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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-16-2013 , 10:56 PM
I'm drunk ,,,,getting it in
08-16-2013 , 11:53 PM
you drunk brah?
08-17-2013 , 01:33 AM
I think that boy drunk
08-17-2013 , 01:11 PM
White boy drunk. Back in wisco for a 2 day bachelor party leggo

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08-17-2013 , 03:18 PM
I made those posts after a dinner with free drinks with my program. Probably acted a fool, was also wearing a suit cause we had too.

I then passed out right after those posts and TCD picked me and and literally dragged me into his friends car and we went out in downtown austin.

Didnt take long for me to make a fool of myself at a program dinner. I guess free 16oz margaritas have their downsides.
08-18-2013 , 02:58 PM
Met up with TC and Custer last night I'm Austin. Pretty fun night, tho unfortunately maybe not TR worthy which makes me sad. Guess we will just have to try again tonight.

It's always fun explaining to people how we know each other. So... There's this poker forum, but none of us are playing poker..... so we just talk about how to pick up girls on the interwebs, and then we decided to meet up.... Would you like to be in a TR we post tomorrow? No?! That's too bad, you enjoy your night
08-18-2013 , 03:35 PM
sounds like a great way to make up some awesome stories about your lives
08-18-2013 , 04:09 PM
Ya probably not TR worthy, the only interesting things that happened:

- Fryke was tee'd up with his accent but didnt have condom
- TC lost all of his cash giving 17-1 odds to ex Texas running back on kissing one of his girl friends. obviously TC just ran bad, totally fair line, doubt it happens more than 6-7%
08-18-2013 , 05:23 PM
you met ricky williams?
08-18-2013 , 07:44 PM
hit if off really well with a girl i met last night, after some fooling around at my place i walk her back to hers, then ask for her phone #. my phone is dead, and i was not in a state to remember it so i put my # on her phone and called my phone thinking it would show me her # today when it charged.

it doesnt so i dont have her #, but she thinks i do (i guess). i found her email adress online which is the only way to contact her.

i guess my question is: she has my number so should i just wait until she contacts me (like a role reversal) or should i email her and ask for her number and say "blah blah blah had an awesome time lets get together this week, etc....."

and if so how long should i wait to email, and whats everyones general opinion of the whole post-meet contact timeline? FWIW all signs suggest shes really into me(and likewise)

08-18-2013 , 08:00 PM
What do you mean you found her email address online? If it involves massive stalking then obviously don't email her as that's creepy. Most likely I'd just wait to hear from her.

I also never would've called my phone from hers in the first place. I put the ball in their court as often as possible so I would've just put my number in her phone (saving my name as something funny of course) and left it at that.

Edit: On that note I owe a thank you to someone ITT who mentioned the save-name-as-something-funny thing. Have done it numerous times and it's always good for a few laughs.
08-18-2013 , 08:19 PM
What sort of names have you used?
08-18-2013 , 08:23 PM
Usually a reference to an inside joke/something we discussed. Last one was a girl who approached me and kept commenting on how tall I was so I later saved my number under "Super Cute Tall Guy". She loved it.
08-18-2013 , 09:13 PM
Sounds easy enough. I might try it.
08-18-2013 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by scrolls
What do you mean you found her email address online? If it involves massive stalking then obviously don't email her as that's creepy. Most likely I'd just wait to hear from her.
i dont think this would qualify but were both graduate students so it was just a matter of looking her up on the dept. web site

RE: your advice, if im waiting for her to contact me, and shes waiting for me to contact her (bc she thinks i have her #) we might be sitting around for awhile.....
08-19-2013 , 04:15 AM
I think it would be almost the same as looking her up on Facebook? If you were trying to get into contact with her, without her number.

If she likes you she's not really going to care that you found her name. Maybe
08-19-2013 , 04:16 AM
What's up guys. I'll be hanging around this forum from now on. Anyone else in the bay area?
08-19-2013 , 04:28 AM
No. But I'm planing to do some travel soon. More leaning towards Cali.
What does SL think? I'm looking for laid-back area with heaps of ppl to meet.
08-19-2013 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by PillToSlowDown
I think it would be almost the same as looking her up on Facebook? If you were trying to get into contact with her, without her number.

If she likes you she's not really going to care that you found her name. Maybe
I think emailing is more creepy than finding her on facebook and messaging her there. I would wait a couple days her to text you and if she doesn't, message her on fb.
08-19-2013 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
What sort of names have you used?
I do it too. Used '<name> awesome guy' and she loved it and reference in first text to me. A girl once did it to me and saved her name as 'Jenny AKA **** me' lol.
08-19-2013 , 09:46 AM

Cali is awesome.


Awesome. That reminded me of an absurd one I have in my phone. Had to look it up to get it right, she saved herself as (first name) "Awesome Margarita Girl At The X Bar" (last name) "Oh And Shes Hot And A Good Kisser".
08-19-2013 , 11:55 AM
twice over the weekend, i was talking, dancing, making out with a girl who came to the bar with her friends. when the night ends, we get ready to go, and she says "just to let you know, i'm NOT sleeping with you tonight" before i even suggest anything like that. i know that when you're already in bed, this is usually just meaningless and that she's just trying to save some face, but what's the read on it in this scenario? both times i said fine, took their numbers, and went home (date with the one i followed up with on thursday).

i'm being set up on a blind date wednesday. the mutual friend only has hot friends and she assured me the girl is both "very cute and really fun" but literally wont tell me anything else except that she is a girl, a year younger than me, and i dont know her. would you guys do this? i kinda trust my friend so yolo i'm gonna do it.

met this girl on tinder who is super hot and also really, really emotionally ****ed up. so she's been sending me lots of nude pics/vids of herself and asking nothing in return. i know she's real because she like will pose how i ask her or make a comment about something we talked about. lives in connecticut. ****ing crazy how slutty/hot she is.
08-19-2013 , 11:57 AM
how can you post that without an example
08-19-2013 , 11:58 AM
should i post it with like blurred out tits and vag?

ill do it tonight. dont wanna on my work computer
08-19-2013 , 12:35 PM
no blur needed as long as its linked to and not in-line

fair enough
