Originally Posted by boulgakov
Good fold in my opinion, when the flush comes in and they still overbet your small flush on a paired board is not good.
yeah really not good, just folding a flush after such a sexy flop felt outrageous honestly lmao had a nightmare session yday too so had a self leveling war of "am i just seeing monsters under the bed or wtf!!"
thanks for the feedback mate!
Originally Posted by Ceres
I would struggle to fold any flush in these late positions for these odds
V needs to have either a) slowplayed a set or b) happened to overplay a FD on the turn that hits otr. Whenever there's a range conflict like this I tend to extend by BCs vs non life-threatening sizes
yeah was not an easy decision, 3bet/jamming turn probably the better play. any other card that gives the flush it is a snap call my hand just seemed very weak vs the board. i beat 32s 43s, he needs to be bluffing K7o with king of spades, 87o with the 8 of spades is a bluff but we block the 8 of spades. and some other 8x blocking the fh, dont think he does that basically ever.
he could also have 56 A6 and considering its 2nl maybe some random ass ****
appreciate the feedback mate!
Originally Posted by BennySkeletor
Good fold on river.
Why no flop bet? Assume you were looking to check raise, but bet from villain unlikely if they are mega calling station?
checking my whole range sb vs bb pretty much always, ranges so wide here rather he caught up and hit a pair or something rather than just fold. or if he had something check raise his nuts off but dont expect him to have anything on this flop too often. this was my "i finally trapped someone" moment lol.
appreciate the feedback