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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-27-2010 , 01:18 AM

don't be a nit about money you only live once. keep your dorm room door open at all times. keep alcohol around.

for some reason my blog isn't working, think i may have to renew my domain name or something, but i had a long post about owning a whiteboard. i suggest buying one it'll help alot i'm sure you can think of reasons why
06-27-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Fly Bear
GG are you the type to date multiple ppl at once? is that the std / am i a pussy for not doing so?
i'm doing it for the first time in my life now. my ex gf did some pretty ****ed up things when we broke up, which i probably deserved, so i tried to find the opposite girl of her and do everything right by the book. be that perfect guy i never was to a girl who has good morals and values etc.

well that situation crashed and burned into flames with girl "A" and i took what probably is a results oriented perspective on everything and decided i'm not going to fall for any girl hard and just enjoy as much as my young life as i can.

i'm a really bad liar and not very manipulative so idk how successful i'll be. my random hookups never stay very steady because we always end up having the "talk" and i'm not good enough at bull****ting through it.
06-27-2010 , 01:30 AM
abc i was v similar to you in hs, but in college i just was nice to everyone and introduced myself and tried to talk to them for a bit. just rando stuff what major, classes, work and other small talk, and just joke a bit, and ppl will like u in no time. just don't judge ppl too much and you'll be fine
06-27-2010 , 01:42 AM
abc get a tv or ps3 or something really awesome for your room that will make other people want to hang out in your room. also, remember that theres nothing wrong with being friends with girls, especially when you can just bang their friends.
06-27-2010 , 02:12 AM
i'm def going to leave my door open and try to be sociable. i'd also be open to buying alcohol and keeping it in my room, cause i don't have any moral reservations about stuff like that and the campus police fortunately don't really care if students drink. i just don't know how i'd even be able to get any alcohol, given that i don't have a fake id.

this time i want to become well-liked and popular in my new dorm. what's annoying is that in my old dorm, within the first couple weeks, i got a rep for being socially awkward and not popular, and i'm not sure exactly how to isolate what i did wrong so that i can fix it, cause i just felt like i was acting normally.

anyways, i'm reading some self-help books like How to Win Friends and Influence People so that I can become more well-liked and have more friends and whatnot. fortunately, I'm not so desperate to get laid anymore, but after I establish a good rep for myself at this new dorm and get a good social circle, then I'm def going to explore all available options so I can finally fully lose my virginity.

thanks for the support and advice guys.

and the bigeasy: yea i did get a tv. unfortunately, last semester i ended up spending way too much of that spare time in my room watching espn and bloomberg and seinfeld and what not instead of socializing.

and i'm definitely improving with girls. in taking a summer class i've befriended a hot girl, something i never would have done before. if only she didn't have a bf
06-27-2010 , 02:22 AM
How do you dress? I categorize a lot of people by the way they dress first.
I know, a lot of American Men are not big on dressing well or different than others, but it really distinguishes you from the rest, if you dress well.

Keeping alcohol around or having your door open doesnt help you, if you are being seen as a nerd or someone who has problems interacting with people.
06-27-2010 , 02:29 AM
yea i had **** clothes too. all sports clothes and tennis shirts and tennis shorts and whatnot. actually, i'd appreciate some advice on clothes to buy before i go back to college.
06-27-2010 , 02:59 AM
figure out how to put fans together. girls are ****ing ******ed and i must have put together 30 fans during my 2 years in dorms.
06-27-2010 , 03:41 AM
Spent most of the time playing poker like most of the others on here so I guess im really late to the whole women thing. But im in college and dont know how to approach them at all and really want to make an effort to but dont know how to go about it.

Do you guys have any general dos and donts to approaching women??
06-27-2010 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by MOTU79989
Spent most of the time playing poker like most of the others on here so I guess im really late to the whole women thing. But im in college and dont know how to approach them at all and really want to make an effort to but dont know how to go about it.

Do you guys have any general dos and donts to approaching women??
Don't look for women in Gainesville, FL.
06-27-2010 , 04:29 AM
always be confident no matter what. don't ever let a girl "bitch" test you and get a way with it. but i drop the C word on girls probably too often when they're being one. for some reason guys think they have a better shot with a girl if they defend a girls honor when you say that to them and it can cause problems. then you have to say you were joking and to relax and make a joke about the guy too so u don't look like a vajayjay

it's a tricky dance of words to participate in
06-27-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by MOTU79989
Spent most of the time playing poker like most of the others on here so I guess im really late to the whole women thing. But im in college and dont know how to approach them at all and really want to make an effort to but dont know how to go about it.

Do you guys have any general dos and donts to approaching women??
Do it, you will do a lot of donts and learn on the way.
06-27-2010 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
always be confident no matter what. don't ever let a girl "bitch" test you and get a way with it. but i drop the C word on girls probably too often when they're being one. for some reason guys think they have a better shot with a girl if they defend a girls honor when you say that to them and it can cause problems. then you have to say you were joking and to relax and make a joke about the guy too so u don't look like a vajayjay

it's a tricky dance of words to participate in
The c word has always been a word that I've steered clear of. The girls I know have really reacted badly to it when I've used it in the past, thinking it was on the same scale as other swear words. Apparently its a lot worse. I just stopped calling girls that word. Much more fun to call them a whore or something similar.

Am I the only person who thinks abcd should focus mainly on making friends and being popular for a month or so before trying to do things with girls? Unless he's flirting with someone and she's clearly flirting back. I can just imagine him making progress at making friends and all going well until he tries something with a girl who clearly isn't interested and is put back to stage 1 if she tells everyone.

Is it normal for people in the usa to go in dorms for the 2nd year? The only person I know who did that here had exactly one friend who was also a bit odd and stayed in dorms.
06-27-2010 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
btw i ended up sending that girl a short, but funny message that offered her options of things she can do with me when im back in town and asked her to pick one and text me her answer

will post results later
yeah... what were the options?
06-27-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana

Am I the only person who thinks abcd should focus mainly on making friends and being popular for a month or so before trying to do things with girls
no, freshmen girls.
06-27-2010 , 12:52 PM
+1 to flying banana
06-27-2010 , 01:20 PM
man, i hung out w my bro this weekend, and i met hot, smart, cute, ambitious girls from UCB. it made me really rethink my stds of women - the womens in SD don't seem as ambitious, but maybe it's where I'm hanging out? thoughts? I'm lookin for a relationship atm so it's impt to me for them to be ambitious.
06-27-2010 , 01:55 PM
UCB? Berkeley? That's probably the most ambiguous of the several names you could use for it ("Cal" prob being easiest, or just "Berkeley").
06-27-2010 , 06:13 PM
I think the girl is just like that because she goes to Berkeley imo.
06-27-2010 , 06:14 PM
lolol A+ username
06-27-2010 , 06:38 PM
Mini-ongoing TR

Girl Ive been on 3 dates with is coming over to watch a movie. Almost sealed the deal last date. She texts before coming over " Quick question red or white? "

No mention of wine at all prior to this text.
06-27-2010 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mandor_TFL
Mini-ongoing TR

Girl Ive been on 3 dates with is coming over to watch a movie. Almost sealed the deal last date. She texts before coming over " Quick question red or white? "

No mention of wine at all prior to this text.
Moral obligation to post a full TR within 24 hours IMO.
06-27-2010 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mandor_TFL
Mini-ongoing TR

Girl Ive been on 3 dates with is coming over to watch a movie. Almost sealed the deal last date. She texts before coming over " Quick question red or white? "

No mention of wine at all prior to this text.
shes asking what color bra to wear. duh.
06-27-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mandor_TFL
Mini-ongoing TR

Girl Ive been on 3 dates with is coming over to watch a movie. Almost sealed the deal last date. She texts before coming over " Quick question red or white? "

No mention of wine at all prior to this text.
As long as you don't run as bad as LKJ on movie nights its a slam dunk you're going to poundtown tonight

oh and +1 for a tr
06-27-2010 , 07:31 PM
yeah really. please have <2 couches.
