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uNL Stats Checkup Thread uNL Stats Checkup Thread

05-15-2013 , 08:27 AM

Long time lurker/ first time poster. Was a decent winning MTT player back in the day trying to learn cash now. New to the whole HUD/stats world, have mostly tried to play without it in the past now trying to improve my understanding / take my game to the next level.

Any help at all would be very much appreciated, as I said I am new to the whole stat aspect of poker so trying to put together a fundamentally solid game is my main focus, as it seems a lot of the regs even at the micros are ahead of me on this.

Anyway, anyone who can help me on this I would feel forever indebted to. Will ship buyins once im crushing nosebleeds
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-15-2013 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by jamakine
Other than this I agree. It's in vogue and prolly rightly so to call 3-bets OOP but imo a tight opening range is not a reason to extend the calling range. Most players even at micros will 3-bet rather tight against an UTG opener. With tighter ranges the domination becomes more important. One may call some but make sure that you have a reason to call like proper setmine odds (at least 15x OOP).
None of what you just said has much to do with what I said, so I'm assuming you misunderstood what I wrote.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-17-2013 , 03:19 PM
Hey guys.
I'm looking for some feedback to my NL10 sample from last 2 months. I've been struggling to beat the limits, even though my winrate in NL5 on the same period (17k hands) is 27bb/100.



To me it looks like the biggest leak is probably my play on blinds? I think I try to resteal too much on the blinds and at the same time don't 3-bet enough IP. Also I think the gap between flop and turn CBet is too big?
Looking for good advice on what to change in my game.

Also, as you can see I had a pretty good run between 6k and 13k hands, after that I had 2 really big tilt sessions and managed to lose my profit and after that haven't had any really good sessions..

EDIT: Oops, I just noticed I have some stats twice.

Last edited by BlueSavage; 05-17-2013 at 03:30 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-17-2013 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by BlueSavage
Hey guys.
I'm looking for some feedback to my NL10 sample from last 2 months. I've been struggling to beat the limits, even though my winrate in NL5 on the same period (17k hands) is 27bb/100.



To me it looks like the biggest leak is probably my play on blinds? I think I try to resteal too much on the blinds and at the same time don't 3-bet enough IP. Also I think the gap between flop and turn CBet is too big?
Looking for good advice on what to change in my game.

Also, as you can see I had a pretty good run between 6k and 13k hands, after that I had 2 really big tilt sessions and managed to lose my profit and after that haven't had any really good sessions..

EDIT: Oops, I just noticed I have some stats twice.
I think you are doing fine in the blinds. Definitely 3 bet more in position. I agree that the gap between your flop and turn cbet is too big.

I think you are calling too many 3 bets, especially when you are UTG or MP. In fact you are folding more often to 3 bets when you are on the Button, or on the CO; spots where you are almost always going to have position postflop.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-18-2013 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by NewDawnFades
I think you are doing fine in the blinds. Definitely 3 bet more in position. I agree that the gap between your flop and turn cbet is too big.

I think you are calling too many 3 bets, especially when you are UTG or MP. In fact you are folding more often to 3 bets when you are on the Button, or on the CO; spots where you are almost always going to have position postflop.
I think my problem with calling 3-bets OOP is mostly because I don't pay much attention to my position, but look too much at my cards which are stronger when I open UTG/MP. Will definitely try to pay more attention to my position.
Thanks for feedback
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-18-2013 , 03:43 PM
Hey folks, I'm struggling a bit in 4nl 6-max. Do you have any feedback on these stats? Any help would be appreciated.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-19-2013 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Guy on the End
Hey folks, I'm struggling a bit in 4nl 6-max. Do you have any feedback on these stats? Any help would be appreciated.

There is defo some smarter guys to comment your stats, but to me it looks like you are way too aggressive. You should maybe tighten up your range, especially from SB and BTN. Also you 3-bet too much, especially from blinds.. Same goes for your CBet, which should probably be 75 max (on flop). Try to look at the board texture and your opponent stats, when you are cbetting. Don't cbet on wet boards (eg. 678, TJ8).
All in all, you should play much more passively, bluff less and bet more for value. You can start more aggro play when you have more experience and skills postflop, otherwise you just make your own life tougher.

Just my 2 cents
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-19-2013 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by kduncan44

Long time lurker/ first time poster. Was a decent winning MTT player back in the day trying to learn cash now. New to the whole HUD/stats world, have mostly tried to play without it in the past now trying to improve my understanding / take my game to the next level.

Any help at all would be very much appreciated, as I said I am new to the whole stat aspect of poker so trying to put together a fundamentally solid game is my main focus, as it seems a lot of the regs even at the micros are ahead of me on this.

Anyway, anyone who can help me on this I would feel forever indebted to. Will ship buyins once im crushing nosebleeds
No replies.. Even just a quick overview of what im likely doing wrong/could improve upon I would be extremely thankful for.

If this isn't enough/the right information lmk and I will try and post what is missing.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-20-2013 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by kduncan44
No replies.. Even just a quick overview of what im likely doing wrong/could improve upon I would be extremely thankful for.

If this isn't enough/the right information lmk and I will try and post what is missing.
- You basically have no real positional awareness, you're opening more from the CO than you are from the BTN. Read up some threads on basic positional hand ranges.

- You're calling too much from the SB.

- You're not 3betting enough.

- You're calling too many 3bets.

- You cbet too much.

- Your turn and river aggression is too high.

Remember that 'good' stats are generally the result of 'good' play, not the other way around. I'd suggest working on your fundamentals, on understanding the why behind things, then the stats will start to look better.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-20-2013 , 03:38 PM
Hi Guys

Any help is appreciated. I play micro stakes Zoom. Winning 2nl player taking shots at 5nl at present.


uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-20-2013 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by cundyno1
Hi Guys

Any help is appreciated. I play micro stakes Zoom. Winning 2nl player taking shots at 5nl at present.


I know everyone says you need to play tight at micros, but you are way too nitty for 6max.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-21-2013 , 04:18 AM
Ok. So what do you suggest?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-21-2013 , 06:50 PM
Here is the 45k hands I have played at 5NL. Don't really know what is going on. Have done tons of filters trying to figure some things out and I know marginal hands (QTo, J9o, QJo, KJo, etc) have been overall losers. I have been folding more out of the blinds the past 5k hands after realizing I am spewing hard from the blinds. I have also been filtering different situations and I have lost a lot w/ straight draws, either by folding them, or by spazzing and not connecting. Don't know exactly how to play draws so prob spewing some w/ those too

This is my 5NL graph

And here is my 2NL stats. Haven't been playing here as much but can't get anything going either way.

And here is the graph for 2NL

There has to be a huge leak somewhere. I don't understand what it is yet, but if anybody has any ideas on something to fix I would love to hear it! Could be multiple things. If any more stats are needed I'll post those as well. Thanks for the help and gl and the tables
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-24-2013 , 05:56 AM
@MicroDonkey - only commenting on the 5nl stats as 5K hands at 2nl is too small a sample size

Overall you need to call a bit less preflop, and get you VPIP and PFR stats closer together. 26% VPIP is a little on the loose side. I personally found a 21/18 game very profitable but just try not to call too many speculative hands preflop, especially against players that will never pay you off if you hit anyway.

You could tighten up your UTG opening range a little too. Around 10-11% will give you a decent value range with a few more speculative hands in it. Don't forget, you don't need to have particularly well balanced ranges at these levels, as no one is exploiting you enough.

That being said, 10% 3bet from the BB is a little on the high side. Again, you can be heavily weighted towards value here, and only really play back at villain's you know are opening light and capable of folding

I'd also say your flop cbet stat is low too. Something around 65% worked for me. As always though, work out you villain types and how to best play against them.

It's hard to tell much more from your stats, and you were winning at 5nl, so maybe just brush up on those opening ranges, villain types, and how to play your non-made hands IP and OOP if that's what you think you struggle with. Don't open hands like QTo/KTo UTG, and don't call with them either, 3bet or fold. Being aggressive IP will help take down more pots as too many villains at this level will setmine OOP despite not having correct odds. Work out the ones that will call pre then fold to a flop cbet and then abuse them.

Good luck
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-25-2013 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by cundyno1
Hi Guys

Any help is appreciated. I play micro stakes Zoom. Winning 2nl player taking shots at 5nl at present.


uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-25-2013 , 05:41 AM
You're running at 12bb/100, what's the problem?!!

OK, so you're pretty much a NIT. It works at these stakes. You can open up if you want though. TAGish stats are around 21/18 with 3AF and 6-8% 3bet

Your flop cbet is also high. Think about villain types and board texture more.

But, if what you're doing is working for you, you don't always have to change it.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-25-2013 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Dunna100
You're running at 12bb/100, what's the problem?!!

OK, so you're pretty much a NIT. It works at these stakes. You can open up if you want though. TAGish stats are around 21/18 with 3AF and 6-8% 3bet

Your flop cbet is also high. Think about villain types and board texture more.

But, if what you're doing is working for you, you don't always have to change it.
Ok thanks pal. Just needed someone to say I'm doing things ok "confidence thing". Been taking shots at 5nl recently and struggled tbh, not played any different. Dropped back to 2nl for a while. Do you think I could play this way up to 10nl?
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-25-2013 , 06:01 AM
Could be a sample size thing. People often struggle (myself included) when initially moving up. A few coolers and you're back down again.

You should be ok up to 10nl, but maybe look to expand/improve the much as you can on the way up. Cheaper to learn at 2 or 5nl
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-27-2013 , 03:43 PM
Hi, just moved up from 2NL to 5NL, playing with quite similar stats but the bb/100 diffrence is so big, am i doing something wrong or just having a bad run @ 5NL?

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-28-2013 , 12:09 PM
Heya just moved to PS and strugling with NL 2 , would really appreciate a look into my stats from someone more experienced then me. As i have no idea what am doing wrong.Or bad beats hitting me hard
My PF stats seems pretty nit somehow and i even open QJs from UTG Oo
Cheers !

ps. no idea why images wont resize (

Last edited by xandar82; 05-28-2013 at 12:16 PM.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-28-2013 , 12:42 PM
Back at poker after a hiatus. Breakeven at $0.25/0.50 on Ipoker speed after circa. 20k hands.

Graph and positional stats below. Would appreciate any nuggets that are obvious from the pics. (Not sure what's happening in the cutoff )

I expect my VPIP in the BB is high because I call wide vs. SB steal.

uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-28-2013 , 01:01 PM
You can open up a bit more in LP, and also 3bet more often. So many players will call a 3bet OOP and fold to a 1/2 pot cbet that it's a big money maker at these levels. Find the ones that do it and abuse them.

18/13 with 1.7AF is basically weaktight. This means you're not entering enough pots strongly, and not being aggressive enough postflop either.

Are you value-betting enough rivers? Are you getting 3 streets from the fish when you have TP? Do you play draws aggressively against the right players?

As you move up you also should be trying to take advantage of other players tendencies. For example, start 3betting light in the BB against the CO/BTN who opens loose but folds to lots of 3bets.

Difficult to say much more from those stats, but maybe you need to work on understanding the types of players you're playing against and interpreting their stats, then using that information against them
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-28-2013 , 01:12 PM

Firstly, you're a winning player, and that's more than a lot of players can say.

Like I said above, you're kinda weaktight too with similar stats of 18/12/1.9 so think about the things I mentioned to him.

If you try and play a bit more aggressively, then you will also bring up your W$WSF and lower your WTSD stats. Your turn cbet is also a little high, so you maybe barreling too much, and especially at this level where villains don't fold. 2nl isn't the place for 3 barrel bluffs. Your fold to cbet stats are also low, which means you're calling too much.

You also need to sort out your play from the blinds, especially the BB. A PFR of slightly more than a 1/3rd of your VPIP isn't great. You will not have position for the rest of the hand so if you wanna play it is good to at least have the betting lead. It is often better to 3bet or fold from the BB, but again as I said above, try and take note of your villains opening loose and then make money from them

Think you could tinker with your pre and postflop game a bit, so maybe get some studying in as well as practice and try and implement a few refinements where you can
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-28-2013 , 01:21 PM

I don't play 50nl (yet) but what i notice from your stats if it helps:

- You open the same range from EP/MP
- Massive jump from CO to BTN. Maybe loosen up in CO a touch and reign back in BTN too, although mainly depends on how your player pool reacts to LP steals I guess.
- You have an aggro preflop game, but then only 2AF postflop. Are you getting called a lot pre and so having to back down postflop with a weak range, or just not following through on the aggression?
- Are you accurately putting your villains on ranges and playing as optimally against them?
- Your graph obviously tells the story of your aggression pre but looks like you're struggling at showdown, so maybe your postflop game needs sharpening up

I dunno what 50nl at Ipoker speed is like, but if it's as full of NITs as 10-25nl speed is then your preflop aggression may not be getting you as many folds as villains are starting with such a tight range anyway?

Just my thoughts, but probably partly because of the anomaly with your CO stats, and partly all relative to the player pool imo
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
05-28-2013 , 02:11 PM
Thank you very much on pointing out some segments which need to be improved. Really appreciate it <3.
uNL Stats Checkup Thread Quote
