I guess the question is if he's capable of folding overpairs with a club. If he isn't then it's probably a call.
i think he's not often x/r an overpair here. he would x/c imo
i think i'd check back turn, here's a stove against a rather tight range: overpairs with a club, all AcXc, 55, JTs, KTs, ATo. is this range somewhat correct? what do you think?
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 33.406% 32.72% 00.69% 25208843 531918.00 { Td8d }
Hand 1: 66.594% 65.90% 00.69% 50781001 531918.00 { AcAd, AcAh, AcAs, KcKd, KcKh, KcKs, QcQd, QcQh, QcQs, JcJd, JcJh, JcJs, 55, AcKc, AcQc, AcJc, AcTc, Ac9c, Ac8c, Ac7c, Ac6c, Ac5c, Ac4c, Ac3c, Ac2c, KTs, JTs, ATo }