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*** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) *** *** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) ***

04-24-2016 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by markodpoker
Willing to == I will given the chance.

Oro has given you the chance.

If Oro is on a 1.3% heater like you said, you should be more than happy to take the 98.3% chance he'll stop running well while your bet is active and you'll win.

Unless of course you're gunna bite the bullet and give him credit for being a strong player....
This is sooooo obviously the case. Timstone said has was willing, then as soon as Oro actually challenges him, he sheepishly backs out. I feel like in a way, me (at least the old me) and Timstone have a few things in common regarding our sheepish, nitty tendencies complimented with our big egos.

On the surface, the fact that "Timstone" is an anagram of "Tom se nit" could seem like just a coincidence to a naive individual. But a wise man like myself would come to the conclusion over the years that there's no such thing as "coincidences". Spooky

Last edited by xXPocketDucksXx; 04-24-2016 at 06:04 AM.
*** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-24-2016 , 06:37 AM

Crazy, mong, delusional, insane, stoopid, idiot (these are just a few names I've been called here) Oro will be back every month to present you with more je*k off material. Prepare to have all of your beliefs shaken to their core.

Im not forgetting about the little love I get too guys, its just that hate fuels me so much better

As for a certain individual - there is no need to talk about it any more. Its not like he is going to man-up all of a sudden.
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04-24-2016 , 07:10 AM
That's ****ing sick.
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04-24-2016 , 08:22 AM
Nice graph, good poker skills! Also arrogant, insecure and a bit of a ****?
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04-24-2016 , 10:45 AM
Insecure as ****. Thats for sure. Impressive results but absolute joke of a person.
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04-24-2016 , 11:16 AM
Thanks marko. Hopefully more sickness to come.

In the beginning it was my game that was outrageous - never managed to prove a point to this community with everybody watching the same vids and less than a few thinking outside of the box. Now when its hard to argue my game, its my haircut.
"Good poker skills" - doesnt come as a natural compliment but more like one u have forced upon yourself so you could say the other part too. Nevertheless I appreciate it. It takes a way bigger man to step forward and acknowledge it than to remain one among many "silent readers".

Yet I seem to fascinate you for you have read through every little bit I ever said. I see you pounding on Tom too wherever you get the chance. In groups you rats even feel stronger. Nothing but a bully without balls. Biggest lifetime achievment being several thousands posts on a poker-forum with less than 1% of these being actually poker related. Wherever I took a s*it u were there to pick it up.
Remember how you at first instance called me "your soulmate". Thats way off your current judgment. Id say switch to psychology but ud perform "there" even worse than "here" i guess.
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04-24-2016 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Oro_Ja_Njivu
It takes a way bigger man to step forward and acknowledge it than to remain one among many "silent readers".
What exactly does this mean?
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04-24-2016 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
What exactly does this mean?
There is people who dislike you openly, and there is people who dislike you silently. Im addressing the ones that would come out only if they saw me on my knees but never when "im standing stong".
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04-24-2016 , 12:16 PM
Money is nothing if you have nobody to share it with.
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04-24-2016 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
Money is nothing if you have nobody to share it with.
Couldn't agree more Hap.
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04-24-2016 , 02:30 PM
I think I said way back when you were crushing arp that no one or at least most people don't argue against you being good at poker. It's just that you represent yourself in a manner which shows that you suck at being a decent person.

I can't really say I care too much about this other than having watched your stream where you seemed like a guy who is or could be a decent person but on here you behave the exact opposite. And now I find myself cheering for you to not be this bastard character. It could be dutch arrogance rubbing off on you idk but iirc back then you responded by saying something to the effect that you didn't like your forum persona and took a step back from 2p2 because of it.

Yes you've won a lot of money, yes you're crushing, yes you're probably one of the better regs at z100, yes you're better than practically everyone here at uFR forum. Good for you. But still, don't be a **** about it. For your sake and everyone else's
*** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-24-2016 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Oro_Ja_Njivu
Thanks marko. Hopefully more sickness to come.

In the beginning it was my game that was outrageous - never managed to prove a point to this community with everybody watching the same vids and less than a few thinking outside of the box. Now when its hard to argue my game, its my haircut.
"Good poker skills" - doesnt come as a natural compliment but more like one u have forced upon yourself so you could say the other part too. Nevertheless I appreciate it. It takes a way bigger man to step forward and acknowledge it than to remain one among many "silent readers".

Yet I seem to fascinate you for you have read through every little bit I ever said. I see you pounding on Tom too wherever you get the chance. In groups you rats even feel stronger. Nothing but a bully without balls. Biggest lifetime achievment being several thousands posts on a poker-forum with less than 1% of these being actually poker related. Wherever I took a s*it u were there to pick it up.
Remember how you at first instance called me "your soulmate". Thats way off your current judgment. Id say switch to psychology but ud perform "there" even worse than "here" i guess.
Id take the time to think out a clever response wasnt it for the fact you are mentally challenged.

You and Tom are made for each other.
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04-24-2016 , 02:52 PM
Its funny when you think about it. We have had some legit crushers posting here. And they all were looked up to, liked, respected etc etc.

And then there is you........
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04-24-2016 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Finnisher
I think I said way back when you were crushing arp that no one or at least most people don't argue against you being good at poker. It's just that you represent yourself in a manner which shows that you suck at being a decent person.

I can't really say I care too much about this other than having watched your stream where you seemed like a guy who is or could be a decent person but on here you behave the exact opposite. And now I find myself cheering for you to not be this bastard character. It could be dutch arrogance rubbing off on you idk but iirc back then you responded by saying something to the effect that you didn't like your forum persona and took a step back from 2p2 because of it.

Yes you've won a lot of money, yes you're crushing, yes you're probably one of the better regs at z100, yes you're better than practically everyone here at uFR forum. Good for you. But still, don't be a **** about it. For your sake and everyone else's
People like you were never the problem. I came here with the intention to make friends/interact/help each other improve. The first time I mentioned 5bb+ winrates I was made out for an idiot. Whenever I posted an alternative approach to a hand/spot - id end up being burnt to the ground.
Then on top of it around comes some german-zero-talent-all-work-ethic-golden-days-of-poker-hotshot standing next to me trying to make himself look good by: being willing to bet signifficant amounts against me.

For those who have followed, ive nearly painted out every unusual spot - why I took a certain line. Never found any acceptance here (few exceptions). Not one "well played" but plenty of the opposite. If i were the j*rk u wish im not, would I care at all?

If ive been a dick on personal level then just as a reaction but never as the initiator. Whoever was nice to me has received twice the kindness in return.
Whoever was a j*rk is about to receive whats coming to them.

Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Id take the time to think out a clever response wasnt it for the fact you are mentally challenged.
If you could think of a comeback id be reading it by now.
"Im not gonna respond to you because you are mentally challanged, but I wont ever block you and Ill be following your every step ever so I can tell others what a jerk I think you are."
U said it, u did not take the time to think of a clever response so .. you posted a ____ one.

Also you are not WE and by no means can you talk in the name of the entire community.
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04-24-2016 , 04:08 PM
How do you not understand the word "we" in that context rofl.
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04-24-2016 , 05:27 PM
The we part in the context applies to "and then there is you" excluding me from what "we" had. (decent, well mannered, liked, respected crushers).
When you talk about everything "we had in others" and then make a separation it suggest that "all of which we had in others - we do not have in you" (im not liked, respected etc..)
but that strictly is your own opinion.

Its like saying:
We used to have great cheese in the Netherlands over the past years.
But there was also gorgonzola.

Just because you dislike gorgonzola, it may not be the opinion of an entire country.
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04-24-2016 , 08:00 PM
Ooops just realised this isn't the strat thread..

carry on.

Last edited by markodpoker; 04-24-2016 at 08:05 PM.
*** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-24-2016 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Oro_Ja_Njivu
The we part in the context applies to "and then there is you" excluding me from what "we" had. (decent, well mannered, liked, respected crushers).
When you talk about everything "we had in others" and then make a separation it suggest that "all of which we had in others - we do not have in you" (im not liked, respected etc..)
but that strictly is your own opinion.

Its like saying:
We used to have great cheese in the Netherlands over the past years.
But there was also gorgonzola.

Just because you dislike gorgonzola, it may not be the opinion of an entire country.
Well I love Gorgonzola! I feel like the reason people seem to dislike you Oro is just that you have demonstrated that you're (rightfully) proud and confident about your achievements. These days in our politically correct society, "pride" and "confidence" are often mistaken for "arrogance" and "showing off". But being proud and confident about yourself is actually an asset, not a detriment, as it is the ones who are confident and believe in themselves who are more likely to get somewhere in life.

This explains why we have people here like Mzbourg and others who have spent years playing poker and have not made any progress. And then there's folk like me who have jumped 4 limits in the space of months, reaching a limit I am crushing where others have spent years trying to beat. And now through my determination and perseverance, I've reached a position where I can basically just waltz into the music industry whenever I want and become a big name in no time. And of course we have Oro, who needless to say has jumped many hurdles to get to where he is today.

I almost feel sorry for folk like Mzbourg, who have no self-belief, no confidence and thus feel like they have to take out their own patheticness on other people. But alas, there's no time to feel sorry about the guys who are dragging society behind. It's all about moving forward, ignoring the haters, and achieving your max potential. So I just wanted to wish you the best of luck Oro in your poker career: haters gonna hate, but what you've achieved so far is incredible! I believe in you to go far!
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04-25-2016 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by xXPocketDucksXx
...So I just wanted to wish you the best of luck Oro in your poker career: haters gonna hate, but what you've achieved so far is incredible! I believe in you to go far!

Thanks Tom, wish you all the best as well.

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04-25-2016 , 04:26 AM
Crushers got to stick together i suppose ....
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04-25-2016 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
Crushers got to stick together i suppose ....
As a matter of fact they dont. I can very well take on all the haters on my own.
Just like Tom does every day here. Its the little people that have to stick together. If u are "blaming" us for togetherness - just go back a couple of pages and see who's the minority/majoirty here.

Apart from some obvious biterness/sarcasm - whats the purpose of your comment/smiley?
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04-25-2016 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Oro_Ja_Njivu
Apart from some obvious biterness/sarcasm - whats the purpose of your comment/smiley?
I have no bitterness towards you or anyone else on here.

My comment was towards Tom because he's attaching himself to you because he's that deluded he actually thinks he's as good as you on the poker tables because he's won for a couple of months.

He thinks the negative comments towards you are for the same reasons as they are aimed towards him which is completely ridiculous.

The negativity towards you is because of your attitude towards everyone because your winning and winning well.

The negativity towards Tom is because he's a complete numpty and one of the biggest idiots ive seen on any forum to date.

But Tom being Tom ... he would rather think its because hes a crusher like yourself and everyone hates crushers obviously.

You should really take a leaf out of benabadbeat's approach to things, hes a winning player at higher stakes than yourself and yet ive never seen anyone say a bad word about him or him saying something negative to others.

Granted ... he needs to work a lot on his snooker but nobody is perfect.
*** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-25-2016 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
Granted ... he needs to work a lot on his snooker but nobody is perfect.
If this is how we judge people I'm possibly the worst person in the world.

Brb, trying to sink one red ball.
*** Official 2016 uFR All Sites Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-25-2016 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
I have no bitterness towards you or anyone else on here.

My comment was towards Tom because he's attaching himself to you because he's that deluded he actually thinks he's as good as you on the poker tables because he's won for a couple of months.

He thinks the negative comments towards you are for the same reasons as they are aimed towards him which is completely ridiculous.

The negativity towards you is because of your attitude towards everyone because your winning and winning well.

The negativity towards Tom is because he's a complete numpty and one of the biggest idiots ive seen on any forum to date.

But Tom being Tom ... he would rather think its because hes a crusher like yourself and everyone hates crushers obviously.

You should really take a leaf out of benabadbeat's approach to things, hes a winning player at higher stakes than yourself and yet ive never seen anyone say a bad word about him or him saying something negative to others.

Granted ... he needs to work a lot on his snooker but nobody is perfect.
This post is packed with misinformation, it makes me cringe. I never claimed to be as good as Oro at poker; obviously he's in a completely different league to me. But I've still been a crusher at the limits I've played, and have done better than most others in ufr.

Also, I never said the reason why people dislike Oro is "because he's a crusher". I said it's because he's openly been confident and proud about what he's achieved and when he goes "hey look at what I've done" people sneer at him and try to down-credit what he's accomplished by making out he's a show-off/bragger. My nanny/grandma would always say "Don't worry; they're just jealous!" about those sorts of people and she's damn right too. People try and come up with excuses about why they don't think someone's as good as they are or doesn't deserve praise (such as the old "bad attitude" farce), but really it just comes down to jealousy. They wish they were in Oro's position.

On a related note, I also don't like how in today's politically correct era, people feel obliged to act how "society" would like us to act rather than act however they choose. People like me and Oro should be able to discuss openly about what we've achieved in life and not have people criticise us for our "attitude" or "tone" (or as a face-to-face example, "posture"). People should be permitted the freedom of speech and action (within reason) and not get berated or put down for it. For me, in an ideal world people should be able to walk down the street completely naked and not get laughed at/stared at/arrested.
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04-25-2016 , 09:21 AM
So show me all the posters that are jealous of how well Bena is doing ...

Let me know when you finally get it ...

Originally Posted by markodpoker
Brb, trying to sink one red ball.
Practice makes perfect
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