-2013 , 03:32 AM
I doubt he solos, dotabuff is no longer reliable to see if people solo or not. My db page no longer shows any friends.
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05-30-2013 , 07:56 AM
No wonder my friends are not showing up on my dotabuff page as well. Yeah probably a bug.
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05-30-2013 , 09:08 AM

first glance:

No huge nerfs/buffs.

Echo slam considers illusions as heroes. Armlet drains HP for bear. RP dmg decrease. Couriers mvoe 30% slower with bottle.
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05-30-2013 , 09:41 AM
patch notes:

aa agha's looks amaze. 11sec -> 17sec. 17 sec of that debuff... hard to live. and his base radius for ulti improved.

bloodseeker got da buff! imba hero imo. although still cannot believe his bloodbath doesnt proc on aoe kills and not just kills (for him only, have to avoid ks)
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05-30-2013 , 10:22 AM

patch notes:

bristle has a huge but subtle buff. quill counter from 10 sec to 14.

brood is a good deal stronger. looks like IF wants her back in the meta.

centaur in CM. prepare thy body for centaur TI3.

clinkz strafe cd adjusted. one of my faves but not that big a deal. strafe cd doesnt rly bother me on clinkz.

omgggggg NOOOOOOOO. clockwerk nerfed hard, cogs no longer affect magic immune

loving the CM buffs. dat aura is baller now. surprised no ms change but i love that. keeps the game unique.

wow. cant believe he nerfed ds again. he doesnt feel imba to me. tho its the slightest of nerfs, 22->24 vac cd.

lol didnt know that shallow grave couldnt be cast on magic immune allies before. thats nice. also more heal count, and the brood spiderling buff... dazzle + brood cheese just got scarier.

death prophet nice ms change. lower at start but more % buff. guessing that makes her faster overall lategame, which is scary with dat ult.

weird weird weird disruptor change. i thought his nuke was a timer for glimpse. still can be i suppose but takes more thought.

holy crap there is a skill that disables backtrack now. sad face. doom ult disables that now. also his aghas is crazy now, super unique and not sure how it will play out.

dk got buffed, but minorly. more of a why was it not like this before thing. (can now skill lvl 2 ult @ 11)

drow with the actually needed minor buff of 2% dmg on aura.

es turn rate improved 50%, fissure 1200->1300 range. aghs buffed. very nice changes, makes me want to play es more.

ember spirit in cm. wonder if we'll see him in dota 2 for ti3?

new enigma malefice is sooooo much better. big and necessary buff to bring him back in this mag meta.

wow timbersaw with big stat gain buffs. i already thought he was OP, now i think i will play him a lot this patch.

gyro nerfed yay. flak cannon cd from 20->30. that'll slow his farm a lot.

lolol. huskar is super op now. wow that magic resist on berserkers blood. wow. also he made the most efficient dps spell in game even better. max spears build ftw.

invoker got good buffs. hopefully we see him at ti3 now. tornado is a scary dmg spell now.

oh wow IO with big nerf. overcharge drain from 3.5 to 4.5. that skill kills him so fast, esp if they target you as well.

lol kotl only with subtle nerf. now more killable at lvl 1.

uh lol? kunkka got buffed! playing him a ton now. he is one of my faves and i thought he was already really good.

legion in cm. guess we will see her for ti3 then? exciting.

lich with huge buff, 7 -> 10 ult bounces.

lifestealer now cant help initiate on early ganks with his slow. not that much of a nerf. was hoping for -1 sec rage duration.

omg lina 625 -> 635 atk range. 635 so big! cool buff.

lion mana drain gets even longer wow. i like that tho.

holy crapola. major lone druid change. his bear bounty is now 300 from 100. wow. strategy changes now. great change imo. doesnt nerf too hard, but makes it more viable to play against him. and bye bye armlet bear, u were cool while it lasted.

yes! abaddon 300->310 ms. love this hero.

perfect mag nerf imo. less dmg on ult.

whoa dusa with a really cool change. now u actually turn to stone.

totally esoteric meepo change from 25 base magic resist to 35. weird.

mirana with big buffs! i love this hero. will play more of her too.

oh lord. riptide cd down to 10 sec at all levels. does this mean kotl/naga new meta? pls tell me no.

necro can now disable buy backs. wtf? rofl. i like it. also, pls apply his kill thing to bloodseeker ult + bloodbath.

switching to pc now. too hard to type on phone.
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05-30-2013 , 10:37 AM
The new Int hero has a ridiculously imba ulti. He'll definitely be nerfed before he reaches dota 2.
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05-30-2013 , 10:49 AM
I'm not gonna write a ton more since I just wrote a whole lot. But I will say this: TINY GOT BUFFED!

Toss down 1 second CD (10->9) and you can now toss people to runes, lol wtf? Very cool. Can't wait to play more Tiny nao on new patch.

-Ursa: Fury Swipes duration increased from 6 to 15. Whoa, this is kind of crazy. Actually I don't know how many times this will actually matter, but a pretty big change I'd say... definitely will see him even more in the competitive scene.

-VS: Strength increased from 16 + 2.3 to 18 + 2.6, Nether Swap cast range rescaled from 600/900/1200 to 650/925/1200. Pretty huge changes imo, makes her into one of the best support picks. And possibly could be good as a carry.\

-BKB: now can go down to a 4 second duration (50s cd). I love this change, since I don't really like getting BKB (dunno why, it seems less fun I guess).

-Blademail: Keeps getting buffed every patch!

-Bloodstone: Can now be targeted to kill yourself and provide an insta-heal. Wow. This is awesome.

-Bottle: couriers 30% slower. I like this change a lot, though it's a bit esoteric.

-Dagon: Recipe cost decreased from 1300 to 1250. Actually a pretty exciting change I'd say. Dagon 5 is 250 gold cheaper.

-Dust: Now slows detected heroes by 10% Wow wow wow. Huge nerf for invis heroes. Also dust is stackable.

-Ethereal blade duration increased by 1. This is actually really interesting in the sense that the owner himself is now more vulnerable for a second longer to magic.

-Eul's: Movement speed bonus increased by 5, 30 -> 35. I use this all the time and it's a very good buff imo. Thank you IceFrog, I know you love my playstyle and want to see more of it ^^

Gem of True Sight: Gem can no longer be destroyed, Gold cost increased from 700 to 850. WHOA, this is a big change. I like! The game got better when couriers revived, think it will have the same kind of effect here.

-Kelen's Blink Dagger: Cooldown decreased from 14 to 12
-Linken's Sphere: Cooldown decreased from 20 to 17. Both of these are really cool. Blink to 12 will have a big impact.

Quelling Blade
- Can now target Observer or Sentry wards dealing 100 damage (wards have 200 hp)
- Cast range increased from 100 to 350

Mother of god this is nice. Now we can finally deward as a melee hero.

-Radiance: Burn damage increased from 45 to 50 Subtle but huge change. I suspect this was done because of the Armlet nerf on Lone Druid.

* Deny XP and Bonus XP/Gold AOE is now the same as regular XP AOE (1000->1200) Very impactful and good change. Makes the game more noob friendly but doesn't detract at all.

* Buy back cooldown increased from 5 to 6 minutes Praise Ice lord. Will make the game better to watch imo.

* Backdoor protection now also reduces incoming damage by 25% Furion Nerfed.

* Siege units HP increased from 500 to 550
Now always requires 4 hits from tier 1 towers instead of sometimes 3 and sometimes 4
Another really good change.

* Repicking a randomed hero now re-adds the hero to the pool Yes! Can't believe it wasn't like this before though.
* Swapping a hero that you randomed now costs you 100 gold Whoa. Big change. This makes playing All-Pick mode against stacks more palatable.

Last edited by oldgrandma18k; 05-30-2013 at 11:17 AM.
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05-30-2013 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
The new Int hero has a ridiculously imba ulti. He'll definitely be nerfed before he reaches dota 2.
I like his ult but I'm not sure about the invisible while attacking part. It's a cool doom counter, and I also like that the damage given at end is potentially lethal.
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05-30-2013 , 02:40 PM
added my comments

Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k

brood is a good deal stronger. looks like IF wants her back in the meta.

Those buffs don't fix brood's issues, and we won't see her being picked any more often after this patch. I'd like for her to have an innate way to deal with sentries, such as webs granting truesight while brood is inside them. A faster attack animation would be nice too.

wow. cant believe he nerfed ds again. he doesnt feel imba to me. tho its the slightest of nerfs, 22->24 vac cd.

I also thought that was weird, I think ds was already balanced enough to not need any more changes.

weird weird weird disruptor change. i thought his nuke was a timer for glimpse. still can be i suppose but takes more thought.

It's a buff, as his nuke actually gives vision of the unit while it's active. essential for glimpsing.

holy crap there is a skill that disables backtrack now. sad face. doom ult disables that now. also his aghas is crazy now, super unique and not sure how it will play out.

His aghs upgrade is crazy, it literally does take 1 hero out of the fight completely now. But it won't be so easy as to just doom and now that hero is dead, the timer will resume once doom dies or is forced to run from the fight. Still I like the upgrade, and I think it makes aghs refresher a viable build on doom.

dk got buffed, but minorly. more of a why was it not like this before thing. (can now skill lvl 2 ult @ 11)

reminds me of when his lvl 3 ult had no splash, and I had to keep his ult at lvl 2 and get skadi for the same effect. This change is long overdue.

gyro nerfed yay. flak cannon cd from 20->30. that'll slow his farm a lot.

ouch, this nerf is brutal. Really rough nerf, hurts him so much in every stage of the game. I think this alone might drop gyro down to a situational pick.

lolol. huskar is super op now. wow that magic resist on berserkers blood. wow. also he made the most efficient dps spell in game even better. max spears build ftw.

Huskar is quite a bit better now. But it should be mentioned that even with a bkb, huskar was still not a good hero. Now you wouldn't really build bkb, instead you would only need an armlet. So you die to stuns again instead of burst damage. A much better pub hero, but I don't see how it affects competitive play.

holy crapola. major lone druid change. his bear bounty is now 300 from 100. wow. strategy changes now. great change imo. doesnt nerf too hard, but makes it more viable to play against him. and bye bye armlet bear, u were cool while it lasted.

The armlet nerf/fix was obvious, but the bounty increase surprised me. I don't really think it changes his pick frequency, but players have to be more careful about not letting him die early.

perfect mag nerf imo. less dmg on ult.

strangely enough, I think he's been overnerfed. 50 damage on lvl 1 ult? We're approaching overgrowth territory with that.

oh lord. riptide cd down to 10 sec at all levels. does this mean kotl/naga new meta? pls tell me no.

This is actually just reverting the previous nerf. The other 2 nerfs I can remember is the giant reduction in base dmg which I wouldn't mind also being partially reverted, and the fix to vacuuming sleeping units which needs to remain of course.

necro can now disable buy backs. wtf? rofl. i like it. also, pls apply his kill thing to bloodseeker ult + bloodbath.

unique and interesting change, I like it because it's kind of crazy.
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
I'm not gonna write a ton more since I just wrote a whole lot. But I will say this: TINY GOT BUFFED!

Toss down 1 second CD (10->9) and you can now toss people to runes, lol wtf? Very cool. Can't wait to play more Tiny nao on new patch.

this buff is hilarious.

-Ursa: Fury Swipes duration increased from 6 to 15. Whoa, this is kind of crazy. Actually I don't know how many times this will actually matter, but a pretty big change I'd say... definitely will see him even more in the competitive scene.

I disagree. He tends to either instantly kill targets or get kited forever, I can't see how extended fury swipes duration changes anything.

-VS: Strength increased from 16 + 2.3 to 18 + 2.6, Nether Swap cast range rescaled from 600/900/1200 to 650/925/1200. Pretty huge changes imo, makes her into one of the best support picks. And possibly could be good as a carry.\

The str gain increase is really nice. And of course she can't be a carry, she's always been a support that had some physical dmg output, which is an important role to fill in some games. Her ult can also break lasso.

-Bottle: couriers 30% slower. I like this change a lot, though it's a bit esoteric.

woefully esoteric! But no really, I don't think it's enough. I was looking forward to something like bottle only gets 2/3 charges if refilled via courier.

-Radiance: Burn damage increased from 45 to 50[/B] Subtle but huge change. I suspect this was done because of the Armlet nerf on Lone Druid.

It had an old (original?) value of about 60 or maybe 65. It was only 40 a couple of versions ago. It's been buffed again because no one ever buys radiance on any hero, I barely even see it on spectre anymore. Radiance just isn't a good item right now, it has nothing to do with sylla armlet.

* Siege units HP increased from 500 to 550
Now always requires 4 hits from tier 1 towers instead of sometimes 3 and sometimes 4
Another really good change.

I don't like this change, makes last hitting them under your towers harder I think.

* Swapping a hero that you randomed now costs you 100 gold
Whoa. Big change. This makes playing All-Pick mode against stacks more palatable.

totally unexpected change, not sure how I feel about it yet.

Last edited by Count Chocula; 05-30-2013 at 03:06 PM.
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05-30-2013 , 03:12 PM
The biggest changes have not been mentioned yet.

Captain's Mode bans changed from 2/3 to 2/2/1
Captain's Mode picks changed from 3/2 to 2/2/1
The older CM was bans 3-2
Hero getting last hit on tower gives 100-200 bonus gold. Does not affect team bounty in any way
This is good, because before it was best to let creeps take the tower kill so that your team got the most total gold from it. You only let a hero last hit it if it was a carry that really needed the immediate gold. now, you always should try to last hit towers.

one very needed change that we did not get was to fix the -armor abuse on roshan. Roshan drops so ridiculously fast with -armor debuffs that it takes only a few seconds to kill him late game. In general, late game roshan kills are just too fast and don't give the other team any time to trade. This also results in more of a dire side advantage than there should be.

* Fixed Ancients not having backdoor protection
huge "bug" that actually ruined a couple of pro games. Although I hope this means what it should mean, and not what I'm reading it to mean. That is, in dota 2 the throne has backdoor protection when it is not supposed to (it doesn't have bd prot in dota 1). I can't really tell whether it has it now or doesn't.

since this is a dota 1 changelog, I think that there is now bd protection for the throne in both dota 1 & 2. As long as there is consistency I suppose.

Last edited by Count Chocula; 05-30-2013 at 03:28 PM.
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05-30-2013 , 03:54 PM
Ya I have no idea how the CM mode affects things. Hardly ever play it, only watch. Someone on reddit mentioned the first pick team also gets last pick....

Also very happy about tower gold change. I had no idea it was better to let creeps take, lol.
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05-30-2013 , 04:18 PM
so i'm playing a lan with friends and we're playing dota2

i've never played it before but i've played dota1 and LoL a lot. they haven't, so to balance i generally get stuck in a 3v4 team i have to carry

so, what are the best heroes to take to exploit my mechanics&farm advantage?
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05-30-2013 , 04:43 PM
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05-30-2013 , 04:51 PM
I think the siege unit health increase actually makes it a lot easier to last hit under tower. It will always have ~40-60 hp (don't know exact range on tower damage) left after the 4th tower shot, instead of sometimes having 10hp and sometimes being dead, so it makes it a lot less reliant on luck.

Captain's mode change looks interesting but I don't think it will actually change much.

Bloodseeker change means he could become a situational pick vs melee carries who have/build magic immunity, I still don't think he'll be strong enough to be picked outside of that.

CM change makes her a viable support in a lot more lineups now, aura very strong as a 1 point wonder.

I feel like the nerf to naix isn't enough to take him out of first-ban status, especially with the nerf to bkb making rage stronger comparatively.

Druid obviously nerfed with armlet change and bounty increase is interesting, makes not letting the bear be killed early a big deal. Could be a big nerf to offlane druids trying to pull creeps.

AC change seems really strong - vlads + AC combo is a not insignificant buff to heroes like naix and druid.

Love the bloodstone change. If it is instant cast and denies yourself it seems really strong.
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