Originally Posted by grando1.0
I never could get into the metroid games for some reason. Old school zelda is awesome though
Hm, I don't think I've met someone that likes Zelda but doesn't like Metroid. At least, if you like 3D Zelda, you usually like the Prime games.
Zelda is my favourite gaming franchise. I went on a mission to beat them all recently. I'd rank them something like this:
1. Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. The Wind Waker (HD)
4. Twilight Princess (though I admit it is very flawed)
5. Link's Awakening DX
6. A Link to the Past
7. The Legend of Zelda
8. A Link Between Worlds
9. Skyward Sword
10. The Adventure of Link
11. The Minish Cap
12. Oracle of Seasons
13. Spirit Tracks
(Don't bother)
14. Oracle of Ages
15. Phantom Hourglass
16. Four Swords Adventures
17. Four Swords
I haven't beaten Tri Force Heroes, but it would definitely be somewhere at the bottom.
The beauty of Zelda, is that even some of the lesser good ones are still some of the best games for their respective systems. And if you play the better half of the franchise, you are certain to be playing an absolutely fantastic game.