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Does anyone play WoW? Does anyone play WoW?

03-21-2008 , 05:10 PM
I've started playing a couple hours a night just to give it another try.

I miss Diablo 2 and I love DotA, so I figured I'd give WoW a spin.

So far I think I "get" most of it, but there are a few things that I'm kind of hung up on.


Level 13 hunter on Cairne--Retnuh


If you come into this thread and say something like "IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE" I'm probably going to challenge you to some sort of poker game.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-21-2008 , 05:12 PM
Yes I do. Thankfully only 3 nights a week now that black temple and hyjal are cleared.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-21-2008 , 05:24 PM
I've got a human warlock on Blackrock...
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 12:01 AM
So some random newb questions...

1) When an item is soulbound, does that just mean I can't trade it to anyone? I can still sell it to a shop, right?

2) Are green items set items like in Diablo? Dumb question, I know.

3) Easiest way to find people doing the same quests and things as me?

4) If I'm a hunter, I should use my talent points in MM and a bit in Survival, right? I don't see beast mastery being all that useful in the long haul.

5) Relevant question: When I train with a hunter trainer, I can learn all of those and they won't have a bearing on my talent points, correct? What about pets? How do they accumulate training points and can you run out of them?

These are just the beginning of my questions, haha.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 12:30 AM
1 - yes
2 - no
3 - depends on server but lfg queue is a decent place to start
4 - don't know
5 - some talent abilities can be trained up with the trainer, but they don't become available until you've already spent the talent points; so yes if you have the money it's fine to just buy all the skills available. Don't remember how hunter pets worked.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Xhad
1 - yes
2 - no
3 - depends on server but lfg queue is a decent place to start
4 - don't know
5 - some talent abilities can be trained up with the trainer, but they don't become available until you've already spent the talent points; so yes if you have the money it's fine to just buy all the skills available. Don't remember how hunter pets worked.
2 - you'll knwo if it's a set item if at the bottom of the description, there's a list of other items in the same set
5 - you should prepare to buy every single skill available to you... like xhad said, you might have to put a talent point into something in order to get the higher ranks for that skill, but that's dependent on what spec (talent build) you go with.

try reading the class-specific forums on, the class forums (that i've looked in) always have a bunch of stickies with some good introduction/advice for you to get a good idea of what skills are worth points and which aren't.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 01:00 AM
Don't do it Luke. I implore you, don't do it.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by lennytheduck
Don't do it Luke. I implore you, don't do it.
I saw you posting in a MTG:O thread.


Want to come to Pittsburgh and play with me?! Muhahahahaha.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 02:35 AM
Lol. Having played both WoW and Magic, and I think anyone will agree with me, its possible to play one casually and for fun, the other...not so much.

That said, if you get some friends to play WoW with it can be really fun. Just try to limit yourself, at futile as that sounds and is.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by lennytheduck
Lol. Having played both WoW and Magic, and I think anyone will agree with me, its possible to play one casually and for fun, the other...not so much.

That said, if you get some friends to play WoW with it can be really fun. Just try to limit yourself, at futile as that sounds and is.
I just play late at night whenever I have nothing better to do. After donkaments but before bed.

If I get to higher levels and I'd have to play at certain times and stuff it would never restrict my social life...I'm not a video game nerd yo, just bored.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 02:43 AM
BM is best for levelling, stuff like beast within is sick sick for levelling.

I wouldnt group for standard q's, be efficient and turn in a few at a time, dont run back to town every time 1 quest completes.

Theres a lot of good levelling guides on like wowpro or wow-pro (forgot which), dont know if you want to level fast or explore.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 02:49 AM
For your first character, don't use a leveling guide. Knock around the world, try stuff out, explore, and have fun. Save the omgwtfuberspeed guide for another time.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
For your first character, don't use a leveling guide. Knock around the world, try stuff out, explore, and have fun. Save the omgwtfuberspeed guide for another time.
Seriously, this.

You will get infinitely more enjoyment out of this game if you take the time to take it all in, see how huge the world really is, experience as much as you can, and dink around in as many ways as possible. Fortunately for you, if you're on a pvp server, most people won't **** with a hunter, they'll just assume you'll kill them.

BM is best spec for solo play/grinding up levels. If you plan on playing that way mostly, this'll be fine. Either way, if you do group, and you know how to use anything other than autoshot, you'll still more than likely top the dps ()damage per second) charts. But you don't need to worry about that for a looooong time.

If you have the gold, buy every skill that's available at each new level. If you don't have the gold, sell every single white item that drops in the AH. Even the low lvl crap can be useful for a high end toon trying to power level some skill.

As for pets: They get a certain amount of skill points to spend. You can run out, but when they level up, they get more. Iirc, they also get more when they increase in loyalty - from feeding them, not letting them die, keeping them happy in general. Well, that's all it takes to keep them happy, actually.

As a hunter, you should check out the wow forums, but also Petopia. It has all the pet info you could ever need.

Back on those talent points, you can respec later in the game, but it costs money, so try to figure out how you want to spend the points before doing it. Use the talent chart calculator on the wow site to figure out what you want your build to look like near the end of you journey.

If I'm reading correctly, you're wondering if buying all skills from hunter trainer will effect your talent points: No. It has no effect on talent points. As someone else said, if you do learn a talent that has more than one rank, you can train those other ranks at a trainer. But learning all the skills from a trainer has no bearing on how you can spend your talent points. (Hope this clarifies a bit)
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 10:28 AM
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 07:48 PM
I went(am) on a huge downswing so I started playing. Now I'm 70 war on shadowmooon. I also got carpals as a cool bonus
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 07:56 PM
There's an excellent leveling guide out there that pretty much gives the most efficient way to do all the quests (it's even written specially for a hunter, although any class can merely ignore the hunter-based steps). However, it takes some of the fun out of leveling and I would only recommend using it if you feel stuck, or if you ever start a 2nd character. Also, WoW = Pandora's Box/satan's gift to mankind, although if you're only playing a couple of hours a night, you might have a willpower stronger than most. However, you're still a lowbie, so we'll see what kind of hours you log per day when you're 70, in a guild, and your new "friends" want to raid or pvp.

I survived WoW.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 07:57 PM
Only 9.3 million people.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-22-2008 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by jcmoussa
I went(am) on a huge downswing so I started playing. Now I'm 70 war on shadowmooon. I also got carpals as a cool bonus
Ooohhh I want to play WoW with jcmoussa. Start a toon on Cairne!!!

PM me or AIM me if you do. I'd be stoked.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-23-2008 , 02:48 AM
For all info on pets check this site out.

Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-23-2008 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by baumer
For all info on pets check this site out.

I know 13 posts to read is a lot.. but you could at least pretend to make an effort..
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-24-2008 , 02:01 PM
I got this game back in November, played it a ton for a few weeks then pretty much stopped. Does anyone else find that the whole thing gets fairly repetitive? I feel like every time I go to a new area it's the same quests over and over again. Plus I never get the feeling that I accomplished anything even after I complete the quests. Everything just resets back to how it was.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-24-2008 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
4) If I'm a hunter, I should use my talent points in MM and a bit in Survival, right? I don't see beast mastery being all that useful in the long haul.

5) Relevant question: When I train with a hunter trainer, I can learn all of those and they won't have a bearing on my talent points, correct? What about pets? How do they accumulate training points and can you run out of them?

These are just the beginning of my questions, haha.
Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier. I have a 70 hunter so I can answer a few questions.

BM is pretty much the best spec out there. Even in the end game area. It is the route I would definitely suggest for hunters leveling up. However, there are some talents in marks you also need to pick up. For my first 30 points I would do something like this. Grabbing those first 5 in marks first and then going up BM:

I would finish the BM with 41 points and then toss the last 15 in marks to make the final tree like this:

Training skills has zero affect on your talent points. However, if you allocate new points to gain an additional skill (such as aimed shot) you will need to train the higher ranks of that skill when/if they are available.

Hunter pets accumulate training points based on it's loyalty level. Once you get to level 6 (best friend) you are maxed on the next of training points for that level. However, leveling your pet up will also get him more training points. If you ever want to reallocate them you can have the hunter pet training unlearn them all.

Last edited by obsidian; 03-24-2008 at 03:19 PM.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-24-2008 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
Someone has to acknowledge that this is an excellent post.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-24-2008 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier. I have a 70 hunter so I can answer a few questions.

BM is pretty much the best spec out there. Even in the end game area. It is the route I would definitely suggest for hunters leveling up. However, there are some talents in marks you also need to pick up. For my first 30 points I would do something like this. Grabbing those first 5 in marks first and then going up BM:

I would finish the BM with 41 points and then toss the last 15 in marks to make the final tree like this:

Training skills has zero affect on your talent points. However, if you allocate new points to gain an additional skill (such as aimed shot) you will need to train the higher ranks of that skill when/if they are available.

Hunter pets accumulate training points based on it's loyalty level. Once you get to level 6 (best friend) you are maxed on the next of training points for that level. However, leveling your pet up will also get him more training points. If you ever want to reallocate them you can have the hunter pet training unlearn them all.
Hmm based on what I have read on other forums, a lot of people max MM skills and stuff and do some survival. I know it seems to be common sense for a hunter to use BM, but I haven't seen people use that. I've already used 3 talent points in concussive shot, but I guess I can unlearn that (I already have like 2 gold at level 17, not sure why though).

Game is fun yo.
Does anyone play WoW? Quote
03-24-2008 , 06:53 PM
BM is easily the best leveling spec; your pet is a meat shield while you sit in the back firing arrows/shooting your gun...we always had a nickname for hunters and locks...EZMODE
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