Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
The fact of the matter is that I have asked Stickman to email me the hand history. The hand history he has provided does not provide enough information. I have been requesting that he sends me the "Full instant hand history" but he has ignored that. And we played ALOT more hands than he has wanted to provide. On top of that we played on 4 different table and he obviously doesn't give me the info I am looking for. I tried to look up the hand history for the games we played/ flipped from that day, but its not showing all the games.
This is the most rediculous argument; stop requesting stickman to provide you with evidence and why not provide him with the evidence that backs up whatever you believe to be true. Either way, all hand histories are automatically saved in the stars homegame; it is also really easy to email stars and request all of your hand histories. This is an issue that should be resolved between the two of you and that is all.
here is the chat log from your last home game session:
A 1 i s h a: u tilt me
A 1 i s h a: can we play
stickman090: 7-3
stickman090: im up 800 this roun
stickman090: round*
A 1 i s h a: can we play
A 1 i s h a: u shoulda stop tilting me
A 1 i s h a: its not cool
A 1 i s h a: whatever blocking u on aim
A 1 i s h a: later
stickman090: im ok
again, all of the information both of you are seeking is stored forever on pokerstars, so instead of asking someone to provide you evidence, why don't you instead find it easily for youself and end this stupid argument. done.