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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

05-02-2010 , 08:50 AM
Dammit, I knew that being asleep before 3 a.m. was a sign of weakness.

Last edited by LKJ; 05-02-2010 at 08:56 AM. Reason: Just curious as to what on earth Karak wrote.
05-02-2010 , 06:23 PM
lollllllll. So for those of you who remember this post:

Originally Posted by goofyballer
Need advice here on a unique-ish situation...

Sent a msg to a chick on an online dating site, she writes back, seems receptive. She includes her e-mail address at the bottom and it's basically hername@gmail and I'm like "holy ****, did I go to high school with her??" Didn't recognize her in pics. Looked her up by e-mail on Facebook (which she suggested, I haven't friend requested/sent a msg or anything yet) and sure enough, we have 20 mutual friends from HS.

My HS was pretty small, my grad class had like 125 students, I didn't ever really talk to her in HS though. But anyway, we both live in the same city now (San Fran) and I need to figure out how to play the "lol, didn't we go to HS together?" card when I send her my next msg without it coming off creepy or anything and still keeping her interested (she might find it weird to go on a date w/ someone she went to HS with as a default). She was fairly attractive in HS and it looks like she got hotter since then so I'm def interested in going out with her. I was a nerd in HS but she prob doesn't remember, and I wasn't unpopular or anything, most everyone was cool w/ everyone else due to the small size of our school.

So, what do I say?
I bring it up again because last night I went back to Jennifer's apartment for the first time. She'd mentioned her roommate a couple times in passing, and her roommate wasn't home or anything, but I saw a picture I recognized and was like "is this your roommate?" and she said "yeah."

It was the chick from my HS that I wrote about above. Keep in mind that they're from different parts of the country (Jennifer's from Texas, HS chick is from California) and this is in San Francisco, a city of 800,000.

05-02-2010 , 06:35 PM
wow, has this come up in conversation with Jennifer after you saw the picture?

that is pretty funny though
05-02-2010 , 07:08 PM
Did you talk to the HS girl before contact with Jennifer or during?
05-02-2010 , 07:36 PM
LT - yeah, I mentioned it as soon as I saw the picture, it would be weird if I didn't say anything and then her roommate was like "wtf" later when she saw a picture of me or I met her or something
CC - before
05-03-2010 , 10:12 PM
my GF has been saying the whole "i really like you a lot thing". i say it back. ive never said ILY to a girl fwiw. i dont see myself saying it first because im not the one with LTR relationship experience, she is.

I was considering asking you guys this question actually. considering ive been committed to her for 5-6 months and ive been close to saying it a couple times (typically after sex LDO). this post is poorly written and i dont really know the reason for it but there werent really any TRs itt since i last read it.

i will say it does feel like we have been in an official relationship longer than 3 months because we hung out everyday basically for the last 4 months and since we dated so we have seen each other a lot. no worries though karak its not like i hole myself up with her but we have a lot of mutual friends so we see each other a lot because of that and then are spending the night together most every night.
05-03-2010 , 10:18 PM
are we invited to the wedding?
05-03-2010 , 10:21 PM
lol- she had a band concert on sunday, and so did my brother. so her parents and my parents were in town. i didnt see her parents before mine and i went to dinner so i said to say hi to them, she said hi to mine, and my parents asked me to tell her they were bummed they didnt get to meet them. her dad told her to tell me that it was "no problem we'll meet them at the wedding", haha
05-03-2010 , 10:28 PM

i didnt get a "save the date" yet.

i'm kinda hurt man. am i not invited?
05-03-2010 , 10:31 PM
is saying ***** to a mod a bannable offense

Last edited by yeotaJMU; 05-03-2010 at 10:32 PM. Reason: oh **** that gets edited now?
05-03-2010 , 10:51 PM
if you ask TUTS, he'll tell you whatever i think is a bannable offense is a bannable offense


lol typed it out to see if it was what i thought it was
05-03-2010 , 11:02 PM
I want to know what that damn word is!
05-03-2010 , 11:03 PM
it's not a word
05-03-2010 , 11:13 PM
i bet it deeaguff.
05-03-2010 , 11:50 PM
the word was forsure ____ in a grease fire. i remember the first time i found out it was now censored too.

anyways idk what his question was but i'd just say take everything ridiculously slow because things sound like they're really good as they are
05-03-2010 , 11:53 PM
yeah i agree with that

also, one of the things you have to do before you graduate at JMU is have sex in the stacks of the library. that will be accomplished this week.
05-03-2010 , 11:56 PM
Did she tell you this?

Last edited by CCuster_911; 05-03-2010 at 11:56 PM. Reason: whipped ldo
05-04-2010 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
yeah i agree with that

also, one of the things you have to do before you graduate at JMU is have sex in the stacks of the library. that will be accomplished this week.
to be completely honest i find it really disrespectful and disgusting that people do this. if I ever heard of a couple that did this (which is rare), I'd always lose a little respect for them.

im also a huge life nit, so it's quite possible im being completely unreasonable in my view

/truth time ITT

and ill still love you no matter what, yeota.
05-04-2010 , 12:05 AM
yeah youre a nit
05-04-2010 , 12:07 AM
you did get on my bed and hump my pillow naked once
05-04-2010 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
my GF has been saying the whole "i really like you a lot thing". i say it back. ive never said ILY to a girl fwiw. i dont see myself saying it first because im not the one with LTR relationship experience, she is.

I was considering asking you guys this question actually. considering ive been committed to her for 5-6 months and ive been close to saying it a couple times (typically after sex LDO). this post is poorly written and i dont really know the reason for it but there werent really any TRs itt since i last read it.

i will say it does feel like we have been in an official relationship longer than 3 months because we hung out everyday basically for the last 4 months and since we dated so we have seen each other a lot. no worries though karak its not like i hole myself up with her but we have a lot of mutual friends so we see each other a lot because of that and then are spending the night together most every night.
just say it ffs!

Last edited by Spurious; 05-04-2010 at 01:29 AM. Reason: eye-em-oh
05-04-2010 , 01:41 AM
yeah i dont see why you shouldnt say it yeota

the "i really like you a lot" is her trying to bait you

it's not like the power roles of the relationship will suddenly flip if you say it

just be ****ing positive she'll reciprocate
05-04-2010 , 01:48 AM
ive never said it before

and i dont want her to say it just because i said it i want her to mean it

05-04-2010 , 01:49 AM
she's probably thinking the exact... same... thing. (other than having not said it before)
05-04-2010 , 01:57 AM
nice new undertitle btw
