Originally Posted by supervillan
Squeeze PF is fine if you raise bigger to $3 imo.
I don't understand why you bet 1/2 on the flop - then nearly 2/3 on the turn scare card? As played I would be giving up on the turn.
This goes with the Cranz thing I stated above, if we get 4-bet we fold anyway, so we can safe some money when OR goes over the top and I am not sure how much the %foldequity chances (and I think nobody can, its kinda a guessing game) Since I bet my AA/KK a bit smaller preflop to in those spots I like to do it with my Squeezes too
I bet 1/2 on the flop to pick up the pot there if he has complete missed his hand. I'd do that with most of my hands, maybe all on this flop.
After he called me I was scared in the very first moment.
I didn't liked the turn card first.
But still, what could he double-flat-call preflop with? AK is in his range, but I think he would push/minraise/raise on the flop a good amount of the time. Same for 88.
KQ is in his range too ... I guess its the most likly hand that beats me.
Random Two-Spade Hands are in his range too I think ... I don't know if he calls QJss or JTss or ATss in those spots...
but again I think he will raise those on the flop a high % of the time
since I raised preflop&on the flop so small I think he could float with JJ/TT/99, maybe unimproved AsQh.
On the turn I bet out for value vs floating PP's and to protect my hand.
After he pushed I had 3.5-1 odds (Didn't noticed that I will have such great odds before I bet which was a mistake)
And with 3.5-1 I think I should call even if he has slowplayed 88/AxKx/ATss sometimes, he could do this with 99sx/TTsx/JJsx
So I called.