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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

07-09-2009 , 07:32 PM
Any thoughts on those stats? I gotta up the postflop aggression for sure when I move up, and maybe loosen up a little preflop. What else?

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-11-2009 , 01:02 PM
As you can see i suffer a little from it was only while i was getting the post together that i realised how much i suck at tilting. im pretty good at realizing im tilting but the problems is i move UP in stakes rather then down and have a im better then you all so F*** it attitude clearly this is killing me and so so so wrong!!!!!
Can you please help me plug some leaks anything will help i will take anything and everything......
Also i may be a little disillusioned i think my general play is good but i some times question my turn or river play how do i improve this?? i.e. calling a river raise with tptk or calling the river bet just coz they checked the made flush on the turn

these are the stakes im rolled for and the stakes im trying to beat and it just hurts to realise if i had just logged off instead of tilting i would be so much better off.

please help me think i need it
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-13-2009 , 02:15 PM
is 3.90/100 good over 55k hands of NL50 (just got hem 1 month ago) had a 20 buy in downswing but got it back on track over 10k hands in the middle, its was because i started to multi table and had to adjust somethings... not running like god obv, have no problems whit my stats, the question i have are the following :

Question :

1.should i move to full ring as im playing ~2000-2500 hands a day just for the rake or is it not big difference at NL50/NL100 loosing only in the blinds.. most in the BB and i think i have a bad red line but improving as i progress (i multi table thus more down whit the red line)... i think im -15/100 down in SB and -25/100 in BB is that too bad or just oki(i have tighten up in the blinds over the last 20k hands)

3.any tips on how to handle variance in 6max... one day +200$ next 2 day - 200$ ect.. (other than study your game and read post. watch videos)

4.are JJ the worst hand pre to jam whit to a 4 bet Vs random op , i seem to hate that hand and loose a lot whit it...("don t tell anyone".. its maby more break even)

5. is 55k hands (and winning) enough at NL50 to move up at 100NL or to begin to flirt whit it..(i have played maby ~5k +/- hands at NL100 before i started grinding) when i feel like it i just played what i wanted when i had the hobby approach.

6. as you see i have a 15000 hand stretch where my red line don´t go down, i started to play whit how to change it be more even when multi tabling, and i have figured out how to tame it, but the things involved to tame it , is not profitable for me at NL50 whit my playing style, too many calling stations. so should i try to adapt my style or just continue what im comfy whit until i go higher up the stakes. ( thats said its also because i play staked, so im trying hard to win and not just to fix the red line.)


Last edited by henrik-t; 07-13-2009 at 02:31 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-14-2009 , 07:25 AM
Can 20% 3bet from the button fit into an basic game strategy? In 10NL-25NL. Always adjusted based on game dynamic.

Please, no one liners along the line of 'depends' or 'if u are good.' Just a general stats question.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-14-2009 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Didsum1
please help me think i need it
ffs play within your bankroll. Or even below. Move down to 10NL and play not for the money but for the achievement. Crush for 7-8PTBB/100 for 15k hands then move up. It will do wonders to you confidence and make the game more fun too.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-14-2009 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by kaos_
Can 20% 3bet from the button fit into an basic game strategy? In 10NL-25NL. Always adjusted based on game dynamic.

Please, no one liners along the line of 'depends' or 'if u are good.' Just a general stats question.

Sorry. I don't know what you mean by no 'depends' and 'if u are good'. Those are exactly the right answers. 20% 3bet on the button is extremely exploitable, especially 100BB deep. The easiest way to exploit it is either the original raiser 4betting you or the blinds cold 4betting either a balanced or a bluff-heavy range, depending on your reaction. So a necessary condition is that your opponents react incorrectly.

If they just call instead of 4betting they'll still have a stronger range, so even with the positional advantage you're still fighting an uphill battle. If you have a significant edge postflop that can be overcome, but you still have to be good to make it work.

I haven't played 10NL in a long time but I've played some 25NL recently on Stars and my guess is that it would be pretty hard to make it work against most regulars 100BB deep. Deeper you can get away with more because people tend to play overly cautious.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-14-2009 , 07:58 AM
I don't agree that your positional advantage can be overcome if they adjust by widening their calling range. If they make all the adjustments that they need so they are no longer exploitable then we adjust, of course.

If you said 20% would be coming close to an exploitable strategy. What do you think would fit into the most profitable strategy? Somewhere between 15 and 20?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-15-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by SquirrelsUnite
ffs play within your bankroll. Or even below. Move down to 10NL and play not for the money but for the achievement. Crush for 7-8PTBB/100 for 15k hands then move up. It will do wonders to you confidence and make the game more fun too.
thanks for your reply Squirrels. I was killing (or felt like it) i was running at 6bb/100 at 10nl for 12k hands started to flirt at .25nl and broke evens over 500 hands took 8 buyin downswing over next 2k and that was hard to take started tilting and boon gone. as you was kind enough to reply can you see any other fundamental errors im making? plus do you really think a 15k hand sample is enough to decide moving up?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-15-2009 , 02:39 PM
Apparently I've got to post this here.


Could people with a fairly large 25NL database please post their records of how well they fare in the following situations:

* you raise AK and are 3bet (by an IP player | by an OOP player)
* same for QQ and JJ (idem)
* you 3bet AK (QQ, JJ) and are 4bet (idem)

It is my impression that, barring the occasional maniacal exception, 25NL opponents will only 3bet with an extremely tight range, especially when they're out of position. Their 4bet range is even tighter still. Yet, the standard advice for people who find themselves in spots like these seems to be: 100bb, shove, ldo. I'd like to see some numbers that confirm that getting it all-in with these hands in these situations really is optimal for 25NL (as a rule of thumb).

(I'm aware that the situations I've sketched don't capture table dynamics, opponents etc, and of course I welcome your comments.)

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-15-2009 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Didsum1
thanks for your reply Squirrels. I was killing (or felt like it) i was running at 6bb/100 at 10nl for 12k hands started to flirt at .25nl and broke evens over 500 hands took 8 buyin downswing over next 2k and that was hard to take started tilting and boon gone. as you was kind enough to reply can you see any other fundamental errors im making? plus do you really think a 15k hand sample is enough to decide moving up?

6bb/100 is definitely not killing it.

Break evens over 500 hands? That's less than a single session.

15k is definitely not enough. I had a good 10bb/100 the first 12k hands of the last 2 months. At 20k it was down to about 5bb/100.

I've been playing NL10 for the last few months and I'm not moving up until i can crush for at least 10bb/100 over at least 40k hands. Despite the fact I have the monetary resources to move up a stake if I really wanted to, as plenty of people start their careers at NL25.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-15-2009 , 02:44 PM
[QUOTE=Question :

3.any tips on how to handle variance in 6max... one day +200$ next 2 day - 200$ ect.. (other than study your game and read post. watch videos)

4.are JJ the worst hand pre to jam whit to a 4 bet Vs random op , i seem to hate that hand and loose a lot whit it...("don t tell anyone".. its maby more break even)

5. is 55k hands (and winning) enough at NL50 to move up at 100NL or to begin to flirt whit it..(i have played maby ~5k +/- hands at NL100 before i started grinding) when i feel like it i just played what i wanted when i had the hobby approach.


I suffer alot from tilt usually brought on by variance but i found this thread very useful The Psycology of Tilt by DayCareInferno (Sorry dunno how to insert link) but i think the best advice i was given was ' man up and logg off' LOL
my experince of JJ is same as you so i decided to shove it after 3 bet 3 times i ran into AA once was KK and then AK and he hit i tend to float flop if scare card comes out or lead out ( maybe a little obv ) and myabe shut down if they play back with over cards hence i play it very ABC now

i would be prepared to move up after 50k winning hands or myabe play 3 tables at 1 level 3 at another to help balance variance (maybe a silly suggestion but just a suggestion at the same time.

hope this helps but im no poker genius
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-15-2009 , 06:54 PM

Would love to get some help and comments on my stats, if you need anymore info Ill give it to you, I really would like to break out of the NL50 level.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-16-2009 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by dimeetrees

Would love to get some help and comments on my stats, if you need anymore info Ill give it to you, I really would like to break out of the NL50 level.

wow that looks like my graf....

i would expect a least 50k hands to archive this if you not hit a good heater on the way before your rolled for NL100
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 11:49 AM
Can someone take a look at my positional stats plz. I'm playing 10NL and have been breakeven for the last 10k hands and dono why. If theres any obvious leaks that someone could point out that would be great.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 12:28 PM
Hi Blacktie.
The most important thing : you don't play enough the position.
Play more on the button and on the cut off. And don't play anymore (never ! ;-) on the sb. Stop paying from the smal blind. It is the worst position in the world.

Second think is : you don't HAVE to c-bet. You cbet 70% of times ! C-bet less. When the flop is wet and low, just don't c-bet your AJ AQ AK etc.

Play a little looser. Something like 22/20. Maybe you play too much tables.
If you play 7 or 8 tables and have no read against villains, it is not good at all.

Good luck !
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 01:36 PM
Na i keep it down to 4 tables so thats not it. So playing more hands on the button should I just raise more thrashy hands when its folded to me or wat do you mean?

Never really noticed I played that much from SB I'll be sure to cut out a few hands I play from there like AJo and stuff.

Yeah i thought a few times cbets were getting me in trouble just slowly knocking me down I'll def. keep what you said in mind.

I thought I was playing fairly tight for 10NL alright I'm running at 17/15 over about 35k hands. Should I just loosin up in position alot more then?

Thanks for all this feedback fourth time posting in this thread waiting for a reply
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 02:30 PM

CCPF is to high (way high). At 10NL no need to go to a flop without the right of first initiative.

My WTS was 27.5% and W$SD 56%. Anything lower (W$SD) then 50% is not to good and higher then 55% is nice.

W$WSF is high. ( I had similar VPIP and PFR at 10NL)

My conclusion: You play your hands to fast. So people tend to fold a lot and don't loose money to you. When they do come to SD you are probbably behind. Check some turns against bad players and they will call river bets with 3pr or something like that quite often. As played they probbably fold a lot on the turn or river.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 02:36 PM
Interesting I didn't think my CCPF was high at all. I'll keep that in mind next time I'm looking at KJo OTB and consider 3betting or folding instead. Yeah I do tend to play my hands fast usually because theres some draw on the board I keep trying toknock away at but I get what your saying here and I have started checked the turn to get value on the river lately and it has been paying off. Thanks for the reply.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Didsum1
thanks for your reply Squirrels. I was killing (or felt like it) i was running at 6bb/100 at 10nl for 12k hands started to flirt at .25nl and broke evens over 500 hands took 8 buyin downswing over next 2k and that was hard to take started tilting and boon gone. as you was kind enough to reply can you see any other fundamental errors im making? plus do you really think a 15k hand sample is enough to decide moving up?
Sorry, missed this post. I'd say open up your game significantly, especially in late position. Bet your strong hands and hands that have good equity. Work on the fundamentals: learn basic poker math if you don't know it already and start practicing your hand reading skills while you are playing. I guess it's pretty much the advice I'd give to almost any struggling 10NL or 25NL player.

15k hands isn't really enough unless you are crushing for a huge amount. Not sure why I said that In any case moving up when you have around 25 buyins for the next level is standard, although if you aren't winning at least 3-4 PTBB or 7bb/100 winner at your current stake you are likely going to struggle on the next level.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 04:40 PM
I would really appreciate some help with my game. I don't really know specifically whats wrong, how much of this is my fault, and how to fix it. After blowing half of my bankroll in the past 2k hands the past 2 days, I'm pretty down emotionally and I would really like some analysis.

Thanks for any feedback.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 06:09 PM
Wow I even just went down to .05/.10 and lost almost 4 buy ins in 600 hands the past hour.

I can't do this. I'm going to tilt. I don't know why I either run so bad or have some massive leak I can't find. I know I'm EV+ in sngs and tourneys. I can do them. But to get my mid year bonus I need to cash like a maniac right now. And I can't do it if my bankroll just bursts. I've already lost more than my bonus is worth the past 2 days.

Please help.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 06:19 PM
Wallace, I'll do my best if you post your Flop Cbet%, Turn Cbet%, your Call Flop Cbet% and Fold Flop Cbet%. Aggression factor by street. 3bet %, call 3bet%. Your Att to steal by position.

What you have now, I can tell you only two things - you're a nit. Loosen your play, open all pocket pairs. Play a LOT more hands in the CO/BTN. Call and 3bet more often in position. And really, your SB numbers are just silly compared to your others. It seems like you're playing looser than the average player in the SB and waaaay tighter than normal from other positions.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 06:30 PM
Hi, these are my stats for 20k hands NL10 on Absolute poker.
I started by few days of steaming.
After, I did much better but I am sure I have leaks.
If you can help me, thank you very much.
If you think I forgot important other stats, please tell me !
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 06:35 PM
Hi Wallaceiii,
Indeed you play too many hands on SB and BB,
But I think the real major is leak, is tilting! (I have the same problem)

I think you should work tilt issues, because it is way more important than calling range, betting range etc.

Imho work on tilt first !
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
07-17-2009 , 06:36 PM
C Bet Flop - 64%
Call C Bet Flop - 25%
Fold C Bet Flop - 61%
C Bet Turn - 51%

Flop AF - 3.92
Turn AF - 2.08
River AF - 1.77
Total - 2.87

3 Bet - 5.5%
Call 3 Bet - 18%

Attempt to Steal Total - 20.44%
AtS SB - 32
AtS Button - 22
AtS CO -14

I raise all pocket pairs currently, but yes I'm a nit otherwise. I'll try to pick up the aggression. And yeah I guess I attempt to steal in the SB way too much, probably why that stat is just ridiculous.

Thank you.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
