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*******HU CASH Regs thread******* *******HU CASH Regs thread*******

05-04-2009 , 11:04 PM
Guy is new to the boards and has one post.

Guess it's not good to level a newbie whom you have no forum metagame with.

You on the other hand....
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-04-2009 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
cftw, really nice post. i want say what i think about what you said, but i can't since my english is so bad that i can't make long (elaborate) posts. basically i agree w/ you: you need lucky to win a lot of money at poker, even being a very good player. anyway i still play poker because i really need the money that i make w/ poker. plus i have fun while playing poker...

oh, and fullflush is bad? i thought he was very very good. (how i could think another thing about him? as you said, he was making a ton of money playing w/ the best players in the world).

ps: i hope when my english is good (i am having english classes here in brazil, but will take some months to improve) you still being coaching. would be very nice have coach w/ you.

some people say fullflush is good. he has some good postflop "instinct", but as I mentioned in my previous post, when you're running like god you always have "instinct." TeeJayorTJ made a nice call with KJ high (posted earlier in this thread) which is sicker than anything ff has done; we've all made sick calldowns. Fullflush is terrible preflop and postflop his hands just match up so well with yours.

For example, I flopped a straight in a 3-bet pot on 568ss w/ 79, and FF c/r's AT with the Ts. His equity against my stacking range would be in the 20's, but he's just lucky I flopped the straight. He also flats a ton of 4-bets and always flops top pair or trips. If you have AQ and you 4-bet, he'll flat w/ Q7 and it'll come 772. If you 4-bet JJ, it'll come Q22 after he flats. It's not +EV; it's just god mode.

Edit: Again, I'm not trying to start a flame war. This is just my opinion and it could easily be wrong and I acknowledge that. From what I've seen (and i've seen a lot of fullflush because I scouted him a ton after our few matchups), he just coolers his opponents over and over and over and over or bad beats them.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-04-2009 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by cftw
I think one thing all HSNL players eventually realize is variance will catch up to you. When you realize that perceived edges are insignificant compared to the sheer power of luck in a game as swingy as HU, the fun and challenge begins to disappear. You aren't just flipping a lot or playing equities when you're all in; that's just half the battle. All the times you aren't all-in and call because you deem it a +EV move and lose...that's the equivalent of losing a flip because you debated the merits of calling and folding. Most of the time you win there, sure, but you'll go through stretches where you're wrong 80% of the time. Real edges in HU take so many hands to determine and having a good game theory-wise and application-wise isn't nearly enough on its own.

when fullflush beat me, my love for poker kind of died. if somebody as bad at poker as fullflush and as douchey of a person as fullflush can go on a 1.5 million heater in under a month running in pure god mode and playing only the best players in the world...then what's the point in playing if you really don't need the money? Money is great; I like it, but I'd be lying if I told you I needed it or if it was a priority. I liked the challenge and believing my +EV nature in the games I played to be worth my time; I think a lot of good players tried to tell me that one day all my hero calls would be wrong, my bluffs that could only be called by the top 7% of my opponent's range would be called a lot, that flips would run the other way (i was never good at flipping anyway), and that no matter how well I played I'd lose. I think that's when poker stopped becoming fun. My honest opinion is that I am +EV against most 25/50 regs, and 25/50 plays harder than nosebleeds for the pure reason that almost all nosebleeds players game select and only good games come together, but I don't think I'd ever get in enough hands to smooth out the variance, so I decided to just quit.

Fact of the matter is, you need luck. All of us do. Durr is a great player, but you'd be deluding yourself if you didn't realize that Durrr runs like God.

Eventually, when you aren't a pro, no amount of money is enough to allow you to put yourself through what poker can put you through again.

Edit: These are just my candid opinions; I'm not saying I'm right, but this is what I honestly believe.

I think these thoughts are well thought out but here is my argument in disagreement.

1. I honestly think the swings in 6 max are worse than HU. That's my personal experience, but also winrates are like 1ptBB to 3ptBB/100 and your obviously your going to go through streches where you lose money. I think you can have very large edges against people HU and its not going to take that many hands to see that. For example, put aejones, mastrblastr, sauce123, etc. against some bumhunter, even a decent one, and there winrate will be around 15ptBB/100 long term. Maybe this is an exaggeration but not a large one, its at least going to be 10.

2. I do think you were wrong about full flush. I watched him play Benefield and FF played very well pre. Versus most everyone else he was just ****ing around because he had sick skills when it came to getting into a persons head and figure out game flow and timing tells, as well as understanding how he could get his opponents to unbalance their range.

3. On the same note, we do need a lot of luck. It's very true. You can be god like at poker and still lose if you get unlucky enough. In fact, its statistically probable that someone has played incredibly well and still loses on a regular basis. It's a sad reality.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-04-2009 , 11:37 PM
Calling 4bets light versus a majority of players isnt that terrible anyways.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-04-2009 , 11:42 PM
fullflush has run incredibly hot but its also extremely lol for you to think that you're +ev against him. he is still a v good player
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-04-2009 , 11:47 PM
if it were that easy to grind 1.5mills against the best players it would happen more often.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-04-2009 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by jsnipes28
fullflush has run incredibly hot but its also extremely lol for you to think that you're +ev against him. he is still a v good player
sorry if i'm not being PC. yes i know he has won a ton more money than me, but all i know is he ran 33k above EV vs. me, had hands that matched up perfectly with mine, was very bad mannered, and did not seem good in any way. You might have played more hands with fullflush (have you?), but from my personal experience he wasn't that great. there's more to poker than $$ won and reputations. Just look at ICSW or grimmstar, etc. i'm just calling it as it is now because this poker account will be destroyed soon anyway

If you are saying what you are saying with absolutely no evidence (i.e. knowing a lot about both our games, played vs. both of us a lot and looked at our games), then you really can't say it's "lol" for me to think I am a better HU player than fullflush. If your only argument is "lol you've only made 15% of what he has" then it's invalid. To say that it's beyond the bounds of possibility and "lol" that I'm better than fullflush is way too absolute of a statement. it can be unlikely, but not impossible. if fullflush loses everything in the next month, does your opinion change? if fullflush starts off running badly and drops his 100k deposit, does your opinion change?

Redgrape probably has far better insight in this issue than you do.

In response to him, I saw the Raptor much and was railing it with a few other poker players. He did cooler Raptor a ton fwiw, but he did seem to have an uncanny ability to just win. I did begin to think that fullflush was pretty good, but then I reviewed my database and saw the hands we played and the game dynamics at the time, and it was tough for me to believe with the evidence I have been exposed too. Again, poker is a pretty variable game so we've all seen different aspects of different players' games.

I think jungleman played him too and can vouch for what I'm saying about ff.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by StreamlineR
if it were that easy to grind 1.5mills against the best players it would happen more often.

i think this is a logical fallacy and an incorrect perception to due to the naturally risk-averse nature of most people. It doesn't happen that often because most players don't have 100k to degen away. Of those who do (and are bad), most go broke. Eventually, just through sheer chance, you're going to have some guy with decent skill go into god mode temporarily and win a ton in a very short period. a ton of decent players have made runs like this and become famous. a lot of them lose it back or realize the variance of poker and quit after a huge downswing.

also, think about how the general public perceives moneymaker and others who have won the wsop. they think they are great because "it has to take a lot of skill to win the wsop because all the best players are there." i think it's important to realize all this stuff for yourself and develop your own opinions on the matter. the only reason i played poker for so long was because i was so 2+2 indoctrinated and believed edges manifested themselves in 1k hands or something HU.

they don't.

Last edited by cftw; 05-05-2009 at 12:06 AM.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Redgrape
Calling 4bets light versus a majority of players isnt that terrible anyways.

i'd actually like to discuss this theory w/ you 100 bb deep. i've been wondering about this myself.

Also, I don't think I have an edge or anything even close to an edge on any of Fullflush's best friends. it's not an issue of ego, just honest perception.

Last edited by cftw; 05-05-2009 at 12:10 AM.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by cftw
i think this is a logical fallacy and an incorrect perception to due to the naturally risk-averse nature of most people. It doesn't happen that often because most players don't have 100k to degen away. Of those who do (and are bad), most go broke. Eventually, just through sheer chance, you're going to have some guy with decent skill go into god mode temporarily and win a ton in a very short period. a ton of decent players have made runs like this and become famous. a lot of them lose it back or realize the variance of poker and quit after a huge downswing.

also, think about how the general public perceives moneymaker and others who have won the wsop. they think they are great because "it has to take a lot of skill to win the wsop because all the best players are there." i think it's important to realize all this stuff for yourself and develop your own opinions on the matter. the only reason i played poker for so long was because i was so 2+2 indoctrinated and believed edges manifested themselves in 1k hands or something HU.

they don't.
huh this is a weird response. Your first point about risk-aversion is imo valid but doesn't make my point a fallacy because my point is actually undebatable. The easier something is the more it should happen. Look at PLO, people winning 1mill and losing it back are actually much more frequent there because luck is an even bigger factor and as such it's easier. (Trex or Urindanger was saying that in his interview)

I don't understand your point about moneymaker though, he didn't play against the best players for 20k hands multi-tabling 2-4 tables HU. I don't know how many hands the winner of the WSOP ME plays in average but I doubt it's higher than 500-1k. 500-1k hands heaters are super common.

Fact is I think you're underestimating the skills involved in beating consistently the best CG players out there for 20k hands. Eventhough he probably ran pretty good, he's prolly still sick good. Take thedarktilt, he probably had some 20k hand stretches of run good, yet he's still losing a boatload of monies, and while he played against good players, he didn't play against every nosebleed reg possible.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by StreamlineR
huh this is a weird response. Your first point about risk-aversion is imo valid but doesn't make my point a fallacy because my point is actually undebatable. The easier something is the more it should happen. Look at PLO, people winning 1mill and losing it back are actually much more frequent there because luck is an even bigger factor and as such it's easier. (Trex or Urindanger was saying that in his interview)

I don't understand your point about moneymaker though, he didn't play against the best players for 20k hands multi-tabling 2-4 tables HU. I don't know how many hands the winner of the WSOP ME plays in average but I doubt it's higher than 500-1k. 500-1k hands heaters are super common.

Fact is I think you're underestimating the skills involved in beating consistently the best CG players out there for 20k hands. Eventhough he probably ran pretty good, he's prolly still sick good. Take thedarktilt, he probably had some 20k hand stretches of run good, yet he's still losing a boatload of monies, and while he played against good players, he didn't play against every nosebleed reg possible.

Thedarktilt is a drooler at staady's level. Ask coragyps what he thinks of TheDarkTilt; obviously coragyps is a better player but it didn't stop TDT from running 20 BI off of him. That just goes to show you that even droolers can run very very hot. An old coach of mine lost 20+ BI to pony; you can't say that pony is better than everybody right?

FF is not a drooler. He is just a spewy preflop reg with decent postflop instincts. The reasons you don't see runs like this happening is because not many people in the world have a big enough ego to think he has an edge on every nosebleeds reg and even offers 20k/hour for some of them to play him. Give him a year or two and see where he's at. Maybe he is the best; maybe he isn't. Saying somebody is the best because of a 20k sample where he wins 40 buyins is very premature.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:16 AM
thedarktilt played against good 25/50nl regs mostly,4-tabling fpr hours and he loses at 3ptbb, i'd think he beats 2/4 tbh, and he's not a total drooler at the level of someone who loses at 25ptbb or whatever staady loses at
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:41 AM
Isn't TDT elky?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by ICMoney
Guy is new to the boards and has one post.

Guess it's not good to level a newbie whom you have no forum metagame with.

You on the other hand....
lol =p

about thedarktilt, he is terrible. he is reaaaalllllly bad!!! i played a ton w/ him and i lost a ton of money playing w/ him. a bit because i was tilted (is it possible don't tilt when you realize you are 20bi down vs a huge idiot??), but the most part was because he was running like god. when i had the 2nd nuts, he had the nuts. when i had the nuts, obv he would suckout on turn or river... 2outs? its easy for him. even 1 outer, he can do it.

btw would be sooooooo nice play again w/ thedarktilt. i think he can't run like god every ****** time. btw, anybody saw him on ftp last weeks/months?

about staady, i heard that he is terrible. but i would bet thedarktilt is 10x worst than staady.

ps: nice post redgrape. you usually make nice posts!!

Last edited by urubu111; 05-05-2009 at 03:20 AM.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 03:27 AM
14 tables of 2/4 3/6


everyone email this one in

*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 03:34 AM
wreed platzak

*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 08:36 AM
I dont play HU on ft, but will ft suspend a person for sitting at to many open HU tables?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by soon2begator
I dont play HU on ft, but will ft suspend a person for sitting at to many open HU tables?
B/c bums use to sit at 16 tables of one level - and then everyone else had to do it as well.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:30 PM
i rec'd another email from ftp today. they WILL suspend you. but, you dont have to believe it --- but just wait wreed platzak and we 4 the coonts, yours are a comin'

and goofball clownbox chicagoRy closed the otther thread bc i dont know how and refuse to learn how to crop pictures LOL

i wont spend my time learning how to crop pictures when i can spend it making $$$ or reporitng you idiots that prevent me from making $$$
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:46 PM
Maybe it's just with me but it's just really annoying because on each page it has to load each image full size first and then it shrinks them down. You post a lot and people quote it so it's like 10 images on this page alone.

It's also funny that your main argument for not learning how to crop pictures is "you'd rather spend your time doing more important stuff." Come on man, you just stare at the lobby all day.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:47 PM

someone PM me detailed in structions on how to crop in ms paint plz? k, thanks.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:50 PM
could anyone give some info on some party HU regs

rudolf reudig
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:51 PM
nl 100 and 200 regs.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by donky1

someone PM me detailed in structions on how to crop in ms paint plz? k, thanks.
Click the very top left rectangle selection button (I think it's top left), select the area you want to crop, right click and select 'copy', then do File -> New image, then immediately 'paste' your selection. It appears, and you can save that for use.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
05-05-2009 , 04:00 PM
click the top right rectangle tool>>select the area that you want>>>go to image>>>crop
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
