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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

11-15-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo

Haha...I think I may have left out some of the bad parts of DG. I know I've mentioned that it'd be a disaster if it didn't work out. This was much less of an issue in the past, when I was always moving on to a new place soon. But I'm going to be around here for a while, so DG and I would have to be going good for a long time, and there is so much that could go wrong. She can be pretty crazy, like low self esteem and feeling ******. The only reason that doesn't come out around me is I told her to stop doing it, and she feels so awesome when she is with me she can't complain.

We have the same crowds, and everyone would take her side, no matter what, cause she is the girl. I would come out looking like an ass hole that just ****ed her and left, cause I already (undeservedly, imo) kinda have that reputation.
just HAD TO GRUNCH HERE.. maybe you have explained this away in the past and i forgot about the reasoning, but i cant see what youre doing now as having ANY better result in ANY way than if you 2 just dated and then things didnt work out.
11-15-2010 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
Kind of tricky considering you're walking, but I live out of the way from the places I hang out and the people I hang out with, and I've probably ran the best by just half assed convincing a girl I'm better off with her giving me a ride home than me driving myself. If you've hit it off with a chick she's may even see through your play, but if she's dtf then she's going to do it regardless.

Walking, just keep better/more liquor at your house or have interesting things to do there so she'll be motivated to walk a little bit more.

Or you could just ask her back to your place...
for scale purposes, there is about 1 mile btwn X and Y, Y and Z. so its not a short walk by any means for drunk ppl. i guess more liquor is solid but its not like she doesnt have liquor at her place either.. i could see that turning into "well yeah lets just stop at my place instead i have some awesome cheap kentucky vodka" and its the same with just asking her back to my place.. there is no real good reason to not go to hers other than i am more comfortable with home court advantage

Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
zz, do you have a tv in your bedroom?
i have 2 comps, 1 hooks up to a 30 inch that i stream TV on.. its very poorly placed relative to my bed though. we have a huge plasma in the living room though with good couches if youre just asking about the TV and it being in my room doesnt matter.
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
I think you're overthinking it. If you think about it too much, it's going to come out awkward/forced/rehearsed. Just go with the flow. I think going to get food is a totally reasonable way to get back to your place. If she wants to go to your place, even just a little bit, she will be down to go if you sell it right. Act totally natural, as if the thought didn't even occur to you that her place is closer.
i might be explaining this poorly.. she is definitely down to hookup. the ONLY issue here is that i want to do it at my place instead of hers.
11-15-2010 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I dunno, gonna be a bunch of emo posts followed by some hinting at what happened but no TRs until we make like 10 combined posts belittling him for being a tease.
The mere possibility of Diablo stepping in to do a 10,000 word psychological dissertation on Karak makes it worth this gamble.
11-15-2010 , 07:45 PM

I can't remember the last time Karak's posts created any drama. Everyone knows exactly what to expect now.
11-15-2010 , 07:49 PM
LOL @ LKJ + Goofy. A+.

I wish I had a weekend TR for you guys, but I don't.

And Karak, do it ffs. Just make sure you are both on the exact same page about what the situation is.
11-15-2010 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
i have 2 comps, 1 hooks up to a 30 inch that i stream TV on.. its very poorly placed relative to my bed though. we have a huge plasma in the living room though with good couches if youre just asking about the TV and it being in my room doesnt matter.
i asked because if you have a means to watch a movie in your room you can invite her back for that.

i also asked because i once infamously slept with a chick by using the line "i have a tv in my bedroom".

the story:
a random thursday night, we decide to have some people over to chill. one of my friends tells me a friend of his thinks im hot and she wants me. so im like k cool bring her obv. so she comes with him and some other people, there are prob like 20 people there. we are chillin/drinkin/playing drinking games etc. the girl in question is not very attractive, prob a 5, and she never even talked to me. outside of an introduction (i had forgotten her name) we never said anything. anyway the end of the night comes around and she is lingering still. eventually there are like 5 of us, she is on the couch with me but we are on complete opposite sides (LKJ style). the other 4 of us are talking she still is saying nothing. then the other 3 are like we are leaving and she is like ok bye and she stays. im like wtf, ok. so we watch tv in silence for like 3 minutes and them im like, "well i got a tv in my bedroom". shes like ok so we go in there.

it gets weirder, we eventually start making out (**** it i was drunk), i got the condom on and im about to visit poundtown when she stops me and tells me she is a virgin. i say "you trying to keep it that way?" and she says no and we bang. and by we bang i mean she laid there and i pounded for a few minutes till i finished then insta went to sleep. i woke up about 9 am and woke her up and was like "so you want a ride home?", she says yeah. i purposely leave my phone in the room so i cant take her number, when we get to her place (in silence outside of directions of course), she asks if i want her number. im like "yeah... oh **** i forgot my phone. you take mine". i gave her my real # fwiw but i never spoke to her again. but i carry her v-card around in my wallet (zing).

100% true story.
11-15-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I can't remember the last time Karak's posts created any drama. Everyone knows exactly what to expect now.
I suppose that's true.

Karak is kind of like The Office. Still entertaining from time to time, but his entertainment value definitely peaked a few seasons ago.
11-15-2010 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
LOL @ LKJ + Goofy. A+.

I wish I had a weekend TR for you guys, but I don't.

And Karak, do it ffs. Just make sure you are both on the exact same page about what the situation is.
The girl will say shes on the same page, just to tell karak what he wants to hear so she can seduce him with her advanced hand holding and back rubbing techniques.
11-15-2010 , 08:28 PM
I actually had the same question as goofy with regard to WTF a "weekend romp" could mean in Karak parlance.
11-15-2010 , 08:47 PM
Does hooked up mean sex? I'm really confused on Karak's position on that. I thought he was strictly PG13 unless in a committed relationship.
11-15-2010 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Does hooked up mean sex? I'm really confused on Karak's position on that. I thought he was strictly PG13 unless in a committed relationship.
He will give you a vague answer to this question.
11-15-2010 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Does hooked up mean sex? I'm really confused on Karak's position on that. I thought he was strictly PG13 unless in a committed relationship.
Im pretty sure Karak defines hook up anytime fingers get interlocked(not cupping bull ****, karak goes for legit hand locks).
11-15-2010 , 09:32 PM
Henry: In KarakWorld, hooked up does not equal sex. One can only imagine what a "weekend romp" entails.

yeota: "you trying to keep it that way?" is a pretty sick response, vn.
11-15-2010 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
just HAD TO GRUNCH HERE.. maybe you have explained this away in the past and i forgot about the reasoning, but i cant see what youre doing now as having ANY better result in ANY way than if you 2 just dated and then things didnt work out.
Eh, its just different. I guess if she started kissing me and got on top of me and did everything, I'd go along with it...but that hasn't happened yet, and it won't. She is a girl, and she is particularly passive for being a girl. So she'll keep dropping hints and I'll keep ignoring them.

Karak, what the **** is going on over there? You have girls giving you shows on Skype, and now a girl asks you to come down and play/frolic boisterously? What would your Bible friends say about all this?

Last edited by GoCubsGo; 11-15-2010 at 10:59 PM.
11-15-2010 , 11:14 PM
CG(crazy girl) and me hungout tonight rather unexpectedly. She used her roommates phone to get my number and texted me to play a game of pool before she leaves.

She came late, which actually worked because within the time she was supposed to get there and did both of my roommates left. When she came I was studying(midterm tomorrow woot) and she kinda just sat in my chair(leaving the next closest place my bed for me) and started looking at my notes and was ********ting about teaching me how to study, and we had some other random conversations about how she is going to school for EMT training, how she wants to be a professional wrestler, etc.

After like 15mins she asked to go smoke outside and I was like yeah sure and told her I gotta study after. she kinda just got up and then sat in my lap, I forget why, but I quickly went in for a kiss and we started making out, she replaced all the scratches that had finally faded etc.
We were in my room for a while, and though we probably could have did more I really wanted to study and kept telling her that + we already had plans for tomorrow. We ended up going back to her room so she could get a cig to smoke, and we kinda just ********ted around and talked some more, made out a little.
As we were walking toward the elevator(which my room is next to) I remember I should grab a sweatshirt cause its cold as hell outside, so we go back to my room and she sits on my extra bed, asks if its okay that she lays there(even tho I had books and **** for school all over), I say yea, ofc, and she pulls me on top of her for more intense makeout, etc. Was kinda uncomfortable/awkward position for me but she was super into it, I kinda wish I just brought up the idea of going to my actual bed, closing the door, etc.

After that we get up to leave, she just stands in front of my door to leave and pulls me in to makeout some more, we smash around my kitchen going wall to wall, partly her lead, partly mine. Eventually we do leave and I kinda stood in my doorway and was like "Okay have fun smo-" and she interrupted me to tell me I had to come with lol

We makeout in elevators/hallways going there and back, chat more during her smoke period(I dont smoke cigs, so I just chilled).

I was kinda happy that she was sober and we talked actually a bit.
I can tell that I'm not her typical type, but I can also tell shes super attracted to me. She also let me know that she likes being on top + she sometimes takes control in the bedroom, I was just like "surprise surprise" and she giggles, does a girly punch/poke type thing.

Anyways, I definitely think if I can keep her sober shes really cool, or if she can pace herself drinking as well(theres a backstory why I'd in particular want this but don't feel the need to explain).

So all-in-all, definitely a great **** buddy candidate which would no doubt be some awesome sex. Just wondering if it's worth it due to how insane she is.


And this is the only pic I have, but w/e:

sry this is super lame TR bout making out, but hey, intense making out > aggressive hand holding imo

Last edited by Christophersen; 11-15-2010 at 11:15 PM. Reason: hah, totally forgot I even used CG. w/e
11-15-2010 , 11:19 PM
somewhere there's two girls posting on a knitting and sandwhich making forum asking why guys are such a vagine and won't just **** them already
11-15-2010 , 11:28 PM

ALSO, this is super important and I forgot completely until now.

At one point between making out etc. she asked me what I thought of her roommate. Shes okay, I guess, not great looking but w/e, decent body. I kinda just avoided, kinda went out of my way to avoid actually.. typically I think girls would take that as me thinking she's attractive? Whatever.

I thought this was weird since we were making out a lot so obviously(I think?) shes not trying to hook me up w/ her, but I'm thinking inside(THREEWAY?!?!).

What are the odds?
11-15-2010 , 11:39 PM
Next time she says something liek that, make a joke saying "Two is better than 1, simple math" but smile/grin so if she wasnt implying threesome she will just rub it off like your joking, if she was she will run with it.
11-16-2010 , 01:51 AM
+1 to gg and ccuster

I mean if you have plans for tmr it sounds like you'll f her then but I mean you still could have today and studied afterward lol
11-16-2010 , 01:55 AM
the **** REALLY hit the fan with the 19yo. working theory is she realized i had no intentions of following up seriously w/ her (even though i TOLD her that constantly... words obviously get trumped by actions, my bad), started feeling cheap, realized she was trainwrecking her current relationship, realized tons of people were finding out about it, didnt want to be alone and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM TOOK THAT ALL OUT ON KARAK BECAUSE CLEARLY IT'S ALL ENTIRELY MY FAULT NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT SHE CAME ONTO ME AND DIDNT TELL ME SHE HAD A ****ING BOYFRIEND UNTIL LITERALLY SHE HAD ME IN HER BED **** THAT ****. that situation is so cooked it's unreal. it's like the first time i tried to pan sear something. as well done as a piece of rubber.

hook-up to me means any sort of sexual contact. if i ever use the jersey shore definition (making out), i usually say "jersey shore definition" to be clear.
11-16-2010 , 02:09 AM
You've never said "Jersey Shore definition".
11-16-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You've never said "Jersey Shore definition".
ive clarified it afterwards! plus i dont think ive ever claimed a hook up here which was just a make out... havent had one of those in a while?
11-16-2010 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
the **** REALLY hit the fan with the 19yo. working theory is she realized i had no intentions of following up seriously w/ her (even though i TOLD her that constantly... words obviously get trumped by actions, my bad), started feeling cheap, realized she was trainwrecking her current relationship, realized tons of people were finding out about it, didnt want to be alone and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM TOOK THAT ALL OUT ON KARAK BECAUSE CLEARLY IT'S ALL ENTIRELY MY FAULT NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT SHE CAME ONTO ME AND DIDNT TELL ME SHE HAD A ****ING BOYFRIEND UNTIL LITERALLY SHE HAD ME IN HER BED **** THAT ****. that situation is so cooked it's unreal. it's like the first time i tried to pan sear something. as well done as a piece of rubber.

hook-up to me means any sort of sexual contact. if i ever use the jersey shore definition (making out), i usually say "jersey shore definition" to be clear.
frankly, its not entirely not your fault either
11-16-2010 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
somewhere there's two girls posting on a knitting and sandwhich making forum asking why guys are such a vagine and won't just **** them already
yeah, and somewhere there's a girl posting on a rape forum asking for affirmation that it wasn't her fault...

jk, it was clear she wanted it, i'm more poking fun at whoever accused you of rape

Karak, have you considered donating your genitalia to someone who might put it to better use? You seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory time and again...It's not like you're just a bumbling fool like world series of poker michael, cause you somehow hook girls. But then right when you're on the precipice of real success, you throw it away. I'm not sure if it's a comedy or tragedy, but the script is getting a bit played out.
11-16-2010 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
the **** REALLY hit the fan with the 19yo. working theory is she realized i had no intentions of following up seriously w/ her (even though i TOLD her that constantly... words obviously get trumped by actions, my bad), started feeling cheap, realized she was trainwrecking her current relationship, realized tons of people were finding out about it, didnt want to be alone and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM TOOK THAT ALL OUT ON KARAK BECAUSE CLEARLY IT'S ALL ENTIRELY MY FAULT NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT SHE CAME ONTO ME AND DIDNT TELL ME SHE HAD A ****ING BOYFRIEND UNTIL LITERALLY SHE HAD ME IN HER BED **** THAT ****. that situation is so cooked it's unreal. it's like the first time i tried to pan sear something. as well done as a piece of rubber.

hook-up to me means any sort of sexual contact. if i ever use the jersey shore definition (making out), i usually say "jersey shore definition" to be clear.
You may have a slight inclination to blow things out of proportion. Calm down, there's no reason for you to freak out with her, laugh and move on?
