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09-12-2014 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by MarkoPolo
You seem like a good match for ControlledChaos, I'd check them out if I were you.
There's only like 20 clans with that name when I search. None of them look all that impressive, certainly all of them would be a downgrade from my current clan.

I'm not looking to hang with TH 7's.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by 2bad4u
All joking aside, the best advice would be to try to get into a top 200 clan once you hit master...
Working my way into Crystal right now, was just there recently, but the lower portions of it. Will be a bit before I'm hitting master, lots of upgrades to do as a newer TH9.

Originally Posted by Josem
You guys are all behaving like children and should knock it off.
One of my co-workers sons spent a bunch of money buying gems on her iPad, that's what you get for giving your iPad to a 5 year old.
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09-12-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
Don't you have to go back to donating lvl 2 Wallbreakers and Goblins to clan castles or something bro?
My initial comment was a bit of tongue in cheek fun, but you have come across really badly itt almost from the get go.

You should maybe look back at your posts and try and seem how others would view them.

I have only been playing the game a month or two and am already a high th7.. I often get 6 stars per war attacking th8's.
This is a game, the idea is to have fun and win.. We do both without the snobery, or excluding ppl just because they have been playing for less time.

Our higher members (who are much higher than you btw) are often generous with donations, but only because it's in the spirit of our clan and not because they are necessary..

The irony is, the clans you would most like to join will turn you away for being a newb.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
There's only like 20 clans with that name when I search. None of them look all that impressive, certainly all of them would be a downgrade from my current clan.

I'm not looking to hang with TH 7's.
Cool story bro
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
This is a game, the idea is to have fun and win..

This is projecting. Kind of like when someone plays poker and projects their own thought process and betting patterns onto an opponent in an attempt to understand what their actions mean, when that opponent is not the same as the person projecting and thus their actions could mean the complete opposite.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
This is projecting. Kind of like when someone plays poker and projects their own thought process and betting patterns onto an opponent in an attempt to understand what their actions mean, when that opponent is not the same as the person projecting and thus their actions could mean the complete opposite.
I bet you're really popular down the pub.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
I bet you're really popular down the pub.
I seem to be getting a lot of attention in this thread at least
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:34 AM
We definitely aren't getting MaxValue1234 in our clan, but we are fo sho getting max value from this thread!
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Westley
I have only been playing the game a month or two and am already a high th7.. I often get 6 stars per war attacking th8's.
Mass dragons I assume?

Our higher members (who are much higher than you btw) are often generous with donations, but only because it's in the spirit of our clan and not because they are necessary..
You have one member who is higher lvl than me, lvl 117. The next highest lvl is lvl 90, which is a rushed TH10 player with TH8 lvl defenses.

My clan and myself are generous with donations as well. My issue with my current clan is the lack of dealing with some of our frequently underperforming players during war. Whether it's not using their attacks or there's one guy who's left his TH exposed every war and never updated his war base, etc.

The irony is, the clans you would most like to join will turn you away for being a newb.
More like they'd turn me away for not being willing to drop $3,000 on gems to compete at the highest levels.

I actually like my current clan except for the current issues during war. I'm not mad just for myself, but for my clanmates who spend the time and resources trying to win, only to have us lose by a few stars because people are inactive, or one of our higher level guys takes an easy low level target which makes it impossible for our lower guys to get any decent attacks in.

So there's a few nagging issues that have plagued us for the past 6-7 wars and it's just becoming frustrating at this point.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:53 AM
Anyone want to put the over/under on the amount of banned 2p2 accounts maxvalue has?
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09-12-2014 , 11:58 AM
MaxValue1234 is the Matt Marafiotti of COC.
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09-12-2014 , 11:58 AM
~3.5 mark
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
Woah, you sound like a chick who's been rejected bro.
seems you are the one posting war defend screens after you where rejected. Coolstorybro.jpeg. have fun losing wars brah
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by MaxValue1234
Mass dragons I assume?

You have one member who is higher lvl than me, lvl 117. The next highest lvl is lvl 90, which is a rushed TH10 player with TH8 lvl defenses.

My clan and myself are generous with donations as well. My issue with my current clan is the lack of dealing with some of our frequently underperforming players during war. Whether it's not using their attacks or there's one guy who's left his TH exposed every war and never updated his war base, etc.

I actually like my current clan except for the current issues during war. I'm not mad just for myself, but for my clanmates who spend the time and resources trying to win, only to have us lose by a few stars because people are inactive, or one of our higher level guys takes an easy low level target which makes it impossible for our lower guys to get any decent attacks in.

So there's a few nagging issues that have plagued us for the past 6-7 wars and it's just becoming frustrating at this point.

But heres the thing, none of these are issues within poker degens. Infact the absence of these problems are some of the reasons the clan is a very good one. And yet the reason you don't want to join the clan is because there are too many low players in it.

You're dising your current clan because of the issues you allude to (not kicking inactives, players under performing in war in various ways ect) but you take one look at our clan and decide that it isn't good enough for you despite the fact that none of those problems are issues in our clan. Your concern is that there are too many low players and thus the clan isn't good enough for you.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by loafes
You're dising your current clan because of the issues you allude to (not kicking inactives, players under performing in war in various ways ect) but you take one look at our clan and decide that it isn't good enough for you despite the fact that none of those problems are issues in our clan. Your concern is that there are too many low players and thus the clan isn't good enough for you.
So because I have issues with my current clan those can be the ONLY criteria I can judge a new potential clan by?

I have specific criteria for any clan I'm going to be a part of, and that includes TH8 being the absolute lowest level in the clan (and not rushed TH8's either)

That is my personal preference, I'm sorry it gets everyone so butthurt.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:50 PM
Well I don't think our clan is likely to suddenly kick all the lower level members just to have you join.

If you want a perfect top level clan with all high level players then join a top level clan or create your own with your strict joining requirements. You probably wouldn't be accepted into any top clans anyway. But dont come here complaining that the good active lower level members who work well as part of the team and contributed to the clans success in numerous wars are somehow so inferior to you that the leaders should kick them and bow down before your greatness for the share honour of having you be a member.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by loafes
Well I don't think our clan is likely to suddenly kick all the lower level members just to have you join.

If you want a perfect top level clan with all high level players then join a top level clan or create your own with your strict joining requirements. You probably wouldn't be accepted into any top clans anyway. But dont come here complaining that the good active lower level members who work well as part of the team and contributed to the clans success in numerous wars are somehow so inferior to you that the leaders should kick them and bow down before your greatness for the share honour of having you be a member.
Uh, I don't recall saying you guys should change how you run your clan, kick people to make me happy or anything of the sort. I just said it's not for me, you guys got butthurt about it and then we squabbled online like real men.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 12:59 PM
Well then all is fine. We don't meet your criteria so I guess there is nothing left to discuss.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by loafes
Well then all is fine. We don't meet your criteria so I guess there is nothing left to discuss.
There's Lava Hounds. I mean, wtf, they couldn't come up with a better name?
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:06 PM
I dont really see much wrong with the name tbh. I guess the're basically a flying golem so you could call it that I guess.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by loafes
I dont really see much wrong with the name tbh. I guess the're basically a flying golem so you could call it that I guess.
I guess if they've got PEKKA then throwing some goofball named creature in there a Lava Hound isn't a huge surprise.

But when the majority make some semblance of sense:


it just seemed weird. Then again they've got Hog Riders and those guys are hilarious, so what do I know. Alright, I'll stop bitching about Lava Hounds, but not TH7 and below players.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:13 PM
It must be nice to have immediately been awarded a maxed out th8 base upon creating a clash of clans account.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:15 PM
Once Lava Hounds are introduced it'll be interesting to see what their HP total is.

Hopefully they'll be susceptible to seeking air mines. If so, you'll probably see an increase in those being upgraded to deal additional damage to help counteract these guys.

I'll already keep my air mines close to my air defenses anyway so when ground troops have eliminated a section with an AD it's still not 100% safe for air troops to traverse, but that will likely become even more important with the introduction of the LH's.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:25 PM
Theres a youtube clip about the gamplay of them. I think it estimates something like 7500 hp but low damage. I'd imagine they would woork quite well with dragons since dragons usually get distracted pretty easily and often end up getting smashed by AD in the process.
Clash of Clans Quote
09-12-2014 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by loafes
It must be nice to have immediately been awarded a maxed out th8 base upon creating a clash of clans account.
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