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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

11-21-2009 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Shift+M show you the BG map. If you can't figure out what is going on after looking at the map, then stop queueing up for that BG.
Great, thanks for the helpful advice...
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11-21-2009 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Moozh
Great, thanks for the helpful advice...
Seriously? You don't understand the objectives of the BG? I really don't get it.
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11-21-2009 , 01:48 AM
So, since I don't want to read through 3000+ posts, is there a server that 2+2 members tend to play on, or possibly even a 2+2 guild? I'm feeling my old addiction calling to me but none of my friends play anymore.
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11-21-2009 , 01:57 AM
Ran around some more, got a bunch of kills this time. Stayed with the group and tried to dot from the back. Worked pretty well. I still have no idea about the strategy of the secondary objectives. Oh well, it was a lot of fun!
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11-21-2009 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by baumer
I got my rusted proto-drake (Uld 10m hards) a while back. Our guild/group only ever got yogg+1 down once, so only 10 of us have drakes.

We went in last night to kill one light for the other scrubs, and we wiped like 10 times. Like, this achievement shouldn't even be hard in 226-232 gear, but we had an average gear level of 245 and still got owned because people are ****ing lazy and forgot the encounter or didn't bother trying too hard.

I was very disappointed in everyone who came with. It was just mindboggling seeing a feral druid die to curse of doom inside the brain room, or watching a moonkin die in a constrictor because they didn't know you could cast heals.

You still have to do your jobs on all the hard modes, and I guarantee the harder 25m fights are still a bitch even for the better guilds.
Only fight that requires focus is Yogg0 for good guilds. The rest is so easy because of gear differences now.

To the guy that wanted lock advice: Locks are probably THE worst class in the game to BG with if you don't have gear yet, because anything will 3shot you.

And to the prick that said AV is easy: it took me about 5 AV's before I had a clue what was going on in that BG, it is not logical at all if you are used to playing AB/EOTS.

What you should do in AV: first, everyone goes just past the middle to kill a small boss from the other faction. This is pretty easy and takes away 100 reinforcements. Than, take the first two horde towers and post 5-6 guys there for defense. They just sit in that tower until the tower burns. Everyone else runs to drek, caps and guards the tower/graveyard there.

I recommend not defending because if you start defending you get a looooooooong game. It is usually better to lose within 10 mins and queue again for the next try than sitting in a 1 hour battle.
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11-21-2009 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
And to the prick that said AV is easy: it took me about 5 AV's before I had a clue what was going on in that BG, it is not logical at all if you are used to playing AB/EOTS.
I've always had good luck just following everyone else around and doing what they do. This works fairly well in any bg imo
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11-21-2009 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Only fight that requires focus is Yogg0 for good guilds. The rest is so easy because of gear differences now.
Yogg0 isn't required for the drake though. I guess a guild could sell Mimiron's Head mount as well and in that case, for sure it would cost a hell of a lot because you would actually be taking it from someone.

I wonder how much you could sell the horse from 10-man Insanity for in coliseum? I'm almost certain that would be pretty easy to 9-man given how complete joke it is as 10-man. There isnt really a fight where the extra guy could wipe you except maybe Valkyrs if he ran around taking wrong balls next to someone
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11-21-2009 , 06:16 AM
Players below level 10 may not join raids.
So much for hogger raids = /
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11-21-2009 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by aK13
I've also toyed with the idea of offering a leveling service for a very small fee, but I'd be doing it to play with a friend and so the server/faction would be somewhat inflexible. If any of you want a char on Maelstrom-US though, let me know
Still considering this?

Send me an email.
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11-21-2009 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Seriously? You don't understand the objectives of the BG? I really don't get it.
Haha. That place is WAYYYYYY easier to understand now.

I miss all the wyverns / batriders, and "DONT PULL THE DRUIDS" and Lok'holar the Ice Lord or w/e his name is and all the random lieutenants/commanders wandering everywhere. God I sorta miss those 24 hour AV games.
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11-21-2009 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by aK13
I miss all the wyverns / batriders, and "DONT PULL THE DRUIDS" and Lok'holar the Ice Lord or w/e his name is and all the random lieutenants/commanders wandering everywhere. God I sorta miss those 4 day AV games.
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11-21-2009 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by aK13
Haha. That place is WAYYYYYY easier to understand now.

I miss all the wyverns / batriders, and "DONT PULL THE DRUIDS" and Lok'holar the Ice Lord or w/e his name is and all the random lieutenants/commanders wandering everywhere. God I sorta miss those 24 hour AV games.
BTW, I wasn't trying to be a dick, I was just drunk last night.

Last night when I was running AV, I actually got the druids to come out. They proceeded to get stomped by the horde front line. They just aren't as useful as they used to be.
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11-21-2009 , 08:29 PM
Do you remember when you handed in enough Alterac Rams and Wolf Harnesses you used to be able to get a bunch of dwarf npc on rams that ran around owning ppl? Sadly they always got kited off to the horde start area but it was funny as hell before that.
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11-22-2009 , 04:46 AM
We did a togc10 altrun, but it was frustrating as hell. We had a **** setup (4 pala,2 mage, 2 priests, boomkin, DK tank) and people were failing on jarax/champs. We got to anub with 45 tries left (1 wipe on 1st boss, 2 on second, 2 on third). We had complete **** dps and our MT was being a ****** so 5 tries later we called it.

I seriously don't understand how people can be so bad. I am a casual in the guild so it can be expected from me to fail on stuff (I didn't). However, for a raider that usually raids 4/5 times per week, how can u fail on kiting anub, interrupting shadow crashes etc?

people are ****.
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11-24-2009 , 03:56 PM
I'm a WOW newb. Just started my first character, a level 22 Orc Hunter. Anyone have any basic tips/suggestions for my race? Where's a good place to level quickly in my 20's? Any other general tips for a newb?
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11-24-2009 , 04:01 PM
Here ya go dude. Read this one first and get the addons it recommends as they will be invaluable for you to level quickly.

Once you have all that, here is a simple step-by-step guide to leveling up.
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11-24-2009 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by slownpainful
I'm a WOW newb. Just started my first character, a level 22 Orc Hunter. Anyone have any basic tips/suggestions for my race? Where's a good place to level quickly in my 20's? Any other general tips for a newb?
I also recommend you to restart the game and pick another class. Hunters are boring in PVE, hard to play/underpowered in PVE and have a bad rep (because many 15 year olds pick the cool hunter as their class and acts like tards).
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11-24-2009 , 05:34 PM
wat? Hunters are AMAZING in PvP.

You also do quality DPS in raids. Randiek, didn't you start a mage? Talk about boring in PvE. My rotation consists of mousewheel down x 3, then mousewheel up. Rinse and repeat till boss is dead. Then watch everyone bitch about OP mages when my DPS is 20% higher than the number 2 guy.

I did 7300 on Koralon last night. #2 was a druid at 5700.

Edit: 5 of my 16 gear slots have Naxx gear in them. gg mages.
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11-24-2009 , 07:27 PM
If you started a hunter, stick with it, they're a fun class. I have an 80 hunter and if I had to choose to level another class, it would be a hunter again.

A few pieces of advice:

1) most of the abilities that you get while levelling have a purpose, learn to use them all.
2) learn a little bit about aggro. Once you get a pet with your hunter, you always wants npcs to focus on it and not you.
3) learn to "kite" as a hunter. When you run out of ways to keep a mob's focus on your pet, you need to find a way to maintain distance from the mob while still attacking it with your ranged weapon.

4) Level level level. I know wow is a big game, and there are lots of low level dungeons and stuff to experience, but no one is running that content anymore. Most of the people playing this game are 80. This game starts at 80. Don't let anyone prevent you from levelling. Get some of the addons from that link posted above ( and start levelling fast. (The guy that wrote that add-on is a pro when it comes to levelling, quest your butt off) If you make a friend while doing a quest and suddenly they want you to travel halfway across azeroth to do a quest that you've already done, send them packing. You can be friends with them again when they've reached 80 a month after you have.

that's all for now.

oh, and learn to use keybinds instead of clicking abilities, it'll go a long way towards your enjoyment of the game. Keep your pet on Passive at all times and learn when to send him in/take him out of combat.
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11-24-2009 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
I also recommend you to restart the game and pick another class. Hunters are boring in PVE, hard to play/underpowered in PVE and have a bad rep (because many 15 year olds pick the cool hunter as their class and acts like tards).
Hunters don't have a bad rep anymore, DKs do. And it's WoW, there's lots of tards playing every class. I don't think any one really stands out.
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11-24-2009 , 09:17 PM
I logged into Mal'Ganis horde and watched the trade channel for about 30 minutes. Every time I do this, it's absolutely insane. There are 25-man ToC pugs always running, there are hard-mode pugs running - trade chat is incredibly active. Coming from an RP server, I feel like a country boy who just walked into Times Square.

I like this, but I don't play Horde. Is there an alliance version of a central hub of activity? I looked around WoWProgress, and I picked the servers that had the most number of alliance guilds in hard modes.. (Lightbringer, Proudmoore, Korgath(?)), and it wasn't anywhere near as close.

Is there a totally awesome alliance server like Mal'Ganis horde, or should I just suck it up and transfer AND faction change my toons?
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11-25-2009 , 03:51 AM
I love my hunter. I'm always in the top 3 in DPS and with MM spec, my rotation is far greater then just hitting 3 buttons.
I've played a Orc Hunter since BC and there's no class I enjoy more day to day and I've played just about everything.
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11-25-2009 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by LFO
I logged into Mal'Ganis horde and watched the trade channel for about 30 minutes. Every time I do this, it's absolutely insane. There are 25-man ToC pugs always running, there are hard-mode pugs running - trade chat is incredibly active. Coming from an RP server, I feel like a country boy who just walked into Times Square.

I like this, but I don't play Horde. Is there an alliance version of a central hub of activity? I looked around WoWProgress, and I picked the servers that had the most number of alliance guilds in hard modes.. (Lightbringer, Proudmoore, Korgath(?)), and it wasn't anywhere near as close.

Is there a totally awesome alliance server like Mal'Ganis horde, or should I just suck it up and transfer AND faction change my toons?
I think all big servers have this. On sylvanas the only thing that isn't pugged is TOGC25, for obvious reasons. I never really pay attention to it but I think there are 5-10 TOC25 pugs per night and an equal amount of TOGC10s. Plus, every 10 mins a TOC10.

However, PUGs blow and I only join them if I have absolutely nothing to do.
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11-25-2009 , 05:13 PM
Too bad you're EU, or else I'd ask you to look at Mal'Ganis. I've never seen a server so active. I just logged in (3pm wednesday, holiday week) and watched trade channel for exactly 60 seconds. I saw:


I've never seen a server where the alliance is like that. Yeah, pugs suck, but I'm using this as a barometer for the rest of the server. The network effects are huge. It works like big cities - the best place to live is where everyone else lives.

I just don't want to pay 25+30 bucks for multiple characters, such a racket :/
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11-25-2009 , 05:42 PM
Don't know if this has been out there, found it interesting:


The complaint against Activision Blizzard accuses the company of "sneaky and deceitful practices" for making players level up before they can buy a mount. The slow pre-mounted movement supposedly extends subscription revenue by making it take longer to do things in the game. The lawsuit asks for $1 million and a court order to make Blizzard change WoW to be more to his liking.
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