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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-12-2013 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by SteelersDMW
This girls is such a headcase lol. I mean is she like super super hot for you to put up with this ****?
i mean she's good, but not super great or anything. but def good. i think more of it is just about the chase. i mean i already banged her, but it definitely should be happening again.

conveniently she messaged me right at 930 as the movie was about to start saying: "enjoy the movie love"
06-12-2013 , 11:06 AM
my roommates sister is coming here in a week. i keep telling him i'm going to bang her. he is super against it and says i better not. i have no idea what she even looks like, she could be a troll, but part of me wants to just to piss him off. and honestly, although maybe he'd be pissed, he wouldn't be that upset, he'd probably laugh about it in the end.
06-12-2013 , 11:09 AM
To be honest, I dont wanna know, if you want to bang my sister.
I'd be annoyed by you telling me that all the time.

Also, in order to bang her, she must be fine with it as well (or you could rape her).
06-12-2013 , 11:23 AM
you sound like a real cool guy diamond, with your track record she'll be slobbing all over your knob before she walks through the door.
06-12-2013 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
very good friends, like brothers.
So you're banging your brother's sister?
06-12-2013 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Country Roads
you sound like a real cool guy diamond, with your track record she'll be slobbing all over your knob before she walks through the door.
you sound like a real dbag.
06-12-2013 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Jabonator
So you're banging your brother's sister?
like brothers.

06-12-2013 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Also, in my mind (and I know that not everyone agrees with this - for whatever reason), my friends are the people I trust the most and I know that they are genuinely good guys, so why would they be not good fits for my sister?
I'm not sure how true this is. It really comes down to how you define friend. Close core I agree.

Most people use friend to mean people they socialize with and in that respect I don't think people are this picky in who they consider friends. Between 1998-2004 John was easily the person I spent the most time with. Literally 27/7 for the majority of that time but if I had a sister I wouldn't want him anywhere near her -- I warned off female friends on multiple occasions. He was a horrible human being when it came to how he treated women and people in general but he was a lot of fun and not someone who was going to cause me damage. I'd say the same would be true for 75%+ of my past friends some of them were horrible to women, some were criminals, some were just going nowhere in life. I think this idea that your friends are great people is romantic idea but generally not necessarily true when you're young. As I've gotten older my friends are better people but under say 30-35 your friends tend to be more a function of who is fun to spend time with.
06-12-2013 , 11:57 AM
For clarification:
I refer to friends as people who are very close to me (I guess the Continental European version of friend).

I am not talking about acquaintances.
But I also wouldnt expect acquaintances to feel obliged to tell me when they had something going with my sister.

But, I also dont spend a lot of time with people I consider horrible human beings.
06-12-2013 , 12:39 PM
acquaintances/kinda friends need not tell.

close friends should tell for 2 reasons: 1) to bug you 2) because it's better they tell you than you find out another way.

all good friends always tell each other they're going to bone the other persons sister. however it rarely happens, but if it does you should probably tell.
06-12-2013 , 12:42 PM
Tell us when your return flight from Melmac landed on earth.

Last edited by Spurious; 06-12-2013 at 12:43 PM. Reason: it's sad that you are probably serious
06-12-2013 , 12:47 PM
all good friends always tell each other they're going to bone the other persons sister.
i dont think this is good even as a joke, my friends who have sisters would and have gotten pissed at this and if i had a sister i would be the same.

i think it's pretty bad to say it to a friend and then go ahead and sleep with them too.
06-12-2013 , 12:49 PM
It's childish to have a conversation (even jokingly) with someone about an hypothetical situation were you have sex with his sister. It's extremely creepy.
06-12-2013 , 12:53 PM
LOL. all good friends always tell their friends they're going to bang their sister. people who don't are weird. that being said, i don't know who actually goes ahead and does it. i'm trying to think and i can't think of any friends who have actually banged another friends sister.
06-12-2013 , 12:56 PM
Definitely just depends on the friend and how good of a guy they are.

But I don't have a sister fwiw
06-12-2013 , 12:58 PM
I have zero times in my life told any of my friends that I am going to bang their sister.

I am surprised how weird I am, when I find out that the majority of SL regs tell their friends that they are going to bang their sisters all the time.

Have you said how old you were? I could understand if you are <20 and your college roommate's sister is visiting for the first time that you will crack a joke, but after 20, dont do it.
06-12-2013 , 01:03 PM
I think it is weird to say **** like that. I had a friend who used to do that to another friend and he hated it. I don't know if he was serious or not but our only interaction with the sister would be when the brother was nice enough to invite us to the family compound. The brother's perspective was always WTF I'm bring this guy who is going to harass my sister and worse if something does happen the family would blame him for being the creep. I think it is really inappropriate.
06-12-2013 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
LOL. all good friends always tell their friends they're going to bang their sister. people who don't are weird. that being said, i don't know who actually goes ahead and does it. i'm trying to think and i can't think of any friends who have actually banged another friends sister.
Given the stuff you've posted ITT so far, it's not other people who are weird, i think there's a good chance it's you.
06-12-2013 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
I have zero times in my life told any of my friends that I am going to bang their sister.

I am surprised how weird I am, when I find out that the majority of SL regs tell their friends that they are going to bang their sisters all the time.

Have you said how old you were? I could understand if you are <20 and your college roommate's sister is visiting for the first time that you will crack a joke, but after 20, dont do it.
Originally Posted by Henry17
I think it is weird to say **** like that. I had a friend who used to do that to another friend and he hated it. I don't know if he was serious or not but our only interaction with the sister would be when the brother was nice enough to invite us to the family compound. The brother's perspective was always WTF I'm bring this guy who is going to harass my sister and worse if something does happen the family would blame him for being the creep. I think it is really inappropriate.

I'm 20, have never made that joke in my entire life

Also think it's an uncomfortable thing to say
06-12-2013 , 01:10 PM
it's obviously said in a joking, non-serious manner. as i said, i don't know anyone who's ever banged a friends sister, or even tried.

really it comes down to this:
Condescending Wonka ‏@OhWonka
If your friends don't make fun of you, they're not really your friends.
06-12-2013 , 01:12 PM
but there are boundaries, even in a joking matter it's not a good thing to do.
06-12-2013 , 01:27 PM
yea i know but imo still too uncomfortable for me to ever say to a friend
06-12-2013 , 01:39 PM
This is standard like freshman year of college and that's about it imo

It strikes me as something that people who don't do well with girls/aren't very experienced say to each other like "yo bro im gonna **** ur sister, lol"
06-12-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by SteelersDMW
This is standard like freshman year of college and that's about it imo

It strikes me as something that people who don't do well with girls/aren't very experienced say to each other like "yo bro im gonna **** ur sister, lol"
Yeah, that's the image I have in mind.

It's just pathetic behavior.
06-12-2013 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
what is the view on sleeping with friends sisters? I've always thought of it as a bad thing to do mostly because older brothers friends are supposed to look out for them.
I've slept with a with a friend's younger sister before. He wasn't one of my super close friends, so I didn't feel the need to ask him first, but we were in the same social circle so he and I would often see each other out and invite each other to events etc.

The way I went about it, was the night it happened I was alone in a corner of the swimming pool with the sister at an after party. He had been out at the bar with us, but didn't come for the post-game. Anyways, once the sister and I were alone I got in real close and the vibe between us was obvious. I basically said "So do do you think your brother will care if I make a move on you right now?" To which she responded "No, he definitely would not" (translation: omg please do it). To which I joked "Ok, just checking!" and pretended to swim away. Came back shortly for the kiss etc etc (not all in the pool tho).

Anyways I wanted to keep hooking up with her. So a couple nights later when I was out with the whole crew including her and her brother, I just pulled him aside and said "Hey man, I don't know if you heard or not, but I hooked up with your sister the other night. I think she's a cool chick and I hope its cool with you." He basically said that it was fine and not to worry about it. By addressing the situation somewhat proactively with him, I think it took away any possible tension or awkwardness and allowed me to keep going home with his sister, even if he was out with us.

That was of course the only conversation he and I ever had about it, and all this garbage about constantly telling friends that you want to bang their sister is pretty ******ed. It also probably ruins any chance you might have had. It's one of those spots where you would probably rather it be something "that just happened" rather than something premeditated.

Last edited by pmuir10; 06-12-2013 at 04:13 PM.
