Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Why do they owe this debt? This is my fundamental beef with progressivism--you assume the existence of this debt without, as far as I can tell, any justification whatsoever.
Why do I owe anything to the veterans of the revolutionary war or any other US war?
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet can only arise because of the society that has been built by previous generations provides an environment in which their talents can flourish. If Gates had been born in the Congo or Somalia he might simply be dead by now. Is it a great personal virtue to be born into a situation in which your particular talents are well suited?
And it is not just a matter of being lucky enough to be born into wealthy society with lots of freedoms, there is run good at choosing parents, cities and whether or not you die as a result of youthful stupidity (e.g. drunk driving).
Think of any wealthy black athlete in the US and what he owes to those who fought against slavery and later Jim Crow? Without those earlier generations struggles Michael Jordan could have been a show shine boy instead of a millionaire. Sure, he worked damn hard on his game but even as a free man, he could have been born into a century that had little use for his athletic gifts.
By helping to improve the lot of future generations we honor those who built the society that allowed us to flourish and respect those who through no fault of their own, have not run as well as we have.
Change a few starting conditions of Bill Gates life and maybe he ends up being a small time drug dealer.
I happen to be well above average in prosperity (according to the Mother Jones wealth and income stats recently posted) but I don't doubt there are people who are smarter and more virtuous than me but ran bad at life and did far worse.
Have you ever known a child with great potential that they never grow into? They ran bad at learning what inspired them. I don't believe Gates or Buffet have better work ethic than other less successful people. I believe that they found work that they loved and their generation happened to value.
Pick the most talented artist you can think of. They could just have easily been born into a century that disdained their gift and all the passion for their art that we admire would be seen as laziness.