If the villain has a fold to 3bet statistic over 70% i 3bet that hand OOP most of the times. The way you played it i do not bet the flop when i talk first, i need at least one to check before me, all the PP call here.
The possible hands of the villain are
1. semibluffs A9+ spades, A3, A4
I do not believe to TJs cause most of the times he would fold the flop raise.
2.PP 22-88
I do not think he has 99+ cause he would 3bet the flop and the chances he has 22, 33, 44,55,66 are small cause he raises 13% of his hands and he is UTG+1. 77 and 88 are more possible, but i think that with 88 he would raise more than half pot on the turn cause of all the draws.
3. The nuts 67s
That is not really possible either cause a player with a pr 13% wouldn't raise that from that position
4.Total bluff AK, AJ
So, you are both in a draw or he has 77 or he is in total bluff. I would semibluff here and shove cause if i read him right even if he has 77 i have many outs to win.
I hope i helped