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10-02-2014 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by BOOSHIFIED
I really hate seeing someone mix ground and air troops. For example 15 hogs and 4 drags and whatever else.

The reason i hate it so much is you are allowing every single thing on the defense to attack you. If you go with all air you avoid cannons and bombs. All ground and you avoid AD and the air bombs. Why would anyone subject them self to having to defeat everything when you can easily count certain buildings as just blanks from the get go if you plan it right.

I have yet to see a demolished air defense fire at one of my dragons
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10-02-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by loafes
Probably a fair bit of truth to this. my base is ****ty 45 but I drew an attack from the number 15 and he only managed like 69% largely in part because he had a weird army comp that included a golem and 4 level 3 dragons plus giants and arch/whizzes

The third guy who attacked me was 29 and he went full, dragtard and wiped me out easily
Everybody knows you always go full dragtard.
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10-02-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
Instead of attacking specific people, I'd like to focus on general strategy. How about we go back to trying to get a sure 3 stars with our first attack? Getting those 3 stars early helps us plan the rest of the war. These reach attacks that seem ill-conceived, and planned to fail, do not help us. I think the biggest change we could make is trying harder to 3star their bottom 35 players. We left 11 stars on the table from bases btwn 20-40. That's got to be the first area to address.

Another common failing strategy appears to be using 20 archers instead of the tenth dragon. why? In two of those attacks, we got up to 97%, iirc. My oh my, what one more dragon could have done...

I'll also bring up spreading dragons out. When I drop dragons, I consider it a victory when that target sign appears over 11 unique buildings. They seem to take an even sweep of the enemy base. The other side of that is dropping them in a small, 3-building wide area, where the dragons start flying to 2-4 buildings. What I see is these clumped dragons will then be forever locked together following the exact same path to each succeeding closest building. It's not that they are avoiding the AD, its that they're all following the same flight path. There were several attacks, including an attack on a base in the 40s with level 3 dragons, that failed due to a poor drop.

Finally, Gowipe, or pekka attacks. They don't seem to be working very well. They seem to cap at 2 stars. Not sure what to do here. Attacking lv9 THs with air is troublesome due to the extra death air mines, and 4 extra aerial defenses (tesla, wiz, archer tower, AD). But these pekka attacks.. they just circle the base, taking out the out-buildings while slowly dying...

One last thing, how to drop wizards. I've noticed that the number one thing that stalls a wizard rush is a giant bomb. I feel this can be mitigated by dropping wizards more slowly. Like dragons, wizards are slow to get to a target, but once they do, 3 shots and its dead. Having 6 wizards aim at the same structure is wasteful and dangerous. wasteful because much of the firepower goes unused (6 shots fired when 3 is all that was needed) and dangerous because if they are that close together, mortars, wiz towers, and giant bombs will rip through them. I suggest a more measured release of wizards into the field of battle. Especially when using pekka/golem! These creatures last a long time. By trickling your wizards into battle, you give your meatshields constant companions while limiting the danger of splash damage.

I know a lot of this was about both of my 2* attacks and I am willing to learn and try different techniques, esp with regards to drag drops. Very helpful post, thanks.

I do carry 10 barbs/10 archs to clear cc troops or for the bases that have a builder hut in each corner.

Certainly open to rockin 10 drags to see how that goes if you guys see an added benefit.

At the end of the day, it is just a game, but I want to play well, and since it's a team game play as optimally as I can even at the lower levels to do well for you guys.

One more question for those smarter than me: last war I was ranked 35 and my rec attack was 47(both times). Would you guys want me go there for a guaranteed 3*? I admittedly shot a little high with 39/40 so that our lower members could attack too. Although if I properly dragtarded maybe I could have gotten 3*'s instead of 2*'s...

Anyway losing sucks, time to move on and get better, no need for the drama although I was entertained. On to fantasy football and beating Bob's ass
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10-02-2014 , 10:09 PM
I think it's a legitimate strategy to use hogs to clear exposed ADs, then dragtard the rest of the way? I think the danieldubois attack versus arman (replays still available) was a good plan, but I got screwed when the hogs went northeast to the wiz tower instead of south to the AD, then hit the spring trap on the way back to the AD. It forced me to dump all my dragons more bunched than I wanted and blow spells in that area rather than save them for the subsequent ADs.
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10-02-2014 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
I think it's a legitimate strategy to use hogs to clear exposed ADs, then dragtard the rest of the way? I think the danieldubois attack versus arman (replays still available) was a good plan, but I got screwed when the hogs went northeast to the wiz tower instead of south to the AD, then hit the spring trap on the way back to the AD. It forced me to dump all my dragons more bunched than I wanted and blow spells in that area rather than save them for the subsequent ADs.
You are asking for your hogs to follow specific orders which is just not plausible most of the time.

What if you had more hogs instead of your drags in your attack?
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 10:13 PM
IMO, with dragtarding you almost always want to drop either barb king, clan castle, and/or 1-2 dragons along the edge of your main attack area to clear out distractions, then drop the bulk of your dragons along a 3-5 building wide swath that you want them to head straight in from.

you don't want to combine dragons with ground troops basically ever - 15 hogs and 4 dragons is silly. i can see an argument for sometimes using say 5 hogs in your clan castle to take out an exposed AD but that's about it.
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10-02-2014 , 10:45 PM
One to each edge, rest spread tightly through the middle. Start spells when ad starts shooting. Ez game

D d d d d dd d d d d

Edge to edge
You can't effectively wrap around a corner or they get lost

Think of raking a square lawn with a giant rake
Clash of Clans Quote
10-03-2014 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by steve1238
One to each edge, rest spread tightly through the middle. Start spells when ad starts shooting. Ez game

D d d d d dd d d d d

Edge to edge
You can't effectively wrap around a corner or they get lost

Think of raking a square lawn with a giant rake

When using rage 5 you gotta have em grouped
Clash of Clans Quote
10-03-2014 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by dadude
Is the clan open to join?
It's open. Poker Degens, we lost a few members but just restocked from our farming clan. So, there are only a few spots left.
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10-03-2014 , 02:01 AM
So... 15 straight wins is the record? Let's try for 16 now...go go go!
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10-03-2014 , 03:03 AM
pretty sick how we lost that war over 1 star. this game is tougher than poker iyam
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10-03-2014 , 09:28 AM
can someone explain to me the thought process behind having a bunch of teslas, bombs giant bombs ect surrounding your exposed th in a farming base?
Is it to balance the amount of defences won so you dont lose too many trophies. Because my understanding of a farming base was that you want to be th sniped and loading up a bunch of defences next to your th would deter attackers no? plus you would need to be spending a bunch of gold rearming traps ect.

The same sort of question about ths close enough to defences to give attacks lots of trouble but still somewhat exposed, I can understand this a little more if you want to keep a couple of wins in the mix but personally for my farm base I keep my th well away from any sort of defence because I want as much free shields as I can and it works a charm. I get sniped all the time.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-03-2014 , 09:42 AM
^ I always wonder the same thing.

If I start an attack with just an archer queen to pick off a townhall and then all hell breaks loose, I unleash everything because it pisses me off... I don't get the point, all you guarantee is that your attacker probably ends up in a -ROI attack, but the defender is still going to lose trophies, loot, and now rearming costs.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-03-2014 , 09:46 AM
Exposed townhall done right:

-2000 loot, no rearm, -10 trophies or less ... 12 hour shield.
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10-03-2014 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by loafes
can someone explain to me the thought process behind having a bunch of teslas, bombs giant bombs ect surrounding your exposed th in a farming base?
Is it to balance the amount of defences won so you dont lose too many trophies. Because my understanding of a farming base was that you want to be th sniped and loading up a bunch of defences next to your th would deter attackers no? plus you would need to be spending a bunch of gold rearming traps ect.

The same sort of question about ths close enough to defences to give attacks lots of trouble but still somewhat exposed, I can understand this a little more if you want to keep a couple of wins in the mix but personally for my farm base I keep my th well away from any sort of defence because I want as much free shields as I can and it works a charm. I get sniped all the time.
Iirc the ppl that do this are the big 3 so i wouldn't expect too much thought went into it
Clash of Clans Quote
10-03-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by loafes
can someone explain to me the thought process behind having a bunch of teslas, bombs giant bombs ect surrounding your exposed th in a farming base?
Is it to balance the amount of defences won so you dont lose too many trophies. Because my understanding of a farming base was that you want to be th sniped and loading up a bunch of defences next to your th would deter attackers no? plus you would need to be spending a bunch of gold rearming traps ect.

The same sort of question about ths close enough to defences to give attacks lots of trouble but still somewhat exposed, I can understand this a little more if you want to keep a couple of wins in the mix but personally for my farm base I keep my th well away from any sort of defence because I want as much free shields as I can and it works a charm. I get sniped all the time.
People do this mostly for the lols, and the random dude that gives up and they get a cheap win. it is f stupid

Last edited by optionality; 10-03-2014 at 10:27 AM. Reason: someone even argued some logic about revenge attacks iirc
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10-03-2014 , 10:44 AM
if someone has tesla/bomb defenses of their town hall, i always kill their heroes, lure town hall, lightning de storage, etc, if possible.
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10-03-2014 , 03:31 PM
yeah its just for the lols and making you spend 20x troops rather than 1x
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10-03-2014 , 04:42 PM
Starting my TH6! Getting some good raiding action now that I dropped trophies (thank you for that advice, as well as the OP troops!)
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10-03-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by wahoo3
if someone has tesla/bomb defenses of their town hall, i always kill their heroes, lure town hall, lightning de storage, etc, if possible.
Bad ass up in here
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10-03-2014 , 04:51 PM
I figure the feigning exposed townhall thing involves the creator having this in mind:
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10-03-2014 , 05:02 PM
If the goal is to have them snipe your th for low cost shields it doesn't make sense to force them to commit a bunch of troops.
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10-03-2014 , 05:42 PM
I occasionally put teslas around it for a few hours just for some LOLs
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10-03-2014 , 06:06 PM
I place traps between my th and my base. their troops think they're BA and poof, big bomb
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10-04-2014 , 07:51 PM
Dragtarded the rec bases this time even though they felt low, got the six stars though. The rake method worked well!!
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