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10-13-2014 , 05:18 PM
I went to the bathroom and checked the score. They are out-apathy-ing us.
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10-13-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I went to the bathroom and checked the score. They are out-apathy-ing us.
Lol. Asians tho. They are sleeping..

War timing could work out perfectly ..

They will be going to bed with about 3hrs left of the war.. If they have a big lead, they prob won't be able to resist that bonus
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 09:32 AM
So I really hope our tops guys attack and get us the win. My one worry about this was that everyone would wait and then end up running out of time to do both attacks.
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10-14-2014 , 10:35 AM
Keep in mind we will need donation troops on top of army troops... there will be many hands out at the same time
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10-14-2014 , 11:29 AM
I'm loaded up, will check periodically
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10-14-2014 , 12:10 PM
It appears if you are awful at math and REALLY hard-up for trophies and have lvl 30 heroes you can win back less than you spend by attacking me:

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10-14-2014 , 02:56 PM
Another clan war, another blow out.
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10-14-2014 , 03:01 PM
we rock
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10-14-2014 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
It appears if you are awful at math and REALLY hard-up for trophies and have lvl 30 heroes you can win back less than you spend by attacking me:

Are you this desperate for attention from us? Why act like you are too good for us but then come to brag about a defense?
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
Are you this desperate for attention from us? Why act like you are too good for us but then come to brag about a defense?
Are you implying that every other person in this thread is part of your clan?
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 06:53 PM
I count 3 posters on this page who aren't, including you. And dadude is coming.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I count 3 posters on this page who aren't, including you. And dadude is coming.
Uh, there are 103 pages in this thread and there are plenty of people who view this thread who aren't part of your clan, I don't see how the # of posters on a specific page matters?

I posted my base because I had been having trouble in the high Crystal trophy range with attacks and figured it would help others out who were looking to protect their base as they moved up.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 07:30 PM
Do you have a base recommendation for TH7 or TH8? Because, as you have pointed out, hardly anyone in this thread is "on your level".
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 07:41 PM
You folks are being unreasonable towards MaxValue there. Being unpleasant to him doesn't appear to offer much benefit to you.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 07:55 PM
Or does it?
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 08:10 PM

Maxvalue, "my clan sucks and loses wars"
Us,"we kick ass, join up"
Max, "i don't want to be the best base is a crappy clan of rushed th10s"

Seems like he brought it on himself
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
Uh, there are 103 pages in this thread
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
Do you have a base recommendation for TH7 or TH8? Because, as you have pointed out, hardly anyone in this thread is "on your level".

I'll ask this in a serious manner. I'm th8, I guess mid-level? Looking for a decent farming base that will protect my resources, especially once I hit 1.5M elixir. Tried YouTube but don't know where to start. Feel free to look at my current setup to give me tips.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 08:21 PM
My post was neither unpleasant nor unserious.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by DukeSucks
I'll ask this in a serious manner. I'm th8, I guess mid-level? Looking for a decent farming base that will protect my resources, especially once I hit 1.5M elixir. Tried YouTube but don't know where to start. Feel free to look at my current setup to give me tips.

Mine has been working really well for me lately, I don't feel bad leaving with multi millions in resources. Check it out
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
Do you have a base recommendation for TH7 or TH8? Because, as you have pointed out, hardly anyone in this thread is "on your level".
Here's some general recommendations:

TH7 -

At that stage I had been buying into the "you HAVE to max everything before you go to the next TH!"

This is a big myth in the game. If you are an active farmer, then what will happen is you'll get stuck at TH7 with full storages because your builders are tied up for days on projects (i.e. you can't spend the money as fast as you make it)

This hurts you in multiple ways:

1. With full coffers you are a tempting target, leading to you being raided more

2. Because you have maxed your walls already and are waiting for all your buildings to max, you are literally losing millions in resources/day because you can't continue to raid and spend that loot on upgrades (if you would just upgrade to TH8 to get rolling with new walls, etc)


Before I moved on to TH9 I made sure I did have all of my defenses maxed (or upgrading so they'd be maxed by the time I got to TH9) so I'd be able to dedicate my builders to all the new stuff at TH9.

I didn't even get my BK until I got to TH8, fwiw. From my recollection at TH7 I was farming in the 1000-1200 trophy range and at TH8 I was in the 1300-1600 range. DE is obviously not as plentiful at those ranges as you'll find when you get into Gold I or Crystal III.

Although I am finding in Crystal I the amount of elixir and gold to be found is significantly less, which really sucks. I've just started resorting to going with an all-archer army to get 50% on a base for the 1-star and the bonus 55K gold/elixir plus 200 DE.


I can't even remember what I used at TH7, but it wasn't very good from my recollection.

There are a number of good bases out there for TH8, but be aware that no matter how good those bases are, if an upgraded TH9 is coming at you with lvl 6 troops and high level heroes you're going to be hard-pressed to stop them.

Your best defense is to keep your loot spent so there's less reason to attack you. That being said, here are some links to base designers I respect who are well-known in the clash community:

Avernicus - Compilation of his TH8 designs:

Junliang - Compilation of TH7/8/9 Bases (he hasn't updated the OP since Feb, may not be as relevant given the Hero changes):

For me I've always had trouble using other peoples designs because:

1. I enjoy crafting and testing my own
2. Because they are so well known, people are more likely to know the best ways to assault them

I will also mention that far too many designs place the Wizard Tower in front of storages, closer to the wall where an attacker will come. I've always found this approach to be the complete opposite of what you want to accomplish, here's why:

The attackers will hit your Wizard Tower first and take it down, and then there's nothing stopping them from those storages.

Instead, place the storages in front of your Wizard Towers. Yes, they are exposed more to enemy attacks, but they have a LOT of hit points, which means they'll soak up damage from attackers while your Wizard Tower gets off a LOT more shots at the attacker than they would otherwise. You're essentially using those storages as Tank units on defense (like you would a golem to soak up damage or giants while your other units dish it out)
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
I've just started resorting to going with an all-archer army
There's a reason why its called "barching" and not "arching". A raid of all archers is lolterrible.

My base is better than yours, so that's how you can tell I'm right.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-14-2014 , 11:38 PM

Even though it is a known base it will not get attacked much. You are more likely to get a free shield from someone sniping the TH. Place whatever you value most in the middle and then split the rest. A lot of attacks will only destroy the left or right storages and then fail trying to get to the middle. So you lose 1/3 of what is available and no DE. If you don't have much DE to lose then put that at the bottom and put another gold/elixir in the middle.

I made some minor modification on the location of the bombs because I have a bunch of skull walls on one side of the base so most attacks come from the other side and I have all the (air)bombs there.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-15-2014 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
There's a reason why its called "barching" and not "arching". A raid of all archers is lolterrible.

My base is better than yours, so that's how you can tell I'm right.
The real question is...why would anyone stay in a league with no loot? I get wanting to push to Masters for the gems...but once thats done, dump trophies to a decent farming level.

Also, if you think you can push long term as a th9, even a max th9....good luck.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-15-2014 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
There's a reason why its called "barching" and not "arching". A raid of all archers is lolterrible.

My base is better than yours, so that's how you can tell I'm right.
Here's the thread that gave me the idea to go all-archer, which has been working for me:

Originally Posted by MarkoPolo
The real question is...why would anyone stay in a league with no loot? I get wanting to push to Masters for the gems...but once thats done, dump trophies to a decent farming level.

Also, if you think you can push long term as a th9, even a max th9....good luck.

I agree. I am pushing to masters for the gems (and to see if I can do it) and then I'll be dropping back down into a lower Crystal level to find better farming opportunities.

Right now in Crystal I you'll encounter mostly TH10's with infernos, no TH8's and few TH9's thus far.
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