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Clash of Clans Clash of Clans

10-02-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
Ahh bummer guys. Sorry to hear about the loss
Hope you son is doing well, best wishes!
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by optionality
I blame myself. If I hadn't of joined, none of this would have happened imo
Most likely truest assessment

Omar, take the big 3 with you please
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by NDfan
Hope you son is doing well, best wishes!
No puking for 3.5 hours now so def a good sign. If he can go another couple hours without getting sick and can keep some crackers and juice down we will be able to go home.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:06 PM
CT Scan was negative to for any damage or bleeding so that's really good news
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by steve1238
Most likely truest assessment

Omar, take the terrible 3 with you please

Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
CT Scan was negative to for any damage or bleeding so that's really good news
Awesome dude, great to hear
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
CT Scan was negative to for any damage or bleeding so that's really good news
great news
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by BOOSHIFIED
where'd you go?
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So 1 war loss out of like the last 15 and everyone loses their minds and things fall apart?

lol wat?
I feel like I should quit the clan (again) but this puts everything back in perspective. Looks like we have/had a great bunch of people in this clan at the end of the day... :-)
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by NDfan
where'd you go?
Looking at clan that my coworkers have. Ill brb
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by 2bad4u
I feel like I should quit the clan (again) but this puts everything back in perspective. Looks like we have/had a great bunch of people in this clan at the end of the day... :-)
Epic blow up was epic.

I think there was/is some great ppl and we had really good activity which blew away most opposition.. It's when we face up against a tough clan our weak areas are really highlighted.. And starts to grind ppls gears..

I think most ppl understand it's just a game and life comes first, but things like building a farm army, then taking someone's 30k drag are just poor form!

If you're just a casual player who drops in and out, that's what the farm clan is for.. Isn't it??

Omars defense of brock is understandable, as he knows him, but Brock being douchy. Shame as Omar was a solid player who donated really well for war etc..
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 05:18 PM
I'm fine with people sucking as long as they are committed to analyzing mistakes, learning from them, and trying to do better next time.

I had a few unlucky attacks this round with my main account on my phone, with my troops not hitting ADs in situations they reasonably should have, otherwise I would have gotten 1-2 more stars. Also, my spell factory is in the middle of upgrading, which was crippling for my war effort.

Less excusable, my iPad's account didn't even put in two attacks, because queueing up 10 dragons with one level 9 barracks is difficult for me when I'm unable to consistently log in every 90 mins due to work commitments. Mostly that's my fault for not trying hard enough to cook during preparation day though, and I'll do better next time.

We have a good group of active players, which has driven our success thus far. The sky is not falling, everyone calm down!
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 06:29 PM
Instead of attacking specific people, I'd like to focus on general strategy. How about we go back to trying to get a sure 3 stars with our first attack? Getting those 3 stars early helps us plan the rest of the war. These reach attacks that seem ill-conceived, and planned to fail, do not help us. I think the biggest change we could make is trying harder to 3star their bottom 35 players. We left 11 stars on the table from bases btwn 20-40. That's got to be the first area to address.

Another common failing strategy appears to be using 20 archers instead of the tenth dragon. why? In two of those attacks, we got up to 97%, iirc. My oh my, what one more dragon could have done...

I'll also bring up spreading dragons out. When I drop dragons, I consider it a victory when that target sign appears over 11 unique buildings. They seem to take an even sweep of the enemy base. The other side of that is dropping them in a small, 3-building wide area, where the dragons start flying to 2-4 buildings. What I see is these clumped dragons will then be forever locked together following the exact same path to each succeeding closest building. It's not that they are avoiding the AD, its that they're all following the same flight path. There were several attacks, including an attack on a base in the 40s with level 3 dragons, that failed due to a poor drop.

Finally, Gowipe, or pekka attacks. They don't seem to be working very well. They seem to cap at 2 stars. Not sure what to do here. Attacking lv9 THs with air is troublesome due to the extra death air mines, and 4 extra aerial defenses (tesla, wiz, archer tower, AD). But these pekka attacks.. they just circle the base, taking out the out-buildings while slowly dying...

One last thing, how to drop wizards. I've noticed that the number one thing that stalls a wizard rush is a giant bomb. I feel this can be mitigated by dropping wizards more slowly. Like dragons, wizards are slow to get to a target, but once they do, 3 shots and its dead. Having 6 wizards aim at the same structure is wasteful and dangerous. wasteful because much of the firepower goes unused (6 shots fired when 3 is all that was needed) and dangerous because if they are that close together, mortars, wiz towers, and giant bombs will rip through them. I suggest a more measured release of wizards into the field of battle. Especially when using pekka/golem! These creatures last a long time. By trickling your wizards into battle, you give your meatshields constant companions while limiting the danger of splash damage.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 07:11 PM
Awesome post
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 07:23 PM
Yeah, I think my pekka fail has been because I release wizards in a big wave pretty much all at once. I might try another pekka attack in our next war after I dragtard someone for 3 stars.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 07:25 PM
My logic is that there is an unstated benefit to having dragons near each other (albeit, hopefully not on the same target), and that is so they can all reap the benefits of being in the range of a spell's AoE.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
Instead of attacking specific people, I'd like to focus on general strategy. How about we go back to trying to get a sure 3 stars with our first attack? Getting those 3 stars early helps us plan the rest of the war. These reach attacks that seem ill-conceived, and planned to fail, do not help us. I think the biggest change we could make is trying harder to 3star their bottom 35 players. We left 11 stars on the table from bases btwn 20-40. That's got to be the first area to address.

Another common failing strategy appears to be using 20 archers instead of the tenth dragon. why? In two of those attacks, we got up to 97%, iirc. My oh my, what one more dragon could have done...

I'll also bring up spreading dragons out. When I drop dragons, I consider it a victory when that target sign appears over 11 unique buildings. They seem to take an even sweep of the enemy base. The other side of that is dropping them in a small, 3-building wide area, where the dragons start flying to 2-4 buildings. What I see is these clumped dragons will then be forever locked together following the exact same path to each succeeding closest building. It's not that they are avoiding the AD, its that they're all following the same flight path. There were several attacks, including an attack on a base in the 40s with level 3 dragons, that failed due to a poor drop.

Finally, Gowipe, or pekka attacks. They don't seem to be working very well. They seem to cap at 2 stars. Not sure what to do here. Attacking lv9 THs with air is troublesome due to the extra death air mines, and 4 extra aerial defenses (tesla, wiz, archer tower, AD). But these pekka attacks.. they just circle the base, taking out the out-buildings while slowly dying...

One last thing, how to drop wizards. I've noticed that the number one thing that stalls a wizard rush is a giant bomb. I feel this can be mitigated by dropping wizards more slowly. Like dragons, wizards are slow to get to a target, but once they do, 3 shots and its dead. Having 6 wizards aim at the same structure is wasteful and dangerous. wasteful because much of the firepower goes unused (6 shots fired when 3 is all that was needed) and dangerous because if they are that close together, mortars, wiz towers, and giant bombs will rip through them. I suggest a more measured release of wizards into the field of battle. Especially when using pekka/golem! These creatures last a long time. By trickling your wizards into battle, you give your meatshields constant companions while limiting the danger of splash damage.
Great post, especially about the Wiz. But I agree with below still on the dragons.

Originally Posted by ddubois
My logic is that there is an unstated benefit to having dragons near each other (albeit, hopefully not on the same target), and that is so they can all reap the benefits of being in the range of a spell's AoE.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
Instead of attacking specific people, I'd like to focus on general strategy. How about we go back to trying to get a sure 3 stars with our first attack? Getting those 3 stars early helps us plan the rest of the war. These reach attacks that seem ill-conceived, and planned to fail, do not help us. I think the biggest change we could make is trying harder to 3star their bottom 35 players. We left 11 stars on the table from bases btwn 20-40. That's got to be the first area to address.

Another common failing strategy appears to be using 20 archers instead of the tenth dragon. why? In two of those attacks, we got up to 97%, iirc. My oh my, what one more dragon could have done...

I'll also bring up spreading dragons out. When I drop dragons, I consider it a victory when that target sign appears over 11 unique buildings. They seem to take an even sweep of the enemy base. The other side of that is dropping them in a small, 3-building wide area, where the dragons start flying to 2-4 buildings. What I see is these clumped dragons will then be forever locked together following the exact same path to each succeeding closest building. It's not that they are avoiding the AD, its that they're all following the same flight path. There were several attacks, including an attack on a base in the 40s with level 3 dragons, that failed due to a poor drop.

Finally, Gowipe, or pekka attacks. They don't seem to be working very well. They seem to cap at 2 stars. Not sure what to do here. Attacking lv9 THs with air is troublesome due to the extra death air mines, and 4 extra aerial defenses (tesla, wiz, archer tower, AD). But these pekka attacks.. they just circle the base, taking out the out-buildings while slowly dying...

One last thing, how to drop wizards. I've noticed that the number one thing that stalls a wizard rush is a giant bomb. I feel this can be mitigated by dropping wizards more slowly. Like dragons, wizards are slow to get to a target, but once they do, 3 shots and its dead. Having 6 wizards aim at the same structure is wasteful and dangerous. wasteful because much of the firepower goes unused (6 shots fired when 3 is all that was needed) and dangerous because if they are that close together, mortars, wiz towers, and giant bombs will rip through them. I suggest a more measured release of wizards into the field of battle. Especially when using pekka/golem! These creatures last a long time. By trickling your wizards into battle, you give your meatshields constant companions while limiting the danger of splash damage.
+ ****ing 1
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
My logic is that there is an unstated benefit to having dragons near each other (albeit, hopefully not on the same target), and that is so they can all reap the benefits of being in the range of a spell's AoE.
In the future, let's all pay attention to how dragon drops go, wrt width of drop area. I think we'll find that that the wider area drop at the start results in dragons coming together at the points at which you'd like to use spells. The goal of the wide drop, is to evenly take down the out-buildings on one side before proceeding to the defenses. With the tighter drops, I think we'll see clumping which results in unfortunate avoidance of AD, and the tendency of the flank dragons to turn to the outside and get "lost".
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 09:13 PM
Id like to personally apologize for missing my 2nd attack in this last war. I tried to get it in late (as anyone in chat may have seen) but fell seconds short.

Im visiting my daughter the last few days and my ex's wifi isn't working properly. She also lives an area without 3g or 4g for my carrier. I literally have to drive into town for any realiable signal. I thought id make it with plenty of time to spare but missed out.

Never thought clash of clans would be another reason to stay split up with my ex, but I will add it to the list of issues

Now clearly on life tilt from leaving my daughter and coc tilt, time to drive to the poker room near the airport and punt a few stacks before hopping on a plane.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using 2+2 Forums
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by CardSharpCook
In the future, let's all pay attention to how dragon drops go, wrt width of drop area. I think we'll find that that the wider area drop at the start results in dragons coming together at the points at which you'd like to use spells. The goal of the wide drop, is to evenly take down the out-buildings on one side before proceeding to the defenses. With the tighter drops, I think we'll see clumping which results in unfortunate avoidance of AD, and the tendency of the flank dragons to turn to the outside and get "lost".
Listen to this guy.......please
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 09:23 PM
If you have healing spells for dragons, using them on 1 dragon is fine - as the spell has a "total heal" amount that I don't think multiplies across multiple dragons (?someone verify). If using rage spells, then multiple dragons in the area are best... but problem is that the dragons are usually in and out of that area fast.

I use wiz + healers and lightning to 3 star any TH8 and average TH9s.

High levels hogs (with heal spell) + dragons is a good combo too.. but have enough archers and wiz to clear the clan castle first.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 09:39 PM
I thought the way to properly dragtard was to first place two drangons in your drop zone to clear out outter buildings then drop the line of main dragons and use spells as needed.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 09:43 PM
I really hate seeing someone mix ground and air troops. For example 15 hogs and 4 drags and whatever else.

The reason i hate it so much is you are allowing every single thing on the defense to attack you. If you go with all air you avoid cannons and bombs. All ground and you avoid AD and the air bombs. Why would anyone subject them self to having to defeat everything when you can easily count certain buildings as just blanks from the get go if you plan it right.
Clash of Clans Quote
10-02-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by BOOSHIFIED
I really hate seeing someone mix ground and air troops. For example 15 hogs and 4 drags and whatever else.

The reason i hate it so much is you are allowing every single thing on the defense to attack you. If you go with all air you avoid cannons and bombs. All ground and you avoid AD and the air bombs. Why would anyone subject them self to having to defeat everything when you can easily count certain buildings as just blanks from the get go if you plan it right.

Probably a fair bit of truth to this. my base is ****ty 45 but I drew an attack from the number 15 and he only managed like 69% largely in part because he had a weird army comp that included a golem and 4 level 3 dragons plus giants and arch/whizzes

The third guy who attacked me was 29 and he went full, dragtard and wiped me out easily
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