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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

11-28-2008 , 08:09 PM
What I mean is how do u keep ur bb/100 so high or should i say how is ur $ev 1209 in only a 36k sample?

I must be missing sumthing big here b/c i play only ~4+ more tables than u do on a normal basis and run 10bb/100 less than u (~50K+ sample)

even on a good session my $ev is ~100+ (~3k hands played per session) so that must mean u achieve this consistently every session -_-

either ftp is much softer, ur catching a streak of hands / boards, or i'm spewing sumwhere huge n i'd like 2 know if its the latter

wut does ur sd / non sd winnings graph look like if u dont mind me asking?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-28-2008 , 08:59 PM
Ksight3, any winrate is crushing really when you play 14+ tables. If you're running at 4+ on that many tables, you are crushing like a meteor.

He seems to be more aggro though, not really the stereotype monster-tabler. More the style of someone that plays fewer tables. That's a really hard style when you play that many tables. Just cut the ammount of tables if you want a higher ptbb/100.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-28-2008 , 09:05 PM
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I used to play on stars too fwiw at nl2/5/10 and I think stars in general has much more fish than FTP does. I play on FTP mainly because of rakeback and I like the software/interface much better.

On stars, fish tend to be much more passive and easily run over with aggression than FTP.

I have a - nonSD winning @ -$320/ SD winnings at +$1590
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Ksight3
What I mean is how do u keep ur bb/100 so high or should i say how is ur $ev 1209 in only a 36k sample?

I must be missing sumthing big here b/c i play only ~4+ more tables than u do on a normal basis and run 10bb/100 less than u (~50K+ sample)

even on a good session my $ev is ~100+ (~3k hands played per session) so that must mean u achieve this consistently every session -_-

either ftp is much softer, ur catching a streak of hands / boards, or i'm spewing sumwhere huge n i'd like 2 know if its the latter

wut does ur sd / non sd winnings graph look like if u dont mind me asking?
Are you winning at 4bb/100 or 4BB/100?

14bb/100 is probably sustainable at NL25 if you table select well, I only have a 15000 hand sample but I ran at 19.6bb/100 at NL20, although with a lot fewer tables.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 03:30 AM
I have a - nonSD winning @ -$320/ SD winnings at +$1590
I'd like to know wut ur doing to keep ur nonsd winnings "low"
I'm running ~-1100 non SD, +1700 SD After 59K hands, 4.5bb/100

Are you winning at 4bb/100 or 4BB/100?

14bb/100 is probably sustainable at NL25 if you table select well, I only have a 15000 hand sample but I ran at 19.6bb/100 at NL20, although with a lot fewer tables.
4.5bb/100 not BB. And I arrange my waiting in tables n such so I do select tables well also

Because I play so many tables my stats are a bit nitty (16/13/2.66) with less attention to position
I wonder if playing less tables will make dis difference

I am...
18/15 SB
13/13 BB
14/14 EP
18/17 MP
21/21 CO
28/28 BU (I think this is wrong cuz there's def been tiems where i've called raises with small pockets IP hmmm)
3bet % 3.6

I suppose I should be stealing more from sb and 3betting a bit lighter?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 04:13 AM

To be honest, I don't think that I play spectacularly or do anything special at all. Obviously I play with a HUD which allows me to make decisions much more easily or else 12+tabling would be impossible. I use VPIP/PFR/3b/f3b/cb/fcb/limpcall/wwsf/w$asd

I can tell right away that if you're only 3betting 3.6% you're not 3betting enough OTB/LP/BTN. I almost never 3bet light unless CO/BTN have high steal rates with or if I have extensive history with villains, and I only 3bet about 5.5% of the time. I have my holecards stats in my post up above, so you can see how frequent I am 3betting whatever hands for value (always).

Just a few quirks about my game: I think setmining is a bit overrated. Yes, I do open 22 UTG, but lately not so much. Mulitway I will setmine, but I think setmining is only vv profitable against aggrofish villains who like to get it in light--- cant fold TP. I play a lot of JTs/Q9s typeish hands than I do 22 33 44 55 in position.

I quickly assess which regs/weaktags like to cbet but don't like to double barrel, regardless of board texture. This is easiest in BvB. Say 24/19 stealrate: 33% opens his SB for 75c/ or $1.00 and I'm in the BB with q8o or A6o or 96ss, i'll likely call, and float anyflop.. I use this to my advantage later on if they shut down lots of turns: (a) I let them know that they won't steal easily from me (b) i'm willing to play 40-60bb pots with marginal hands (c) I know not to pay off their river valuebets in most situations (d) I will always doublebarrel these players

I take notes on a lot of the players too. Typically some of my fav notes are..
- wont fold TP
- shuts down turns
- likes to float OOP/ip ---> folds to turn cbets (aka double barrel this guy)
- has AK syndrome (typically means i valubet vv thin vs these guys b/c i've seen them stack off superlight on TT2 flops)
- ABC postflop
i could keep going on and on...
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Ksight3
I'd like to know wut ur doing to keep ur nonsd winnings "low"
I'm running ~-1100 non SD, +1700 SD After 59K hands, 4.5bb/100

4.5bb/100 not BB. And I arrange my waiting in tables n such so I do select tables well also

Because I play so many tables my stats are a bit nitty (16/13/2.66) with less attention to position
I wonder if playing less tables will make dis difference

I am...
18/15 SB
13/13 BB
14/14 EP
18/17 MP
21/21 CO
28/28 BU (I think this is wrong cuz there's def been tiems where i've called raises with small pockets IP hmmm)
3bet % 3.6

I suppose I should be stealing more from sb and 3betting a bit lighter?
That win rate seems pretty low for NL25 I think there are definitely some leaks in your game.

What is you WTSD/W$SD/W$WSF?

Just because you play a lot of tables doesn't mean you can't focus on position more. Try to tighten up in EP and loosen up more progressively as you get closer to the button. I would be attempting to have a 2-3% increases in my vpip/pfr as you move 1 position closer to the button.

Also if I was you I would maybe cut back the number of tables I was playing to 4-6 just for a few sessions so you can really work on your game and think about your decisions more, you will find it easier to pick up leaks this way. You can then up the number of tables again once you plug a few of these leaks and your win rate should increase.

I suggest also upping your 3-bet % particularly against light button openers.
Can you post your 3-bet% by position?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 05:27 AM
WTSD = 25.7%
W$SD% = 52.7%
W$WSF% = 38.1%

3Bet %s
SB = 4.3
BB = 3.9
Mid = 4.3
CO = 3.9
BU = 4.1

Ohhh boy -_-

I also noticed my agression factor goes down as my position improves...I feel like this should be the opposite hmmm
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 05:39 AM
I play 12+ as well. My 3bet's pretty significant though. Perhaps you can work on that.

Someone look at my stats please? This is over 15k hands only, though.

VPIP: 18.4
PFR: 14.9
AF: 3.06
Agg%: 34.2
3Bet: 6.6
4Bet: 2.2

WTSD: 30
W$SD: 51.8
WWSD: 43.5

Flop Cbet:
Fold to Flop Cbet: 65.4
Turn Cbet: 58
Fold to Turn Cbet: 38.9

bb/100: 16.7
EVbb/100: 10.67

Running really good, mostly, but the other stats are accurate I think.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:11 AM
more I think about it 90%+ of the time i'm basically @ level 0 thinking.
My ability to put villains on ranges and making +ev decisions are going to waste -_-
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:15 AM
WTSD is a bit high, but you have an insane winrate so this might be caused by just running good. If Agg% is your postflop aggression frequency, that's somewhat low, but your AF is decent. This might mean you're missing out on some value, causing the higher WTSD. Assuming decent postflop play, these stats look like someone who can easily beat NL50 though.

What do you mean by the 3b thingy being significant?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:20 AM
Why am I not beeating it?


Playing nl10, full ring at PArty, after 10k hands i was 7bb/100, then i had a downsize...and now i am 1,21bb/100 after 13,5k hands

my stats:
agg 2,36
agg% 30,2
hands: 13,548
Using HM
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:38 AM
drpokerbr, the only reason you were beating it is because you were running hot. You're like 12 buy-ins above equity. You were actually breaking even all the time, and now you're just running bad (or that's what it looks like anyway, but a ton of unknown factors come into play here).

Your stats don't look too bad. You're a bit passive postflop perhaps. Post your positional stats, there could still be massive leaks there.

If those are fine, it's probably poor postflop play (bad handreading, or not taking the correct actions even if you read hands well). You can work on this by doing session reviews and posting hands you're not sure about here for opinions/advice.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Grindcore
WTSD is a bit high, but you have an insane winrate so this might be caused by just running good. If Agg% is your postflop aggression frequency, that's somewhat low, but your AF is decent. This might mean you're missing out on some value, causing the higher WTSD. Assuming decent postflop play, these stats look like someone who can easily beat NL50 though.

What do you mean by the 3b thingy being significant?
Thanks for the help.

That first comment directed to Ksight3 because he's multitabling as well but not doing too well, and I figured since my 3bet's almost double his that could be it.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Ksight3
more I think about it 90%+ of the time i'm basically @ level 0 thinking.
My ability to put villains on ranges and making +ev decisions are going to waste -_-
Try playing a 4-table session and really think about every hand, like someone posted the hand here and you're responding to it. 2 things can happen:

-You like it and keep playing fewer tables, drasticly increasing your winrate
-You go back to monstertabling as a better handreader and get a slightly better winrate (which is a ton of $$ considering the tables)

Playing that many tables without really bothering reading hands will slow down your learning process. Unless your ultimate goal in poker is to just grind NL25 forever and you're happy with your current winrate, I would do something about it.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 07:18 AM
I got advice to post my stats on this thread from here.

I know I don't have 10k hands but isn't there anything that can be said from my stats even with 2k hands? Please?

I started by only playing cash games but I lost my $15 bankroll so I decided to build it up from almost 0 playing tournaments.

Here are my 2 stats tables:



I know the sample size is very small, but I want to make sure I'm not picking up any bad habits.

Please be kind
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 08:24 AM
You call too much preflop. There's a large gap between your VPIP and your PFR. Call less preflop. Especially your small blind stats are really bad. Limp/call less often. In fact, you might want to tighten up a ton from all positions untill you get better at postflop play (you didn't include the postflop stats but I'm assuming they have leaks aswell based on the preflop play).
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 08:27 AM
In tourney, these stars really aren't too useful since there are so many other things that affect it such as prize pool, stack size, bubble, etc.

The distance between your VPIP and PFR is too much. Look at your hand: play it aggressively, or don't. There are exceptions, but for the most part that's the thinking proccess you need. Your 3Bet is surprisingly okay, but you still have a high VPIP PFR distance. I am guessing that you're completing and limping when you think you have the "pot odds" to see the flop since you're suited or connected.

Don't. I'd rather squeeze blind than do this, and admittedly I do this sometimes.

You're seeing showdowns too much, and you're losing too often when you do. Learn to lay your hand down and not to bluff when you have no clear idea of what you're trying to represent or push off. Your AF is on the low side so maybe you're calling too much.

Your sample size is small so you never know, but I think it's apparant that you're not aggressive enough, and loose preflop and with your paying off.

edit: oops. I try to help but type slow. =(
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 09:14 AM
Oh and my bad, you did include postflop stats. Everything the guy above me said is true
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Andy Pipkin
And what about the BB? Is it standard to be losing that much in the BB?
Actually you are doing very well in the blinds. If I were you I'd move up, you could try 10NL for a couple of hands (10k) and then move up to 20/25NL imo.

As you move up you should cold call alot less and reraise more often. If you keep your vpip (which I think is very reasonable) and raise your preflop raise to 15-16 you will do very well when you move up.

Edit: forgot one thing, stop posting dead, you will save alot of money and get out of a bad habbit. Just in the CO alone you almost wasted one buyin! I would also play less tables to get a better feel for the game and the other players.

Last edited by betafemale; 11-29-2008 at 10:09 AM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by TomT
Your cold call numbers are very high especially from the small blind. Try not to flat call pre-flop with marginal hands OOP.

Also your W$SD is very high, but your WTSD is quite low. This makes me think that you are probably folding a bit too much and not going to showdown enough
This is wrong imo. First of all he can't cold call in the sb by definition. The stats doesn't say if he calls alot of preflop raises or if he completes the small blind in unraised pots. I think he could improve by raising more often in the sb though.

As for WTSD/W$SD I think they are very good. Very close to optimal imo.

Last edited by betafemale; 11-29-2008 at 10:45 AM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 12:44 PM

Your stats don't look too bad. You're a bit passive postflop perhaps. Post your positional stats, there could still be massive leaks there.[QUOTE=Grindcore;7354974]


Last edited by drpokerbr; 11-29-2008 at 12:50 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by drpokerbr
Yeah there are some massive leaks here. First of all, stop limping. 21/7 UTG means you're limping 14% of your hands. This is really bad. Secondly, 21 VPIP is way too loose UTG. You should be really tight UTG, and graduately loosen up with position, being the loosest on the button (still don't limp!). Your VPIP in the SB is also way too high. Mostly you'll be better off (re)raising or folding in the SB.

An example of good looking positional stats would be (VPIP/PFR)

EP 10/10
MP 15/14
CO 20/17
BU 30/25

Note the small gaps between VPIP and PFR, and the increasing VPIP with position.

And the blinds something like

SB 25/20
BB 20/15

Read this:
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Grindcore
Try playing a 4-table session and really think about every hand, like someone posted the hand here and you're responding to it. [...]
I strongly recommend this... Don't just go into auto-pilot moving along 20 tables, try to think about the game and improve. You can only do that by decreasing the amount of tables you play. You can obv move back to more tables if you think that gives you more or w/e. But you'll never improve playing 20 tables imo...
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
11-29-2008 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Grindcore
Yeah there are some massive leaks here. First of all, stop limping. 21/7 UTG means you're limping 14% of your hands. This is really bad. Secondly, 21 VPIP is way too loose UTG. You should be really tight UTG, and graduately loosen up with position, being the loosest on the button (still don't limp!). Your VPIP in the SB is also way too high. Mostly you'll be better off (re)raising or folding in the SB.

An example of good looking positional stats would be (VPIP/PFR)

EP 10/10
MP 15/14
CO 20/17
BU 30/25

Note the small gaps between VPIP and PFR, and the increasing VPIP with position.

And the blinds something like

SB 25/20
BB 20/15

Read this:

uau, ty vm
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
