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01-08-2013 , 06:03 PM
That picture is

I'll be honest my enjoyment has gone down like 20% since twitch closed the chat.

I loved Goldeneye as a kid, I owned that game's soul so hard.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:04 PM
I was just commentating to a friend how the most hardcore runners are the guys that seem most normal. Like sinister1, Cosmo(!), romscout,duckfist etc
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:08 PM
I think Super Meat Boy has been the most impressive run (to watch anyway) so far (also by a normal guy).
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:18 PM
Yeah twitch closing the chat has made it a ton worse. Even if the chat is impossible to interact with, it's useful to see the hivemind of viewers and just adds to the viewing experience.

From my experience I've found there are 3 types of "nerds" who do things like gaming and other nerdy ****

1) the completely socially inept guys who can't interact normally with society (YSG is a perfect example)

2) the neckbeard basement dwelling type, often overweight or acned, wears only black t-shirts of metal bands, likes comic books, wrestling, etc

3) the normal type dudes who are nerdy in the same way doctors or financiers or engineers are nerdy (ok maybe engineers are a bad example with Prof. NES fitting more into category 1, but you get the idea.) Just smart, chill guys who do hardcore gaming as their hobby (or now profession thanks to twitch ad revenue sharing )

And of course the ones with the more popular, successful channels are usually type 3 since they're coolest and best at interacting with people in general. So they're more often the ones you see.

Originally Posted by Daer
I loved Goldeneye as a kid, I owned that game's soul so hard.
O really?

Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:27 PM
WhiteGoose hivemind only works with some kind of moderation. People lost their mind and was spamming hardcore racial ****/abuse/bullying to a degree that's ****ed up. That's why the twitch admins closed it down I believe.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:32 PM
yeah just spamming Kappa and FrankerZ is fine
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 06:52 PM
ITT Goose is loose.

The IRC-chat is "slightly" better.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 07:16 PM
Twitch chat would be going crazy right now...
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:44 PM
I've always liked speedruns and I recently watch a fair amount of attempts on Twitch so I've been following this, especially for the Zelda runs coming up later - OoT 100% is awesome.

Absolutely love(d) YSG and all the spam about him when he made hilarious quotes or antics. I understand not everyone likes the joke but think it's ridiculous they shut down the chat and filtered all donation comments regarding YSG (which was a could hear the whisper "don't read anything YSG"). I think it's sad and bad decision making considering it's a charity event that benefits from a lot of viewers and on twitch people love to spam Kappa FrankerZ and big nig no space meme/jokes etc. It's not for having a conversation or normal chat but a lot of people have fun on there, they lose viewers and donations due to it.

Last edited by fanapathy; 01-08-2013 at 10:48 PM. Reason:
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 10:44 PM
Twitch chat was AIDS. Glad they shut it off. IRC was better for the most part.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-08-2013 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by fanapathy
I've always liked speedruns and I recently watch a fair amount of attempts on Twitch so I've been following this, especially for the Zelda runs coming up later - OoT 100% is awesome.

Absolutely love(d) YSG and all the spam about him when he made hilarious quotes or antics. I understand not everyone likes the joke but think it's ridiculous they shut down the chat and filtered all donation comments regarding YSG (which was a could hear the whisper "don't read anything YSG"). I think it's sad and bad decision making considering it's a charity event that benefits from a lot of viewers and on twitch people love to spam Kappa FrankerZ and big nig no space meme/jokes etc. It's not for having a conversation or normal chat but a lot of people have fun on there, they lose viewers and donations due to it.

So did it ever enter your mind that he might not feel flattered being ridiculed by the entire ****ing internet constantly in front of 30K+ people? I am sorry you are salty you couldnt circlejerk with your 4chan friends but it still went way past whats acceptable. Especially since they are trying to hold the stream PG and at a nice tone. The ******s that spam **** are not the donators. Those guys are the L33T ******* peoples who donate 1 cent (look at the donate list) cause they are just so SWAG YOLO BALLER.

Yes I wam ranting but you defending twitch scum is pretty hilarious. The regular Cosmo Kappa spam is completely different from this which had hardcore slander/racism/****ed up **** constantly as commentary on people who are most likely not that good with social situations on stream.

Also lol if they LOSE DONATIONS due to idiots not being able to bully some poor awkward guy then you are ****ing out of your mind.

Cliffs: twitch chat spammers are scum, things are better now
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 12:38 AM
There is no need to be upset.

Last edited by Daer; 01-09-2013 at 12:38 AM. Reason: that post is aids
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 12:54 AM
yeah yeah alcohol + upset about twitch tards = ups
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 01:50 AM
lol at taking twitch chat serious. INTERWEBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 01:55 AM

Seriously though. Yeah a lot of the chat was nasty and people were being ass holes but I still think a lot of people in there had good intentions and were just having a fun time. Turning off the chat is an easy way out. It was a bad move. Just get more mods and ban the trolls. In my opinion the majority of YSG chat was just in good fun. Yes it started by making fun of his awkward social interactions but it turned into a geniune liking for the guy. I doubt most people there were wanting to harm YSG.

Last edited by El Kabong; 01-09-2013 at 02:06 AM.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by solsek
lol at taking twitch chat serious. INTERWEBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not PERSONALLY upset since I wasn't the one getting the bashing, but some of the hate going towards pretty obvious asberger geeks who act like they havent been outside in years just going and going is not very cool.

But yeah INTERNETZ IS NEVER SERIOUZ RIGHT??? go back to BBV4L instead and **** all over yourself there.

It got to the point where Mike Uyama shushed the YSG when he laughed during SMB cause it was obv he had talked to him about not drawing that kind of attention to himself and he apologized sheepishly.

I just dont see the fun in bashing someone who is obviously not all right. But you "cool" guys prob think its cool stuff to **** all over someone who you should be sorry for.

Also Kabong regarding your edit. the amount of thousands and thousands of people there spamming, it gets unmanagable for the moderators after a very short while. Also twitch is **** so you can register without confirmation mail so bans really dont do _anything_ since they will just snapcreate a new account and keep going.
Yes I saw the playful YSG **** too, that was OK, but it very quickly spun on to more ****ting on people and it will just snowball from there. People who think bandwaggoning against people like this is what INTERNETZ is for should just stick to their /b/ trainwrecks

Also it was the main administrator for twitch as a whole (Horror) who took the decision. Not the SDA mods.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:15 AM
Anyway lets skip all that splurge. Metroid Prime pretty dope
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:21 AM
Agree that Twitch is terrible with their registering system. A simple confirmation email would stop it. Right now you can sign up with any fake email and instantly start posting. Agree that a lot of the bashing wasn't cool and definitely was offensive as well. I guess I'm not really disagreeing with anything you wrote, I just think it could have been handled a bit better. Silencing people is never a good option. For example I think it was Evo that had a one time subscription option for the weekend it was on. Why can't they offer that here? I've already donated but I'd have no problem subscribing again to have some fun in chat. That would easily filter out the trash. And I know I could just join the IRC chat but it's clunky and over moderated.

Last edited by El Kabong; 01-09-2013 at 02:37 AM.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:25 AM
Something about sticks and
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by solsek
Something about sticks and

Sticks and stones is something all bullies pull out when they bully some poor ****ing geek into the ground completely. Such a ****ty argument. Shows where you are coming from you douchenozzle.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 02:38 AM
Stop calling me names. I've never even said a bad thing about you and you're hurting my feelings. FWIW The only moran at the event is the one that guessed the NES was 50g. Everyone else is pretty chill and laidback, you are the one that calls them "obvious asberger geeks who act like they havent been outside in years".

Something about the pot calling the black person a kettle or something like that.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:27 AM
couldn't they have just used a filter and blocked any sentence with YSG? I'm fairly certain twitch's chat allows you to block words.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by aK13
couldn't they have just used a filter and blocked any sentence with YSG? I'm fairly certain twitch's chat allows you to block words.
That kind of methods would just be circumvented.

Originally Posted by solsek
lol at taking twitch chat serious. INTERWEBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's pretty easy to say when it's not you who's getting made fun of in a 30k+ viewer stream based on how you sound, act or look.

Last edited by Imaginary F(r)iend; 01-09-2013 at 03:36 AM.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 06:32 AM
crazy spammed chat is like half the purpose of streaming speedruns, as well as seeing chat reactions. 30k people is a LOT of new viewers who would all lose their **** when they see glitches pulled off in OOT or SM64 and chat reactions are a huge part of the fun of streaming.

I must have missed the racist, abusive stuff in chat. I understand people are trolling, making fun of YSG, but that's part of the internet. Nobody worth their salt (except for the true neckbeard basement dwellers) means it maliciously. And they're worth nothing. Everyone else actually likes YSG and does it in appreciation. He's become a thing of legend.

It was put well by a zelda speedrunner on twitter

Keeta @Kaztalek

this is probably the happiest #ysg will ever be... he is around others he can relate to and he can be himself without fear of being judged

Expand Collapse
I'd bet YSG is still having a great time there and probably doesn't know half the stuff that went on in chat.

Regardless, twitch made their decision and I think it was a poor one that will take away from the marathon. We will see how donations change over the next few days. I choose to believe twitch did it for bandwidth reasons instead of trying to moderate a fun, good natured trollfest.

BTW even Cosmo tweeted yesterday that he was reading 4chan and it made him never want to appear on camera again (but quickly deleted that tweet.) So no one is immune from the ****ty neckbeards who have nothing to do but hate on the world. That's part of life and especially the internet. But everyone should know they are a cool mother****er and the haters are gonna hate regardless of what you do. You just have to learn that the value of these people's voice is NOTHING and to only listen to people who appreciate you for what you do.
Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Quote
01-09-2013 , 06:40 AM
5 dollar subscription for twitch chat properly modded with proceeds to charity would have been the best answer.

That said, zero reason to have the negative venom spewers that was the "chat" on twitch as a part of the marathon at all. It really was horrid.

Did they make the best call? No.

Did they make an acceptable one? Very much so.

Doing nothing would have been the poorest option.

If you want to chat, go to the IRC channel directly from their website.
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