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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

05-13-2008 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I don't really understand why do you want to run low level instances so badly to the point you are going to reroll on a different server?
No doubt, the higher level you get, the more spells and talents you get, if an assortment is really what you're after.
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05-13-2008 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Why not roll on Cairne (alliance) with me? Eh? Eh?
I'll check it out.

Well, let me say this:

I spend like 2 hours a day (when I play) trying to find a group for lvl 30-40 instances on my current server. Most of the low level zones are empty. When I do the /who thing, I see that the high zones, are pretty active though.

So I guess it is a question weather or not I want to be a 70. Well, I don't really want to be a 70 ATM, b/c I know if I reach a high level, I will spend a ton of time playing the game. I think I would enjoy having like 5 characters in their lvl 29-49 range more (to play BGs with).

Battle grounds is prolly the most enjoyable thing about the game (after running instances). I'm way more of a hobby player. I don't play this game regularly.
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05-13-2008 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by john voight
well, looks like I am gonna start an alt on a new server.
mainly I realized my server = all 70's and so there is not much action in lower level instances, etc...

Spine Breaker = ill be on horde side.

Well I'v played a lock (my main) up to 35 (im gunna stay at 39, and play BGs)
And I really like casters.
So what should I roll?

Priest, Mage, Druid, Shammy?
I like DoTs
I like + spell damage
Healing might seem cool. But having a ton of spells in my arsenal is the key. I dont wanna just click 1 button.

My lock is so fun b/c there's just a ton of options I face when attacking. I would like to have the same w/ my next character.

Any advice?
Shadow priest maybe? Druid after that maybe.
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05-13-2008 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by john voight
I'll check it out.

Well, let me say this:

I spend like 2 hours a day (when I play) trying to find a group for lvl 30-40 instances on my current server. Most of the low level zones are empty. When I do the /who thing, I see that the high zones, are pretty active though.

So I guess it is a question weather or not I want to be a 70. Well, I don't really want to be a 70 ATM, b/c I know if I reach a high level, I will spend a ton of time playing the game. I think I would enjoy having like 5 characters in their lvl 29-49 range more (to play BGs with).

Battle grounds is prolly the most enjoyable thing about the game (after running instances). I'm way more of a hobby player. I don't play this game regularly.
I'm sorry to say that I think you'll find getting a group for any instance sub-60 equally as daunting a task, regardless of the server. And thanks to twinks, doing bgs is little more than a game of Who Has The Most Twinks.

If that's what you prefer, I suggest getting at least 1 toon to 70 so that you can farm dailies for money if you want to twink out a character. No need to instance or get uber gear on the 70, though you may find instances a bit more palatable once you reach outland.. No more 3 hours spent digging around mara or st. Imo, the biggest, and possibly only improvement TBC has to offer is shorter instances. While they are fun, I do like them to occasionally end. (And of course, I <3 Gruuls - so short it reminds me of a quick ony pug)

Or just buy gold, if you haven't already. 20 bucks should get you about enough to twink out at least 1 toon pretty strongly.
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05-14-2008 , 06:06 PM
wheres a good place for a lvl 21 horde to grind. the barrens is pretty much petered out now, and stonetalon hills to the west of that doesnt have many quests.
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05-14-2008 , 06:11 PM
by grind i mean level by questing basically
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05-14-2008 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by SaulPaul
wheres a good place for a lvl 21 horde to grind. the barrens is pretty much petered out now, and stonetalon hills to the west of that doesnt have many quests.
at 21 you should go hit up Ashenvale. There are a pretty good series of quests there. If you follow the path from the main horde post(i forget it's name, something with an S) all the way to the left/west you'll find this little outpost by the water. there are some really good quests there too. after that go south of the barrens into 1k needles and do all those quests. that should get you to 30.

type in 'Jame's Horde' in google and read his leveling guide. it's pretty good imo and gives you a general idea of where you should be.
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05-14-2008 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
If you follow the path from the main horde post(i forget it's name, something with an S) all the way to the left/west you'll find this little outpost by the water.
Sort of northwestish, but it's called Zoram Strand, which has the Blackfathom Depths instance. Dunno the outpost name.

(Just opened WoW - It's Splinter tree post and Zoram'gar Outpost, respectively)

I am glad to report that I've only played for about 15 minutes over the last 3 days. I worked my butt of, got a sweet new epic gun, made lots of gold and ammo, got exalted with a few rep grinds, got some new pvp gear and.. stopped playing.

It's a very love/hate relationship with this game.
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05-15-2008 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by SaulPaul
wheres a good place for a lvl 21 horde to grind. the barrens is pretty much petered out now, and stonetalon hills to the west of that doesnt have many quests.
google 'jaime's levelling guide for horde' or something similar
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05-15-2008 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by SaulPaul
wheres a good place for a lvl 21 horde to grind. the barrens is pretty much petered out now, and stonetalon hills to the west of that doesnt have many quests.
What class are you? Some of the classes have other (more efficient) ways to level than following the questing guides. For example, mages can AoE grind and paladins can do something similar.
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05-15-2008 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dazarath
What class are you? Some of the classes have other (more efficient) ways to level than following the questing guides. For example, mages can AoE grind and paladins can do something similar.
Yeah.. sort of. But they can't really do that until the 40's or so, and only for limited periods/on certain mobs, iirc.
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05-15-2008 , 03:17 PM
I don't know much about the paladin strat, but I know AoE grinding with mages is extremely efficient (from experience) if you do it correctly. Here's a guide for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.
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05-15-2008 , 04:12 PM
hmmm does 2+2 have a guild?
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05-15-2008 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bagonirix
hmmm does 2+2 have a guild?
I am going to just assume this is a grunch.
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05-15-2008 , 04:58 PM
I think we're all too spread out across different servers to have a guild.

As for pally aoe grinding, it's gonna be consecrate. Other specifics, I don't know.
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05-15-2008 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dazarath
What class are you? Some of the classes have other (more efficient) ways to level than following the questing guides. For example, mages can AoE grind and paladins can do something similar.
If someone has to ask where to level they probably arent skilled enough to aoe grind.
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05-15-2008 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Sort of northwestish, but it's called Zoram Strand, which has the Blackfathom Depths instance. Dunno the outpost name.

(Just opened WoW - It's Splinter tree post and Zoram'gar Outpost, respectively)

I am glad to report that I've only played for about 15 minutes over the last 3 days. I worked my butt of, got a sweet new epic gun, made lots of gold and ammo, got exalted with a few rep grinds, got some new pvp gear and.. stopped playing.

It's a very love/hate relationship with this game.
ya that's right.

i just put my druid up for sale yesterday on that site you told me about. got one person wanting to "rent" my account for $8 a day and one dude who sounded legit so we'll see what happens. i asked for $275 but said it was negotiable cuz i'm only really looking for $200
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05-15-2008 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
ya that's right.

i just put my druid up for sale yesterday on that site you told me about. got one person wanting to "rent" my account for $8 a day and one dude who sounded legit so we'll see what happens. i asked for $275 but said it was negotiable cuz i'm only really looking for $200

Last edited by Low Key; 05-15-2008 at 05:50 PM. Reason: gl on the sale, druids are still hot right now for arena heals iirc
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05-19-2008 , 12:06 AM
I will say that I dislike how blizz requires two accounts to have the same last name to do an account to account transfer, but I love how their cash-whorish ways let you pay for a transfer with a credit card that doesn't match the account holder's name.

Also, I now own 5 accounts in all.. Oy.
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05-20-2008 , 02:04 AM
Been playing a horde shaman with my friend from high school. I have no idea wtf this class does. I guess I have to do quests for totems? Sounds annoying.
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05-20-2008 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Been playing a horde shaman with my friend from high school. I have no idea wtf this class does. I guess I have to do quests for totems? Sounds annoying.
Pretty much. And they have something on the order of 10,000 different totems to choose from, so, good luck finding what you need in a pinch.

Playing this warrior has really given me insight as to why you only see really good warriors and really bad warriors. They are easily the most complicated class to play in the game.

If you want to be half decent, you have to learn and type out a **** ton of macros for a variety of sitations. Complicated ones, too! And the stance dance?! Way worse than I thought it would be when I first heard about it.

I would go so far as to say you cannot competitively play this class without at least a decent amount of macros/a solid understanding of when to use them, etc.

Like, I could read over a rogue's skills and talents and get some kills, no problem. Same for.. pretty much every other class. (Of the ones I've played [at 70]: priest, rogue, druid, warlock, hunter, and somewhat mage & pally. Yes, shaman is the only one I really don't have a solid understanding of.)
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05-20-2008 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
If you want to be half decent, you have to learn and type out a **** ton of macros for a variety of sitations. Complicated ones, too! And the stance dance?! Way worse than I thought it would be when I first heard about it.
You don't have to write a single macro. There are thousands of people who have played a 70 warrior and have already wrote every single macro you could probably ever think of from my experience. That is the official blizzard UI & Macros forum if you haven't seen it before, lots of good information and if you are a macro noob (which it doesn't sound like you are, but others reading this might be) you can post questions and even request macros to be made, etc (read the FAQs ldo) Is sort of a FAQ, I'm assuming a lot of the info here bleeds over from the FAQs on the UI & Macros forum is a good source for PvP macros, they also have a pretty solid arena PvP forum.
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05-21-2008 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
You don't have to write a single macro. There are thousands of people who have played a 70 warrior and have already wrote every single macro you could probably ever think of from my experience. That is the official blizzard UI & Macros forum if you haven't seen it before, lots of good information and if you are a macro noob (which it doesn't sound like you are, but others reading this might be) you can post questions and even request macros to be made, etc (read the FAQs ldo) Is sort of a FAQ, I'm assuming a lot of the info here bleeds over from the FAQs on the UI & Macros forum is a good source for PvP macros, they also have a pretty solid arena PvP forum.
I had not seen that arena junkies one, that's awesome, ty.

I know you can just copy and paste the macros, but it's still a lot of work figuring out which apply for what you want to do.

I'm just sayin', it's a hell of a lot more work than Stealth > Cheap Shot > SS > SS > Kidney Shot > SS > SS> Evis > and so on.
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05-21-2008 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I know you can just copy and paste the macros, but it's still a lot of work figuring out which apply for what you want to do.

I'm just sayin', it's a hell of a lot more work than Stealth > Cheap Shot > SS > SS > Kidney Shot > SS > SS> Evis > and so on.
Ahh yes I can understand that for sure. I had fun as a ret pally using SoC+Judge, too bad 95% of my play @ 70 was holy. Healing is such easy mode imo. You just stare at boxes and press FoL, FoL, BoF, Cleanse, when appropriate.

I don't even play anymore though, why the hell do I keep checking this thread though lol.
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05-21-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Ahh yes I can understand that for sure. I had fun as a ret pally using SoC+Judge, too bad 95% of my play @ 70 was holy. Healing is such easy mode imo. You just stare at boxes and press FoL, FoL, BoF, Cleanse, when appropriate.

I don't even play anymore though, why the hell do I keep checking this thread though lol.
Don't get back into it iyam. I calculated tonight how much I spent buying 3 accounts over the last few months, plus the cost to transfer them to fresh accounts, it was when I got over $500 that I decided to stop keeping track for fear of breaking down in tears.
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