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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

05-01-2009 , 03:58 AM
i'm offering my orphan at 5g/half-hour in any inn, no questions asked. no takers so far
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05-01-2009 , 04:07 AM
****, is it orphan week already?
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05-01-2009 , 05:31 AM
Yeah, and some of the achievements are broken. Home Alone seems to randomly register. The daily quest one is not registering yet, but people are theorizing that it'll work after dailies reset today.

oh and don't worry about waiting to turn in the orphan quests until you have all the achievements, you can talk to the questgiver and get another orphan for the rest of the week after you complete the quest.
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05-01-2009 , 06:02 AM
I'm on a downswong for WoW aorn. Probably not going to play much for a while. Trying to sell a few accounts off, actually.
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05-01-2009 , 01:07 PM
I hate orphan week.
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05-01-2009 , 01:09 PM
i like to stand next to people's orphans and


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05-01-2009 , 08:17 PM
I got the 4 pvp achievements in 6 hours of doing them. I got very lucky though and did all but WSG in the first BG of each I attempted.
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05-02-2009 , 06:17 AM
ehh 'the 4 pvp achievements'. What does that mean.

I did some ulduar yesterday. Group was really undergeared, we downed flame lev, razorscale, deconstructor, kologarn, auriaya. Hodir kept wiping us with the stupid ability that does crazy AOE, and we didn't have enough dps to kill the big guy on iron council before he fusion punched our MT into oblivion.
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05-02-2009 , 06:36 AM
One of the achievements require for the Children's Week title involves doing something somewhat difficult in each of four battlegrounds with your orphan out. Cap a tower in AV, Capture the flag in EOTS, return the flag in WSG, and capture a node in AB.
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05-02-2009 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
One of the achievements require for the Children's Week title involves doing something somewhat difficult in each of four battlegrounds with your orphan out. Cap a tower in AV, Capture the flag in EOTS, return the flag in WSG, and capture a node in AB.
Yes, sorry it was the 4 BG requirements for Children's Week
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05-02-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
ehh 'the 4 pvp achievements'. What does that mean.

I did some ulduar yesterday. Group was really undergeared, we downed flame lev, razorscale, deconstructor, kologarn, auriaya. Hodir kept wiping us with the stupid ability that does crazy AOE, and we didn't have enough dps to kill the big guy on iron council before he fusion punched our MT into oblivion.
sounds like a healer fail or a tank fail on iron council.
were people in all blues?
was this 10man or 25man?

children's week sucks, but i finished quickly.
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05-03-2009 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by baumer
children's week sucks, but i finished quickly.
Downside of having 3 80s, I ain't doin' that **** on 3 ****ing toons, goddamn!

I kind of expect blizz at some point to make certain things carry across multiple toons. Like if you get exalted with one toon, you are on the rest as well. Or if you have max first aid, you do on all toons.
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05-03-2009 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Downside of having 3 80s, I ain't doin' that **** on 3 ****ing toons, goddamn!

I kind of expect blizz at some point to make certain things carry across multiple toons. Like if you get exalted with one toon, you are on the rest as well. Or if you have max first aid, you do on all toons.
I would bet against this? Just can't see any reasons why they'd ever implement something that makes next to no sense.
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05-03-2009 , 03:03 AM
I can't agree with that LK. If Blizzard started spreading achievements across every toon it would cheapen everything even more.

IMO, you should only have one achievement whore character. Your main character should be your focus, the one who has cool titles and mounts. If you choose to grab 200+ easter eggs with all your characters that is your choice but I would hate if everyone who did the Noble or Patron titles had all their alts with the titles as well.

It's going to be weird when everyone gets their violet proto-drakes. It will be so common because any casual player can get it with enough time invested, and it will be their only 310% speed mount so they will use it exclusively.

Imagine everyone's 80 alts getting proto-drakes if they did the meta-achievement? Lame.

If they start granting things like that it will be a slippery slope and they will inevitably cave to all the whining.
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05-03-2009 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
I would bet against this? Just can't see any reasons why they'd ever implement something that makes next to no sense.
Death knights starting at 55, lower xp to level, 10% increased XP shoulders, killing off twinks..

Do I need to go on?

Originally Posted by baumer
If they start granting things like that it will be a slippery slope and they will inevitably cave to all the whining.
Death knights starting at 55, lower xp to level, 10% increased XP shoulders, killing off twinks..

Do I need to go on?
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05-03-2009 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Death knights starting at 55, lower xp to level, 10% increased XP shoulders, killing off twinks..

Do I need to go on?

Death knights starting at 55, lower xp to level, 10% increased XP shoulders, killing off twinks..

Do I need to go on?
Ehm. Lower xp to level makes sense since they want you to take X time from 1-max level. If they add 10 levels to the cap, they have to decrease the previous leveling time.

10% xp shoulders are to help people level alts. Those people don't like leveling anymore, because that is generally only fun once or max twice.

Twinks are stupid and it is great that they killed them, so that normal people can enjoy battlegrounds while leveling.

DKs. Well... Hero class.
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05-03-2009 , 12:32 PM
How crappy would it be if once you leveled to cap, you could create any class at level 55? It would suck, not only because everyone would have every flavour of the month, but because everyone would have a character with every trade skill maxed as well.

I can say with confidence Blizzard will never give account-wide achievement credit for any achievement worth points. They will also not give out characters other than DKs and future-hero classes at level 55 or above.

All your examples of Blizzard caving have nothing to do with handing things over on a silver platter, but to adjusting the leveling grind as it changes with level cap.

Twinks were always ****ing stupid.
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05-03-2009 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Witzo
I got the 4 pvp achievements in 6 hours of doing them. I got very lucky though and did all but WSG in the first BG of each I attempted.
lol 6 hrs

the hardest one was the AV one, I got to the first tower first 3 times in a row, only to be shot at by the damn archers
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05-03-2009 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Death knights starting at 55, lower xp to level, 10% increased XP shoulders, killing off twinks..

Do I need to go on?

Death knights starting at 55, lower xp to level, 10% increased XP shoulders, killing off twinks..

Do I need to go on?
Absolutely you need to go on because the death knight thing is irrelevant. Yes, it makes the game easy to play for new players but it doesn't give an advantage to dorky poopsockers who need to get everything dumb achievement like /spanking your orphan or something.
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05-03-2009 , 01:22 PM
I personally think the DK set the precedent where I feel like any alt should start at 55 now once you have a level 70 or 80. I personally have 0 interest in playing a DK but would like to roll a different alt but don't have the desire to start them at level 1.
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05-03-2009 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Witzo
I personally think the DK set the precedent where I feel like any alt should start at 55 now once you have a level 70 or 80. I personally have 0 interest in playing a DK but would like to roll a different alt but don't have the desire to start them at level 1.
Yep. Before the release I remember reading somewhere that DKs started at 55. I thought to myself; awesome! finally I can level some alts!
...Only to realize at release that blizzard randomly didn't allow you to make other characters at 55.

The alt professions are really annoying. My rogue has JC/enchanting. I need enchanting to make money, and JC is just the best profession. However, engineering would be really nice to have.

I can't really drop enchanting as it would force me to grind dailies. the horror!
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05-03-2009 , 05:18 PM
They want your choice of class to be an important one. It is a commitment and would be cheap and annoying if everyone started a character at level 55.

I'm not even a big fan of DKs starting at level 55 but I don't think anyone really likes it. So many bad DPS DKs that can't tank at all.

My biggest gripe in WoW is people with versatile classes who don't even put effort into being useful.

"Ya, I only DPS. I have no tank gear enchanted or gemmed." -DK/Warrior
"I'm strictly an enhance/elemental shammy, I refuse to respec." -Useless Shammy
"I only play Retribution." -Worst player in game.
"My druid is like, the best moonkin evar." -Ur terrible

How many times have you guys needed a healer or a tank and there is one of these nubs in your raid and you feel like strangling them?
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05-03-2009 , 09:34 PM
Thats why I played a rogue, with all its versatility

More DPS.
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05-03-2009 , 09:59 PM
"Ya, I only DPS. I have no tank gear enchanted or gemmed." -DK/Warrior
"I'm strictly an enhance/elemental shammy, I refuse to respec." -Useless Shammy
This is fine. No one should be forced into roles they don't want to play.

Last edited by stabn; 05-03-2009 at 10:14 PM. Reason: dk/war/druids esp don't need tank sets if they suck at it.
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05-04-2009 , 12:43 AM
From reading this thread it sounds like a few of you have experience selling accounts.

I'm tiring of Blizz ****ing with Ret, and tired of seeing myself at the bottom of recount at nearly every single target boss fight. What sites are held in best regard for buying selling characters/accounts. What do you think I could get for my character?

80 Blood Elf Paladin
Dual Spec'd & Epic Flying
2000g in account
Full t7.5 Ret (+1 8.5 chest) enchanted, nearly every BIS piece pre 3.1
Greatness Card
~700 Resil Ret PvP set (i dont pvp)
450 Inscription & Herbs
450 First Aid, Cooking, Fishing
All titles from World Events since LK
Twilight Vanquisher & of the Nightfall titles
Twilight Drake
Ulduar-ready Prot and Healing gear, gemmed & enchanted, mix from naxx10/25
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