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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-07-2012 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by n00b590
NoFap Day #1 who's with me?!
way ahead of you, day 2 here
07-07-2012 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by cakewalk
Playing devil's advocate here, not saying I disagree: do you mean ignoring her texts/flat out not responding? Or is text just not the place for conversation?
not the place for conversation. and anyway, always being responsive/available is usually detrimental.

maybe things are different for me bc i'm older (27) but i try to avoid texting with women at all costs. i much prefer phone calls, and those should be kept short and to the point (how's your week/last night been? when/where are we meeting tonight? see you then).
07-07-2012 , 05:44 PM
Lol at a 'nofap challenge'. Stop being a drama queen about it. If you think its bad, dont do it. If you think its fine, do it. Dont start a ****en blog about it. 'Hey world!! Look at me!! Im NOT masturbating!!!! YAY ME!!!'

This reminds me of the whole PUA thing. Someone reads about PUA, decides that his lack of PUA skills is his sole reason for not pulling, and applies to PUA school. Fast forward, and some guy reads that he would do better with girls if he stopped jerking off, so stops jerking off. I can guarantee that for 99% of people how often they jerk off is not even in their top 100 things they could improve about themselves. Focus on something important instead of starting a 'im not gonna jerk off thread'.

dsjag;hasf;kjhga;k the internet frustrates me. Sorry for being a dick, but wtf
07-07-2012 , 06:14 PM
Don't think I've fapped since Tuesday. Hopefully it motivates me to be more aggressive tonight.
07-07-2012 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Don't think I've fapped since Tuesday. Hopefully it motivates me to be more aggressive tonight.
07-07-2012 , 07:50 PM
GG online dating what the **** I never check this stuff

A girl has in her profile some foul language and that she likes "bitches" and for some reason the very weird musical mix beyonce and slayer

So I sent "Hi xxxx. Do you usually **** bitches? I see you like slayer and beyonce, I must admit it's obnoxious. Beyonce clearly ripped off "Raining Blood" when she recorded "All the single ladies". WTF is that all about. "

She's got that icon that says she rarely replies and then she's sent
"ok well chill out lmao. i like beyonce because i used to dance and still enjoy it, i like slayer coz i just do. who cares, people rip off songs all the time "

Like...........JFC how obvious do the jokes have to be. I hope it's a level
07-07-2012 , 07:51 PM
0 chance its a level.
07-07-2012 , 08:15 PM
Even if she swears in her profile, probably a good idea to not swear in your first email to her, jussayin. GG that girl and move on
07-07-2012 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
just saying*
07-07-2012 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by cakewalk
I ask her to call me tonight if this means anything to her (in so many words).
If what means anything? You saw her once. Saying something even remotely close to this was horrible.


Not a level. I'm guessing by dance she means stripper.
07-07-2012 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by fanapathy
GG online dating what the **** I never check this stuff

A girl has in her profile some foul language and that she likes "bitches" and for some reason the very weird musical mix beyonce and slayer

So I sent "Hi xxxx. Do you usually **** bitches? I see you like slayer and beyonce, I must admit it's obnoxious. Beyonce clearly ripped off "Raining Blood" when she recorded "All the single ladies". WTF is that all about. "

She's got that icon that says she rarely replies and then she's sent
"ok well chill out lmao. i like beyonce because i used to dance and still enjoy it, i like slayer coz i just do. who cares, people rip off songs all the time "

Like...........JFC how obvious do the jokes have to be. I hope it's a level
Part of my game selection for online sites is avoiding women who use foul language, can't spell, listen to shtty music, display heaps of attitude, or make stupid statements like "if you're looking for sex, keep looking". Also if she initiates the conversation with a stupid message like "hey what's up" or if I initiate the conversation by asking a question or making a statement that opens communication to more than one sentence and she gives me a crappy response I move on. Not sure what your area is like but I can basically lump stupid/problematic ones in with the fatties/uglies/hoodrats and there are still plenty of opportunities available.
07-07-2012 , 09:57 PM
I've been chatting to this girl for like 7 months now, obviously feelings there. Anyway, she starts saying that I should ask her out, (we haven't met yet, due to her living interstate) anyway, she nags me, I ask her out. Even though I was gonna ask her out in August
A week later, she gets blunt and snappy. Tells me she almost cheated and doesn't think it will work. Whatever.

Anyway, long story short.

I've always been bad With women. Yet now in the space of 3 days. I've had
Two women
Request my

What is even happening.
07-07-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by oNste
I've been chatting to this girl for like 7 months now, obviously feelings there. Anyway, she starts saying that I should ask her out, (we haven't met yet, due to her living interstate) anyway, she nags me, I ask her out. Even though I was gonna ask her out in August
A week later, she gets blunt and snappy. Tells me she almost cheated and doesn't think it will work. Whatever.

Anyway, long story short.

I've always been bad With women. Yet now in the space of 3 days. I've had
Two women
Request my

What is even happening.
07-07-2012 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Country Roads
Exactly dude!
07-08-2012 , 01:49 AM
Nofap is easy if you have a fulfilling romantic relationship.


Curious what you guys opinions are on what should be the break up of funds spent on couple activities. I know some people think it should be 100/0 that the guy pays for everything, no questions asked. Other people think it should be 50/50. I've recently changed my feelings on this issue, curious to see where others stand, and why.

I'm talking about everything here, not just dinner. gifts like clothes, event tickets, chocolate, out for drinks, cover fees, etc.


Final thing: I'm starting to think that one woman may not ever satisfy me. I am somewhere between the goofy fall in lurve with one girl and wife her and the disko treat 5-6 different girls like whores. I wanna be pretty close with each girl and treat her well, and I want it to be all in the open, but I don't want any of them to see other men.

Anybody know anybody that's done something like this? I find that most girls are just so turned off by the idea of non-exclusivity, and the ones that are okay with being serious but in an open relationship, want to see other guys as well, which I don't approve of (mostly fear of STDs). It's kind of difficult. I have an idea of how it would have to go to make it happen, but would be interesting to hear if anyone has been successful, and how they did it.
07-08-2012 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Nofap is easy if you have a fulfilling romantic relationship.


Curious what you guys opinions are on what should be the break up of funds spent on couple activities. I know some people think it should be 100/0 that the guy pays for everything, no questions asked. Other people think it should be 50/50. I've recently changed my feelings on this issue, curious to see where others stand, and why.

I'm talking about everything here, not just dinner. gifts like clothes, event tickets, chocolate, out for drinks, cover fees, etc.


Final thing: I'm starting to think that one woman may not ever satisfy me. I am somewhere between the goofy fall in lurve with one girl and wife her and the disko treat 5-6 different girls like whores. I wanna be pretty close with each girl and treat her well, and I want it to be all in the open, but I don't want any of them to see other men.

Anybody know anybody that's done something like this? I find that most girls are just so turned off by the idea of non-exclusivity, and the ones that are okay with being serious but in an open relationship, want to see other guys as well, which I don't approve of (mostly fear of STDs). It's kind of difficult. I have an idea of how it would have to go to make it happen, but would be interesting to hear if anyone has been successful, and how they did it.
This post follows the folowing thought process for the reader:


btw if the other person is paying for half the gift its not a gift....just an fyi

Besides the obvious double standard of the last part, I think this also falls into the category of "If you have to ask you cant afford it..." or if you have to ask you cant do it.
07-08-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Lol at a 'nofap challenge'. Stop being a drama queen about it. If you think its bad, dont do it. If you think its fine, do it. Dont start a ****en blog about it. 'Hey world!! Look at me!! Im NOT masturbating!!!! YAY ME!!!'

This reminds me of the whole PUA thing. Someone reads about PUA, decides that his lack of PUA skills is his sole reason for not pulling, and applies to PUA school. Fast forward, and some guy reads that he would do better with girls if he stopped jerking off, so stops jerking off. I can guarantee that for 99% of people how often they jerk off is not even in their top 100 things they could improve about themselves. Focus on something important instead of starting a 'im not gonna jerk off thread'.

dsjag;hasf;kjhga;k the internet frustrates me. Sorry for being a dick, but wtf
lol u mad
07-08-2012 , 02:29 AM
congrats C Custer on your 6th place even tho sounds like you shud have done better. Might have to PM you for some strajety tips sometime.
07-08-2012 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by cakewalk
KT lives in point A but has family in point B and visits a lot. I live about 45min south of point B.
Point B sounds pretty rad!

Last edited by goofyballer; 07-08-2012 at 04:35 AM. Reason: sorry dude, sounds rough :(
07-08-2012 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by n00b590
lol u mad
He's correct though, if you are not getting laid, chances are that it isnt caused by only one thing.
07-08-2012 , 08:27 AM
While I agree that simply stopping to masturbate will instantly make you get laid it is part of a larger ideology. It is based on the same concept of why you don't just go to cougar bars at last call or do home with the chunky girl at the end of the night. I haven't had enough caffeine to articulate this properly but it applies to all aspects of life not just sex. The best I can say is that it is sort of like a slippery slope argument in that once you start going backwards you'll keep going backwards.



WTF? Why are these girls supposed to be monogamous with you when you're not being monogamous with them? Seems like a ****ty deal for them. Also why do you care what they do when they are not with you?
07-08-2012 , 10:16 AM
Lol yea he wants to bang every girl in the city but only wants them to **** him, winner logic right there
07-08-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
He's correct though, if you are not getting laid, chances are that it isnt caused by only one thing.
Spurious since you seem to be severely misguided about pretty much everything and keep ****ting up this thread, let's try some constructive criticism and highlight why you suck:

I. Stupidity:
Nobody was claiming that NoFap was the ONE THING that would turn someone's life around. See:

II. Stupidity (cont'd):
The-fryke is not correct. What is wrong with seeking motivation and accountability by making public a personal challenge/commitment? So all alcholics should stop wasting their time at AA and just quit already? All H&F logs should be similarly condemned because they're just drama queens with no willpower to lay off the mayo? See: and

NoFap Day #2 gogogo

Last edited by n00b590; 07-08-2012 at 03:33 PM.
07-08-2012 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Nofap is easy if you have a fulfilling romantic relationship.


Curious what you guys opinions are on what should be the break up of funds spent on couple activities. I know some people think it should be 100/0 that the guy pays for everything, no questions asked. Other people think it should be 50/50. I've recently changed my feelings on this issue, curious to see where others stand, and why.

I'm talking about everything here, not just dinner. gifts like clothes, event tickets, chocolate, out for drinks, cover fees, etc.


Final thing: I'm starting to think that one woman may not ever satisfy me. I am somewhere between the goofy fall in lurve with one girl and wife her and the disko treat 5-6 different girls like whores. I wanna be pretty close with each girl and treat her well, and I want it to be all in the open, but I don't want any of them to see other men.

Anybody know anybody that's done something like this? I find that most girls are just so turned off by the idea of non-exclusivity, and the ones that are okay with being serious but in an open relationship, want to see other guys as well, which I don't approve of (mostly fear of STDs). It's kind of difficult. I have an idea of how it would have to go to make it happen, but would be interesting to hear if anyone has been successful, and how they did it.
my stance is pretty well documented but i dont think girls should ever pay for anything ever. you can accept gifts and stuff like that (e.g., she picks up food on the way to your apt), obviously.
07-08-2012 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
btw if the other person is paying for half the gift its not a gift....just an fyi

Besides the obvious double standard of the last part, I think this also falls into the category of "If you have to ask you cant afford it..." or if you have to ask you cant do it.
if i buy a girl something for $100 and then a few days later she buys me something for $100, i'd consider this 50/50 spending. ducy?

regarding exclusivity, note that at no point did i deny that it's a double standard. of course it is. many things in life exhibit this pattern. it's best to accept that and deal with it.

Originally Posted by Henry17

WTF? Why are these girls supposed to be monogamous with you when you're not being monogamous with them? Seems like a ****ty deal for them. Also why do you care what they do when they are not with you?
henry i think it may not be as ****ty of a deal as you think. based on my experiences, seems that women like sex more when it's with one guy that they get to know really well. some girls do enjoy being able to sleep with many different men. i think these women are not appealing to me. i hung out a few times with a girl like this and decided i didn't want to pursue her because i got the sense she likely had contracted something, and if she hadn't yet, it was only a matter of time. but i think that for a lot of girls, taking away their ability to sleep with other guys is not a big deal. the real hurdle is convincing them to be okay with you not being exclusive with them. if you can assure them that it won't impact the relationship with her, maybe some go along with it.

there are a lot of desirable women with ****ty partners. there must be scenarios where a woman would be happier sharing a good partner with another woman than settling for a lower quality guy.

anyway, doesn't look like anyone around here has any experience with that so i'll lead the trail. as i said, i recently had something close to this arrangement, but i wasn't as into the girl as i should have been. was sort of just doing it to do it.
