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Facing 3bet OOP gtowizard range Facing 3bet OOP gtowizard range

05-23-2024 , 02:02 AM
CO vs BTN 3bet.

Why does GTO wizard like to 4 bet more with hands like 88-TT rather than AQs? Is it because we unblock broadways/ marginal suited aces that will fold to a 4bet + these middling pairs are hard hands to play Postflop especially OOP? Would rather just play aggressively and try to take it down?
Facing 3bet OOP gtowizard range Quote
05-23-2024 , 10:25 AM
AQs will realize it's equity more so postflop, but I am seeing that it's really TT that likes to 4bet, while 99-88 are primarily calls. TT denies equity to BTNs Broadway combos. Fwiw the solver 4bets AQo nearly 100% because of the blocker effects.

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