Originally Posted by johngraham
yeah thanks for the comments, my fold equity calculator says that if i push here i only need 11% folds to break even, if this is the case surely im getting that or is my thought process totally wrong here, does it just look too bluffy?
You need villain to fold less often because it's a semi-bluff (a bluff that still has decent equity) : you're entitled to 100% of a small pot when they fold, and then to whatever% of a bigger pot when they call. Practically, your flush draw
will absorb part of your loss (because it's a loss) when villain calls your bluff, so you don't need them to fold (thus winning 100% of the small pot) that often in order to break even.
The thing is that shoving whenever you get a draw triggers a reaction from villain (calling lighter) that you don't desire. Generally speaking, when you bluff, you want villain to fold as often as possible. Being entitled to ~25%-30% of a 200bb pot is not the best part of bluffing.
Last edited by SrMcBet; 02-08-2021 at 05:55 PM.