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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-06-2013 , 03:22 PM
tommy, the choices aren't ahole/boring nice guy. you can be dominant in your relationships with women while being kind.
06-06-2013 , 03:29 PM
but that takes intelligence, wittiness, charm, and other traits he doesnt possess
06-06-2013 , 05:08 PM
also a huge penis
06-06-2013 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Country Roads
mother****er i will cut you


In case you are a troll you are doing a pretty good job convincing me...
06-06-2013 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
also a huge penis
I bought a nice car to compensate for this.
06-06-2013 , 05:28 PM
so diamond PM'd me these pics in confidence, but you guys seem to think hes a troll so I will post them to help his case out some. Here are some pics of the two of them(I dont think his face is visible in any of them so no privacy concerns:

Subway was full this day he said

She wanted to play music on the quad.

Hers a picture of diamond in a plaid hoodie with the girl in middle, back when they first met at a party

06-06-2013 , 05:35 PM
well done

06-06-2013 , 05:41 PM
lol. you're almost tempting me to put up a photo. not going to though. maybe i will if our friendship goes really sour in the next few weeks.

but honestly, thanks for people's posts. i'd like to say i have some newfound resolve. also talking to some of my friends too and they say just kick her to the curb. if anything it may just teach her that if she just wants to be friends with people she shouldn't treat them in this fashion.

and also whatever, ya it's been a sh*tty go, but i did bang her and was pretty pumped about that.
06-06-2013 , 05:43 PM
Also disko mentioned earlier that you have zero chance of banging her sober. i disagee with this. I think there is a non zero chance that she will use the pussy as a weapon. Once you start cutting off ties she will try to lure you back in with a one off bang. Be careful of this, she will only try to give you hope.

edit: she has already shown you her blatant disregard for you as a person, this wont change, she may even try to say she wants something more, but it wont work out. It just simply wont. So at this point something more of any value will never happen. A healthy romantic relationship will never stem from a relationship that exists like this.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 06-06-2013 at 05:58 PM.
06-06-2013 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
mrs disko convinced me to finally leave the country for the first time so we're gonig to france and italy this summer.

my position has always been that the price of an asian or european trip is not worth multiple vegas, miami, tropical island trips. like, i always felt that four $1200 trips to puerto rico >> one $5000 trip to europe. but im ignorant so we'll see if my view changes this summer
nice one. europe is so sick u cant not love it. plenty of gd advice in travel thread if u need any or feel free to pm me.
06-06-2013 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Anyway, I've already said that making universal determinations based on isolated examples is ******ed, so whether or not your friend gets laid a lot is pretty irrelevant - the important thing about him is that you admit he's an ******* to women. I guess if being an ******* sounds like a pleasant way to go through life for you, then by all means go forth and emulate him. I'm sure the two of you will wind up leading happy and fulfilling lives with this mantra.
Tommy is right that girls are more attracted to *******s than nice guys. A girl would bang a douchebag over a sweet nice guy any day if they are both equal in looks. This is because the *******s have traits they find attractive, like confidence, dominance etc. Although i disagree that you need to be an ******* to get girls. As long as you have the right qualities they look for then you will get girls you don't necessarily have to be an *******.

A girl will always chase the guy she cant have, The nice guy is too available so she plays him and blows him off. *******s get girls because they dont give a ****, this turns women on. Dont hate the player hate the game
06-06-2013 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
this is just terrible. you're digging yourself deeper and deeper and my guess is that you've now completely destroyed any chance you had wit her. it's very obvious that she has zero respect for you. if you want to bang her you must cut off contact. she will almost certainly never have sex with you again unless she is extremely drunk.
This. She knows she has all of the control and is relishing in it
06-06-2013 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
This. She knows she has all of the control and is relishing in it
yup. i was trying to take the power back. barely talking to her, denying her requests to hang out, etc. but then after less than a week she said she misses me and wanted to come over and watch a movie and i buckled. she has all the power again. oops.
06-06-2013 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
Tommy is right that girls are more attracted to *******s than nice guys. A girl would bang a douchebag over a sweet nice guy any day if they are both equal in looks. This is because the *******s have traits they find attractive, like confidence, dominance etc. Although i disagree that you need to be an ******* to get girls. As long as you have the right qualities they look for then you will get girls you don't necessarily have to be an *******.

A girl will always chase the guy she cant have, The nice guy is too available so she plays him and blows him off. *******s get girls because they dont give a ****, this turns women on. Dont hate the player hate the game
The guy I was referencing that gets all the girls dominates everyone. He puts down both guys and girls and inflates his status. As a result every girl wants him. He also has banged a bunch of hot girls which makes every other girl interested. He's created the ultimate system and it's based off of the fact that he's an ******* and admits it.

On the other hand there is goofyballer, the introverted nerd that constantly stands up for women and can't figure out why he can't get a girl from even online dating. If anything he should be the one putting down women because he can't get even one remotely hot one at a bar. It's pretty humorous actually.
06-06-2013 , 06:53 PM
What you fail to understand is that you can't get the power. It's an illusion. Because she will just find someone else to give her attention and she doesn't really give a **** about you.

Just stop talking to her, hanging out with her, all of it. Treat her like an acquaintance at best.
06-06-2013 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
yup. i was trying to take the power back. barely talking to her, denying her requests to hang out, etc. but then after less than a week she said she misses me and wanted to come over and watch a movie and i buckled. she has all the power again. oops.
Why do you care so much about this girl? You already said she has small breasts. You have like 50 posts on here and the girl is an A cup.

Move the **** on.
06-06-2013 , 07:07 PM
can we ban diamond from this thread?

he's ****ing frustrating, how can u not realise you are her bitch and everything she says is just part of the game shes playing with you????????????
06-06-2013 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
Why do you care so much about this girl? You already said she has small breasts.
lol wut
06-06-2013 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
Why do you care so much about this girl? You already said she has small breasts. You have like 50 posts on here and the girl is an A cup.

Move the **** on.
Hopefully somebody gets this picture

06-06-2013 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by TommyTrash
Why do you care so much about this girl? You already said she has small breasts. You have like 50 posts on here and the girl is an A cup.
i'm not much of a breast guy. that's probably the last female feature i care about, and she has great everything else.

Originally Posted by YouFaiil
can we ban diamond from this thread?

he's ****ing frustrating, how can u not realise you are her bitch and everything she says is just part of the game shes playing with you????????????
ya i'm done talking about her. only responding to posts now.

i will post a TR/update or whatever it's called when i set her straight. likely tonight because i assume she'll message me wanting to hang out. actually looking forward to it.

i've realized she's clearly being selfish. all her needs are being met and she's using me for that, while not giving anything in return. screw that.
06-06-2013 , 07:29 PM
tommy to state what no one else has. that approach is never going to work for a relationship. it could also backfire really easily for one night stands as well. once u mess wif one chick all her friends will hate u.
06-06-2013 , 07:39 PM
record your talk with her on a phone please diamond, would be GOAT thing in this thread.
06-06-2013 , 07:42 PM
Tommy acts like he's Mr. PUA ******* who bangs tons of chicks but admits in other threads he's never been with a girl higher than a 7 and would marry any chick who was better looking than him on the spot. Gjge
06-06-2013 , 08:03 PM

Don't have a ****en discussion about your feelings or the situation or anything.

If you hang out with her tonight do it at her place. That way you leave at the end of the night. Don't say anything about anything. Act like a normal male friend and nothing more.

This weekend go out and pick up other chicks. Bring those home. You have roommates and friends in common. News will get back to her.

Continue with this for a week or two and your problem with be solved one way or another.
06-06-2013 , 09:22 PM
I'm not going to hang out with her tonight. If she asks to hang out I was just going to tell her I don't feel like it and that our situation is messed up, and I'm not interested in being her cuddle buddy.

Do you think it's better to not say anything at all?

And as for doing this for a week or two, in two weeks time, I wont see her again until August so it's really all for naught. Because of this time constraint, I feel it's better to just level with her, and maybe she'll realize she's going to be missing out for the next 2 weeks, and she'll just decide to be a reasonable person. I've clearly being wrong before though.
