It seems old mate danmerrr is who he says he is. I have just been informed of his backer who is a good bloke. Still never seen danmerrr play but I can't imagine he's that good.
This whole persona appears to be an attempt to get the bad regs with egos (kranshan, bazzz, sayno2racism etc. - sorry guys I had to name you) to play him while he can avoid all the good regs. But this could be wrong, he does claim he will play TC and WCG but I'm not sure I believe it.
I'm still uncertain if the guy is a full blown nutcase, or he is a social genius who has us all by the nuts.
I would like to now if there's a heads up cash game HUD for HEM2 available. Or would Note Caddy Edge Ultimate suffice to or Alan Jacksons Dynamic hud? I have Coffeehud For Sng..
He stopped auto reloading but according to him he has lots of money else where and other investments. Not sure it adds up since skunkden used to take half od his 2k action. Most likely busto