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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

09-22-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
You won't.
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
Steal her dog and bring it back 2 days later claiming you found it shivering in a driving rainstorm. You nursed it back to health and remembered it looking familiar. That's when you brought it by to her place. I'll PM my Stars name for you to ship $$$.
09-22-2010 , 11:46 PM
The whole mindset of "running game" is flawed. You should be "running game" 24/7. There isn't anything special you do... You become awesome, then just let your awesome flow. Then **** bitches, get money, etc etc.
09-22-2010 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
The whole mindset of "running game" is flawed. You should be "running game" 24/7. There isn't anything special you do... You become awesome, then just let your awesome flow. Then **** bitches, get money, etc etc.

meh, to a certain extent, but there are def times where you should not be approaching, however everything relating to image/confidence/body language should be on 24/7.
09-22-2010 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Its not really all that funny imo, sure ti was blunt but its what i thought of to..and not in the lol you wont kind of way but more of, it seems like hes never done it, hes ****ed kind of way...

also stopping a girl randomly on the street takes some serious balls...props if you can do that
09-23-2010 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
The whole mindset of "running game" is flawed. You should be "running game" 24/7. There isn't anything special you do... You become awesome, then just let your awesome flow. Then **** bitches, get money, etc etc.
yep. you figure out what girls want in a guy. i don't mean who they want to marry i mean who they want to be seen in public with. then you figure out to the best of your ability who you want to be as a person. you compromise and make the best "you" that you can.

then **** bitches. getting money comes before ****ing bitches though, because part of being the best you is having money.
09-23-2010 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Green Plastic
girls don't want a guy who is clingy, this should be reason enough to not be that guy.

note that what girls actually want and what they say they want is usually quite different. most of them think they want the perfect boyfriend who is doting, always around, super nice and sweet, etc., but they will soon tire of a guy who makes it too easy.

you don't want to take this too far but my suggestion is to do the best you can to get this into your head anytime you think that you should automatically ditch your guy friends to go hang out with your gf.
it is interesting to note, IMO, that no one should want a girl that wants a guy who is clingy...

GP, how long have you been with your gf?
09-23-2010 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by ninersrule
hey everyone im new, go to tcc in tallahassee.

I suppose I should post something related to girls. I am taking a african american lit class and theres pretty much 1 cute girl in there. I sit by her since everyone always just chooses the same seats from the 1st day. Its like 6 weeks into class and pretty much all we do is class discussion the whole time period so not really too many chances for convo. Talked to her once after class when I saw her chattin up this dude about the quiz we just took. Overall ive just been too high/intimidated by the racial climate of the class room to say anything. Shes mixed black and ? . im white . any ideas on how i could get her number would be great because i could easily talk to her outside of class.

Also a hot girl lives down from my cottage style apt, see her walking her dog a lot. Thoughts ?
IMO, don't worry about getting her phone number, just talk to her and see if she is interesting, and then if you she says something you find extra interesting you say, "oh maybe we should meet up this week and get some pizza at blah blah blah"
09-23-2010 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame

then **** bitches. getting money comes before ****ing bitches though, because part of being the best you is having money.
this reminds me of something i saw in a chris rock movie, "You can lose lots of money chasing women, but you will NEVER lose women by chasing money. "
09-23-2010 , 01:25 AM
went on a date with the girl tonight. went pretty well, nothing super amazing but was fun and she seemed to want to go out again. got indian food, she initiated a 20-30 minute conversation about zombies which pretty much sold me on how awesome she is
09-23-2010 , 01:50 AM
apparently like right after the date ended she posted this facebook status: " I think I need to seriously reconsider every opinion I've ever held."

no idea what that means
09-23-2010 , 02:01 AM
jfc, that could mean a zillion different things, half a zillion in your favor, half a zillion against.
hopefully youre a nerd and shes way out of your league, but you were so great on your date she has a newfound respect for nerds. maybe she has seen the light.
09-23-2010 , 02:04 AM
Did she turn down your offer to come inside for a cup of coffee because it was getting late and coffee keeps her up?
09-23-2010 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Did she turn down your offer to come inside for a cup of coffee because it was getting late and coffee keeps her up?
haha no, i walked her to her place and she told me to tell her if i'm doing anything this weekend which seemed somewhat in my favor
09-23-2010 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by furyshade
apparently like right after the date ended she posted this facebook status: " I think I need to seriously reconsider every opinion I've ever held."

no idea what that means
these are always fun. not really sure why girls do this ****.

is there anything about your relationship that would be non-traditional? are you a minority? does she come from a higher class than you? maybe she has more social value than you? if so, her status may be referring to that. for example, maybe she only thought she'd date white/rich/popular guys and now you've swept her off her sheltered white girl feet.

but then, maybe she just read an interesting article for a class or something. you can never really know with such vague statements.
09-23-2010 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
these are always fun. not really sure why girls do this ****.

is there anything about your relationship that would be non-traditional? are you a minority? does she come from a higher class than you? maybe she has more social value than you? if so, her status may be referring to that. for example, maybe she only thought she'd date white/rich/popular guys and now you've swept her off her sheltered white girl feet.

but then, maybe she just read an interesting article for a class or something. you can never really know with such vague statements.
i mean, she had posted it before i got back to my apartment so it had to be literally right after i walked her back. i am a white guy from an upper middle class family in LA, nothing really out there.

given that the night definitely wasn't bad i assume it isn't a negative statement, she started posting on my wall a little later so i figure it was positive but that is about as open to interpretation as you can get
09-23-2010 , 02:31 AM


this is why FB stalking is bad. odds are it has nothing to do with you. if it did, she likely wouldn't have posted it.
09-23-2010 , 02:37 AM
wait, are you in highschool?
09-23-2010 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by TurnUpTheSun
wait, are you in highschool?
nope, we're both in college, i'm a junior she's a senior
09-23-2010 , 02:43 AM
just seems weird shed write on your wall after.
seems like a highschool thing, or a friend thing, to do.
why would she go right to your wall?
do you think she knows you saw it as a date?
09-23-2010 , 02:45 AM
karak has a point, these things can quickly get out of hand. you've already thought about it enough, it's best to put it out of your mind and move on as you would have without seeing it.
09-23-2010 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by TurnUpTheSun
just seems weird shed write on your wall after.
seems like a highschool thing, or a friend thing, to do.
why would she go right to your wall?
do you think she knows you saw it as a date?
definitely, she was fairly dressed up (heels etc.). the post was relevant to what we talked about at dinner, some web comic she likes a lot. i sort of get the feeling she is somewhat closet-nerdy.
09-23-2010 , 04:34 AM
Things continued to go quite well with the girl who I posted a pic of. Still in very early stages, just texting. But she is pretty hot and it sounds like she is keen to go to poundtown.
09-23-2010 , 06:36 AM
Warning, Karant ahead.

M and I were out in public as a couple together for the first time tonight. Usually when I'm out with a gf, I'm pretty balanced. I'll talk to her for a bit, talk to my friends a bit, go to other people, and keep jumping around like this. Both my friends and her friends were at this venue so there was plenty going on.

It was also her good friend's 21st birthday. Friend is an underclassman, so M is really her only friend that is 21 and felt obliged to take her out. That's fine. I had to meet friend at some point anyway, so I got that out of the way last night. When I went over to talk to M, one of my guys friends came with me because I wanted to set him up with friend for the night.

They hit it off ok, and eventually a biggish group of us shifted to a different venue to dance. M doesn't really dance unless she's pretty drunk and I'm used to that. It's hard for me because I love to dance but whatever. The group splinters at some point and everyone gets scattered. Eventually, M, myself, her friend, and my friend end up on the dancefloor. Our two friends start dancing, great. Instead of dancing with me, M is constantly hovering over her friend and acts like I'm not there. Granted at this point she was the only person still out for this girl's 21st. I understand she didn't want to ditch her.

But come on. I make the best of a bad situation and go talk to some of the rest of the group while our friends still dance and she is just kind of talking to her friend.

At like 2 it's pretty clear we need to get going to the four of us walk home. My friend walks home, and I get in the car with M and her friend. Even though it would be 30 seconds out of the way to drop her friend off first, she pulls up to my apartment first. We have an awkward goodbye kiss and that's that.

I'm pissed off, but should I be? Is something wrong here or do you just not try to split a pair of friends ever if it's the one's 21st?
09-23-2010 , 07:54 AM
Il_m, from what I've read of your past trip reports you seem like a pretty easy going likeable guy and don't give off any needy vibes so if you're noticing the snub from the girlfriend she was probably pretty invested in making sure her friend didn't feel lonely on her birthday. One way to look at it is that she sees you as the kind of guy that can have a good night out without checking up on each other every 5 minutes which is always positive. I'd be very suprised if she doesn't bring it up later and apologize or the next time you're out with friends be more involved with what you're doing.
09-23-2010 , 10:19 AM
fury-- it's probably a song lyric. forget it.

ilm-- it was her friends birthday. forget it.

edit- to elaborate, girls are pack animals, so when it's one girl's birthday, it's all of their birthdays. you probably shouldn't have even been there tbh. that's a girls night. if you can't handle her having a girls night (i'm not being accusatory here despite what my tone sounds like, i just can't word this any better), then you shouldn't have a gf. a simple ' i'll check in with you later, but go have fun for her birthday' would suffice imo.
