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03-02-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by mrrpb
However, if you're willing to claim that a god did create the universe, who created the god? And if something created that god, what created it? the god theory cannot be irreducibly complex afterall, so indeed the theory of it being a god is even greater than that of random chance because the god itself requires an extraordinary evidence, let alone the evidence of the creation of that god.
The explanation for that is that there is no beginning or end to God. I'm sure you've probably heard the term alpha and omega? The theory is that God has always been and always will be. There was no creation, birth, or origin of God. It's often said that people are unable to comprehend it because we are not God, and he is the only one capable of understanding existence without origin. Obviously that explanation is impossible to prove and not concrete. The only way a logical person would subscribe to this theory is if they believe that everything else that the bible says is true (the absolute truth theory) and therefore God must exist.

It really comes down to if you accept the bible as absolute truth. Obviously you do not, so it would be illogical for you to accept anything tied to it (like the existence of God).
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03-02-2011 , 06:50 PM
wow really? we're having a religious debate? in this thread?
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03-02-2011 , 06:53 PM
Just like HU games, this thread is deteriorating slowly
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03-02-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
A friend of mine once blew my mind when he said "Atheists make a claim of equal weight to that of the religious".

From that day forward I considered myself agnostic.
I don't think the claims are of equal weight. mrrpb said it best. Agnostic atheism ftw:

Agnostic atheism - Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not have belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know that a deity does not exist.

Q7 is a fold btw for beginners who actually are wondering the answer to the post. Even if the person is shoving 100% of his range (not likely tho, he is probably refraining from shoving 32o, 42o, 52o, etc) AND not shoving the top of his range, you can make your life much easier by waiting for a much higher EV spot (which should present itself very quickly). Why put yourself in a 350BB flip if you can put yourself in much better spot by waiting 2min? 77+, AT+ is my calling range.

Last edited by CAvino; 03-02-2011 at 07:08 PM.
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03-02-2011 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by 4G24BM
I don't really want to get into this debate. But 5,000 years of the telephone game, and you're going to get all sorts of **** added and subtracted from the story.

Just amused me that he admires someone who never existed

I know this isn't the appropriate forum for this conversation, but i felt the need to respond one last time. It's pretty widely accepted that the historical Jesus is factual. There's mention of him by a few non-christian historical documents from as early as the first century in which other people, places and events of the time period were also referenced.

And also, if Jesus didn't resurrect from the dead, how do you explain Easter eggs?
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03-02-2011 , 07:01 PM
I believe in god and jesus and stuff so not getting involved in any argument but just wanted to say that using wikipedia as a reference doesnt really say anything since for all you know I wrote that page on wikipedia
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03-02-2011 , 07:07 PM
agreed, but generally wikipedia is from a wide range of sources rather than just 1 source so rather than going off of what 1 person says or 1 take of a story, there are multiple which somebody can then explore further. But agreed, I'm not vouching for anything said in the wikipedia links. I'm just providing a link and letting people draw from it what they will.
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03-02-2011 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Isura
Just like HU games, this thread is deteriorating slowly
for real. let's get back on track here.
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03-02-2011 , 07:08 PM
Wikipedia is 80% accurate according to this study

Only way of finding out what is the accurate parts is only using the sourced material and then investigating the source for bias/agendas, then the actual material against other sources. That's a lot of work.
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03-02-2011 , 07:10 PM
lol kyle you have to be trolling, esp with that last sentence
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03-02-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by CAvino
for real. let's get back on track here.
To what, people calling eachother ******s?
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03-02-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by mrrpb
To what, people calling eachother ******s?
yes. with the occasional discussion of poker hands.
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03-02-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
lol kyle you have to be trolling, esp with that last sentence
Nah I'm not. I think I misspoke in my last sentence though. What I mean is that if he doesn't accept the bible as absolute truth (which he doesn't) then no biblical evidence would be valid in an argument.
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03-02-2011 , 07:18 PM
tom dwan = god

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03-02-2011 , 08:34 PM
Just woke up and i read this thread we have -

Religion\Parenting\People arguing\Health and fitness\ World War Talk\ And little bit of poker talk.

This thread is gold! Great read!
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03-02-2011 , 08:38 PM
lol@having a reason to back up the existence of god
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03-02-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Never Win
I like how you criticize every1, first me, now PaperWalls. PapreWalls and I have been around this game for awhile, prolly a lot longer than you have? It's really funny, when good players give advice or speak their mind they always receive criticism from the REGFISH. I mean c'mon you are grinding 200NL ffs! There is a reason God gave us 2 ears and only one mouth....

Now I can understand why Jon Greenway and Chemistry and other great players don't bother posting here.
man you sure have a mancrush on Greenway it seems. Nothing against him at all, just is kinda funny you choose a midstakes HU player to think about when you wack it...... He multitables regs! uhhhhhhhh! He 3 bets alot! ahhhhhhh! Jongreeeenwayyyy!!.
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03-02-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Isura
Just like HU games, this thread is deteriorating slowly
lol n1, god I wish I could stop reading it.
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03-02-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by mrrpb
He's wrong though. Even if said atheist were to claim that there absolutely is no god whatsoever, the claim isn't of equal weight to that of there being one. As Carl Sagan said, an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence. A god is an extraordinary claim, the lack thereof certainly is not. Most atheists, however, don't hold that there absolutely is no god, just that there most likely isn't.

The claim of it being very unlikely or that the probability of there being a god being extremely low, so low that we shouldn't live our lives in the hope of the small chance that there is indeed one, is not equal to the claim that there is one and that we should live our lives according to it. Particularly if said lifestyle is reflective of a book written by men in mud huts a couple of thousand years ago and even more so when a lot of said book is a direct copy of other stories predating it. Putting your trust and life in the hands of such a book is certainly not equal to, I suppose it could only be described as, doing your own thing.

Most atheists contend that there is a very minute possibility of there being a god, whereas most theists contend that there's no chance that there is no god.

I'm absolutely loving it, what an absolute legend. I'm seriously considering signing up to Twitter just so I can follow the madness as it continues on.

An atheist open to the possibility of a Deity is Agnostic by definition.

It's the old Tea Kettle orbiting Jupiter argument. You know that there probably isn't one, but you can never be exhaustively certain.

I hate to argue with Sagan, because he is the man... but I personally think that modern physics points heavily to higher orders of life with things like Multiverse theory etc, it's eerily similar to how cells grow and create organisms... basically that our Universe is part of something else. However, I think it's next to impossible that higher levels of existence give a flying **** about this Universe, or have any sway over the goings-on here. *passes the bong*

+1 To Tiger's Blood and Adonis DNA.
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03-02-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
An atheist open to the possibility of a Deity is Agnostic by definition.

It's the old Tea Kettle orbiting Jupiter argument. You know that there probably isn't one, but you can never be exhaustively certain.

I hate to argue with Sagan, because he is the man... but I personally think that modern physics points heavily to higher orders of life with things like Multiverse theory etc, it's eerily similar to how cells grow and create organisms... basically that our Universe is part of something else. However, I think it's next to impossible that higher levels of existence give a flying **** about this Universe, or have any sway over the goings-on here. *passes the bong*

+1 To Tiger's Blood and Adonis DNA.

solid post.
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03-02-2011 , 09:20 PM
Phil ivey smashing some bloke at limit HU @ the moment
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03-02-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by jakedamus
Phil ivey smashing some bloke at limit HU @ the moment
what a massive ****ing game....
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03-02-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
An atheist open to the possibility of a Deity is Agnostic by definition.
This is wrong. Atheism is merely a lack of belief in a god or gods, not rejection of the probability of a god. In fact, it could be said to be embracing the improbability of a god. Agnosticism is an awful lot more on the fence.

Fwiw, I used to label myself as an agnostic and as I grew up I realised that it was down to being afraid to reject a god in case of future punishment, which in fact is the basis of Pascal's Wager. I find a lot of self-proclaimed agnostics to be the same and have yet to find one who hasn't had religion forced into their lives at some point.

On the belief that there's something else out there, well, I'll certainly say it's a lot more probable that we are the product of another species than of a omnipresent, omnipotent god. In fact, I think I read something about the probability of an alien species somewhere that quite credibly suggested that it could be more probable than improbable. Could have been from Dawkins, can't recall atm but it was worth reading. I think Stephen Hawking said it's quite likely they're out there and we should want nothing to do with them also.

However, if for arguments sake we are the product of another species, then the question is where did they come from? Again, nothing is irreducibly complex and I'll personally entertain a lot more credible theories before putting it down to some sky-based overlord who is watching and judging me for having pre-marital sex with my gf.
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03-02-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by wyvo
jake, is pretty solid!!!
yep, that site is awesome. btw, check out
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03-02-2011 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by jakedamus
Phil ivey smashing some bloke at limit HU @ the moment
Apparently it's IHateJuice.
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