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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-29-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Oh wait yeah I did. We just waited till flatmates left then came back to mine. Ended up being a much later Tuesday night than intended, thought I would be home by 10, ended up being 3. Oops. Not bad for my first date in 3 years, and basically 7th? or so date lifetime with a girl I hadn't already slept with. Good ol NZ 'dating' culture.

Apologies for confusing post, far too hungover today to think
I guess you ran pretty bad meeting her old flatmate but it dosent seem to have affected things too much. Well done champ
08-29-2012 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Country Roads
u take a girl out on a picnic, you finger her, and you didn't even get a handjob.

sorry, -ev.
Lol fair. Should have a good chance to convert on Friday night so will TR again.
08-29-2012 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
She's not that hot
Originally Posted by Henry17
I watched the trailer -- she isn't hot at all.
I'm not sure the relevance. Is there some sort of correllation?

I just said I seem to remember reading a discussion in here about the film 500 days of Summer and having just watched it needed to vent a little.

Yes I'm aware it's only a film but I'm 6 days off the smokes and cranky as ****.
08-29-2012 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Wait so you didnt bang her? Im confused. That entire post is confusing, even from the first paragraph, that seems so completely wrong.
I thought it was going pretty badly but the last line made me think he was going to have sex -- which it looks like he did.

I also assumed he had sex with her before but now I'm not sure from his follow up post.

Originally Posted by SiMor29
I'm not sure the relevance. Is there some sort of correllation?
No. Just I think a lot of people seem to be obsessed with that girl and I don't get it.

The trailer doesn't make her out to be a bitch. I got more the impression that the guy is the problem.
08-29-2012 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
I can't imagine a situation where this happens (unless you guys are young, in which case I guess it's normal). I feel like once you are at this stage, you should be able to convert to sex close to 100%. In saying that, probably no dramas, just do it next time.

In other news, sigh I run bad, and also have zero game. Bad combo. Took social sports girl (J) out last night to an event (first date, I got impatient with waiting for her to move out, then turns out she moves out today, so works well). Pretty cool thing, open bar + nibbles, then comedy show, then back to open bar. 5 minutes after we arrive, she sees two of her flatmates (she lives with her ex BF still), one of whom has been friends with said ex for 10 years or so (not great friends though). Very awkward introduction, there was clearly a 'who the **** is this guy' vibe. Ended up getting along with them pretty well though, and the night turned out to be really fun. Crisis averted, but still, definite run bad. Hanging out with two of her ex's friends all night can't help.

My game is so terrible too. I was talking to the guy when he told me had was friends with ex, and I was like 'well that makes this awkward then haha'. He was like, well it wasn't, but the fact you say that makes me think it might be. Is something going on with you and J? I was pretty confused as I thought it was obvious (why else would I have taken her out?) but sorta just said 'dunno?' in answer. Then somehow the word date came up when I was talking to J later, and she was like
'what? do you think this is a date?'.
Me: Um, yeah, what else would it be.
Her: I totally don't get guys, I never thought this was a date, you've never shown any interest in me.
Me: WTF?? We went home together two weeks ago, I got your number in a bar, I invited you out tonight etc.
Her: Yeah but we were both really drunk when we went home together and then you never said anything or made a move so I assumed it was just a drunken thing and that you really just wanted someone to play on your sports team.
Me: You are dumb. It's a date
Her: Oh... Ok. Well what does that mean then for the rest of tonight?
Me *cringe*: Don't worry, I've got a three date rule, so it doesn't change anything.
Her: Three dates... Thinks for a bit..... So that means we are having sex tonight?
Me *it gets worse*: No silly, this is our first date. Though I guess its our third time hanging out, so we probably could say its our third date if we wanted to.
Her: I guess we could

Sigh, I actually have negative game
ouch bro. painful. stop caring and overthinking **** so much and just try to have fun.

update on D: texted her yesterday she says she has no plans for the night. I suggest we hang out she says sure and asks what are we gonna do (remember we both live at home atm). I suggest several awesome ideas and she says just pick me up and surprise me. I pick her up at 7 and drive her to one of my favorite spots-- a short walk to a lookout where we drink some beer (Yuengling Oktoberfest FTW) as the sun sets. We have a great time just talking, drinking, taking pictures and throwing bottles. By the time we're done its like 9 and almost pitch black besides the full moon in the sky. as we're walking back she mentions how she can drink more than most of her friends and asks if I'm up to the challenge. I obv accept and suggest we pick up some more beer and walk downtown to chill at a hookah bar cuz shes not 21. She's down, we stop at the place she works and I grab another 6pack of what she previously mentioned was her fav beer (Shocktop). Girl behind the counter is super hot doesn't even ID me and is basically eye****ing me as I check out. Next time?

We drive back to my house and I show her up to my room where we drink more beer and watch funny videos on youtube. Her mom saw me pick her up and now she gets a text form her "when are you coming home-- that boy was cute!"-- she shows me and now I really know I'm in. We take the last two beers and walk downtown to the hookah bar still having a great time but I haven't really made any moves yet-- no worries because I have a plan. I pay for the hookah and get us setup in a cozy spot in the corner. I ask if she's ever shotgunned smoke before, she says no. I've done it with the green but never with hookah before. I explain it to her she says lets try it so I do. We proceed to take turns shotgunning almost every hit of smoke so we're basically making out in the corner making fun of everyone else having so much less fun than we are. The place is supposed to close at 12 but we're the last two they kickout around 1215. We go up the stairs to leave and before we go out the door I pin her to the wall and go in for the aggro real makeout. She's obv way into it. We leave and I hold her hand the whole walk back, we pass three hotties from my school who I kind of used to know who give me the look of pure jealously-- I glance over at them quickly smile and we walk right on by.

She's supposed to be home by 12, has 9am classes again in the morning so the plan was for me to drive her home. Her mom is texting her again where are you blah blah blah. I walk her up to my car door and go in for another makeout. This one no joke lasts like 30 minutes as I have her against the car and its getting pretty hot. Now I tell her well I can drive you back now or you can stay here and I'll drive you in the morning your choice. She tanks for about 10 seconds before agreeing to come in. We go back up to my room make out some more and before you know it we're naked and ****ing while my parents sleep one floor below. Pretty sure I made her cum and she blows me for like 20 minutes before I finish in her mouth and we pass out. Drove her home just now with no awkwardness and gave her a kiss goodbye while we're already talking potential plans to hang out again.

Def thinking this girl is relationship caliber but we'll see where it goes. Still think I'm straddling the friendzone Gus??
08-29-2012 , 11:31 AM
well done, skiier.
08-29-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by skiier04
We go back up to my room make out some more and before you know it we're naked and ****ing while my parents sleep one floor below. Pretty sure I made her cum and she blows me for like 20 minutes before I finish in her mouth and we pass out.
Elite stuff bro. GJ
08-29-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I thought it was going pretty badly but the last line made me think he was going to have sex -- which it looks like he did.

I also assumed he had sex with her before but now I'm not sure from his follow up post.

No. Just I think a lot of people seem to be obsessed with that girl and I don't get it.

The trailer doesn't make her out to be a bitch. I got more the impression that the guy is the problem.

Ahh right, I don't think she's particularly hot. More cute, one for the parents type of girl.

But yeh she is a massive bitch in the film. The guy is just a wimp. Seriously the last scene with the two of the makes me want to punch them both.
08-29-2012 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by skiier04
We have a great time just talking, drinking, taking pictures and throwing bottles.
08-29-2012 , 05:56 PM
FWIW I was somewhat joking about the bad game, obviously looks terrible quoted like that, but that was sort of the point. I thought it was funny (clearly mistaken there). At no point did the conversation get awkward or non flirty, and it was never said with 100% seriousness 'nyeahea well actually technically this is not our third date so sex is out of the question'. I thought it might be obvious it was all slightly tongue in cheek with my 'I have a 3 date rule'.

I thought it was going pretty badly but the last line made me think he was going to have sex -- which it looks like he did.

I also assumed he had sex with her before but now I'm not sure from his follow up post.
It was never going badly. Apart from the first 5m with the flatmates where it was slightly awkward, it went well the whole time. Ex's friend pretty quickly turned from hating me to liking me, he ended up putting in a good word for me with J when he left and grabbed my number to hang out later.

Hadn't slept with her before, would have probably but ex bf kept calling and picked her up. That's why I was like 'youve got to be ****en kidding me' when we ran into the flatmates, but all's well that end's well.
08-29-2012 , 08:54 PM
Obviously it wasn't going bad given the outcome but if you just read the text without any context or body language it does seem to be going bad till about the midway point.
08-29-2012 , 09:22 PM
Yeah I suck at TR's haha. Now i'm not gonna go all Gus up in here and sulk and vow to never post one again because I didn't get the reactions I hoped for, but definitely not my finest work. Blah

In other news, are Karak and LKJ still alive?
08-30-2012 , 05:55 PM
Anyone from Montreal in this thread?

I'm looking for an opinion on how people dress at New City Gas.
08-30-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Anyone from Montreal in this thread?

I'm looking for an opinion on how people dress at New City Gas.
i am, but im not sure ive ever been. Its a club, just like any other no?
08-31-2012 , 02:02 AM
Oktoberfest starting in three weeks, need to stay single or non exclusive until then. Anyone coming btw?
08-31-2012 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
Oktoberfest starting in three weeks, need to stay single or non exclusive until then. Anyone coming btw?
Is Oktoberfest as good as it's cracked up to be? It's on my life to do list, but not living in europe it's a bit of a trip
08-31-2012 , 05:16 AM
I only went for a couple of days (was in town due to work) but it was fun.

I doubt I can handle a week of oompa-loompa music and drunk men in leather shorts though, no matter how many women in low cut tops there are.
08-31-2012 , 05:25 AM
Hmm... I really just need to work a year or two in London so I can do europe easily, living in the middle of nowhere globally is a PITA
08-31-2012 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I only went for a couple of days (was in town due to work) but it was fun.

I doubt I can handle a week of oompa-loompa music and drunk men in leather shorts though, no matter how many women in low cut tops there are.
Sounds like youd be better off at burning man.
08-31-2012 , 12:53 PM
was recently at an event for GT alumni in the area. saw a 9/10 girl that i remember from school and approached. now our previous interaction had been incredibly short: one of her sorority sisters was a boarder at our house a couple years ago and i was drinking with them and a few others for maybe 15 minutes before they left for some event, i assumed she had no idea who i was but at least we knew some common people. so anyway i introduce myself, shortly say "you were over at the house once with laura and we pregamed a little, werent you?" and she goes "omg yes how did you remember that" so i said "hey i never forget a pretty face". get a good smile in return, things are working. her friend that was with her hadnt said anything so i also introduce myself to her and ask who she is, and she goes "rachel, and you know i was there that time with you guys too right". ugh. tbc
08-31-2012 , 12:58 PM
I don't buy it.

GT doesn't have 9/10 girls
08-31-2012 , 01:21 PM
Tips is if possible not to go at the weekend. If you do make sure to get there around 7am if you want to get in a tent and do not have a reservation.

Once you do, well, drink beer, hit on everyone, it really is a fun time. Although, even if I live in Munich I will only go twice, or maybe three times, as I don't like beer so much and it tends to make me half way sick quick enough.
08-31-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
was recently at an event for GT alumni in the area. saw a 9/10 girl that i remember from school and approached. now our previous interaction had been incredibly short: one of her sorority sisters was a boarder at our house a couple years ago and i was drinking with them and a few others for maybe 15 minutes before they left for some event, i assumed she had no idea who i was but at least we knew some common people. so anyway i introduce myself, shortly say "you were over at the house once with laura and we pregamed a little, werent you?" and she goes "omg yes how did you remember that" so i said "hey i never forget a pretty face". get a good smile in return, things are working. her friend that was with her hadnt said anything so i also introduce myself to her and ask who she is, and she goes "rachel, and you know i was there that time with you guys too right". ugh. tbc

Gotta be the most aspie thing posted in this thread in months.
08-31-2012 , 01:35 PM
so now I have got a half way funny story, which may turn out pretty poorly for me.

As I mentionned earlier ITT I met a girl (D) I really very much like and see as a relationship material. We have started meeting more and more. She slept at my place last Sat, although no sex happened (she had said BEFORE that she would not have sex with me). Well I just considered that she wanted to take it slow, which is ok in my book, given that we do have a strong connection. When we meet she is very cuddly, cute and behaves just like if we were bf/gf. She takes no initiative for meeting, but always says yes and never flakes. I was a bit puzzled at first, but now I think its ok as she does express a lot of interest when we do meet.

That being said, since there was no talk about exclusive, and that I do not intend to have one before we sleep together, I kept going my own business.

Tonight there is a super big internation party in town in a very nice place. I think I already mentionned the site, it involves really great parties with hot girls, and since everybody is mostly expat you can just go talk to people and introduce yourself. I am going with my boy F. yesterday a Russian (T) I met a few time with, and who I think likes me very much texts me and asks me if I want to go out with "two hot russians tomorrow night". So obviously I snap invite her to the party, since she's pretty hot. No special intent but what do you know after a few gin tonics.

Now where things get messy is that I sent an email to D today to invite her to party saturday night with my friends, and also alluded that since Sunday we would be rainy we should just chill at my place and watch movies/what not. Now she replied in her usual half-way rude fashion that he intended to take a day for herself sunday, and invited me to go visit some exhibition tomorrow morning. She also mentionned (and that's where it gets tight) that she'd be at the party tonight (she knows I go to those quite a lot) and maybe 'she'd see me there'.

Now if it was already just her i'd be a bit walking in thin ice as I would not really know how to react in front of her/my friends. But now there is also the Russian girl who probably thinking she's going to poundtown tonight (and she probably was).

Just when I thought it could not get worse (although that one is a bit anecdotic because it does not bring too much risk in), some French friend told me she'd come with S. who has a bf and I made out with in a club two weeks ago. She'll probably keep her mouth shut given that she has a bf (would be fun if he came too!)

I guess I could not go, but i absolutely cannot flake on the russian as I did way too many times, and she actually told me that she went shopping to buy shoes for the party today and that it would be downright rude to cancel now.

I guess in before social suicide/ me not getting laid at all / blowing up the semblant of a relationship I had with D, but will definitely TR for entertainement and to hear how poorly I handled thing (no game plan so far except suiting up, boozing up and trying to dodge bullets).
08-31-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by renodoc
Sounds like youd be better off at burning man.
Yes - much better music. I might go to that in 2013
