Originally Posted by El Kabong
You probably know already because you bought them but NES consoles are incredibly easy to fix, even if you have no experience. Almost every possible problem has been documented.
Oh yeah, I've worked on them. Just haven't gotten them to work consistently. The problem on all three is almost certainly the 72-pin connector. I've cleaned them all, cleaned the connections on the main board, checked for corrosion, adjusted the pins, etc. Just not getting them to work as well as I'd like. Also have one replacement connector, but it's one of the ****ty death-grip ones from China. It works, but it sucks.
I haven't worked on them in a few months. I may give it one more go and then just buy some OEM refurbished connectors for $10 each or so.
By the way, for several weeks now, the 2+2 forum adds another line break whenever I hit enter, which is why there are huge gaps between my paragraphs. I can edit and remove them, but I can't figure out why I get the double line breaks now.