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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-23-2012 , 07:47 PM
i think the general idealogy behind PUA is effective but a lot of people don't misapply it in practice.
06-23-2012 , 08:22 PM
Would this be good?

When she ask for help, I help her. Then say now you (owe/can buy me) lunch.

Probably hard to answer since it's so general/vague.
06-23-2012 , 08:25 PM
Are you really not trolling?
06-23-2012 , 08:43 PM
let me guess, it sounds too desperate.

But if she's not receptive, I could always say i was just playing.

How do you guys know all of this? just lots of experience, trial and error?
06-23-2012 , 08:45 PM
jesus and I thought gcg had no game
06-23-2012 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
jesus and I thought gcg had no game
In before another prop bet...
06-23-2012 , 11:15 PM
Be nice to get some new posters who aren't trolls or completely ******ed. Still its semi amusing.
06-23-2012 , 11:22 PM
lol who is gcg and where can i read about him.
06-23-2012 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by kingofsurvivorbb
lol who is gcg and where can i read about him.
Idk but I dont think he's posted itt before
06-23-2012 , 11:42 PM
when you help her study, are you in person or what
06-23-2012 , 11:52 PM
This is like that time that you responded seriously to this guy.
06-24-2012 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
when you help her study, are you in person or what
Half and half. I helped her in person 3 times. One is planned for Wednesday.

Probably like 5+ times where I just email her/text her because we have quizzes and hw we need to submit online.
06-24-2012 , 02:22 AM
What time is your class? Or what times do you help her?

Definitely inquiring about doing something else(like grabbing lunch together) is a better idea than giving notes in class...A LOT better.

But, not going to bull **** with you, as of right now what you've all said, this girl is just using you because you are smart.
06-24-2012 , 02:28 AM
king-- actually I had a similar relationship with a girl than you do with this girl, a few years ago.

It was less of her using me though-- what happened was I met her the first week of school at a library via mutual friends, we weren't even introduced but kind of just killing time in the same group.

Then friday(or late in the week) we had the first lab and had to find a partner, we sat next to each other and realized we were both friends with X, etc. and were lab partners. We had a ton of fun, probably my most fun class in college-- but to keep it short(er) what happened is that we would do homework and stuff together, always at school though and I wanted to make some sort of move. We went out to dinner a few times after class(it was a late afternoon lab-- nothing fancy, we just went to fast food joints basically) and had fun and chatted. She was very very kept to herself though, and I found out later why-- she had a boyfriend.

I didn't find this out until Valentines week (came up in conversation in another class) and this lab was a Fall class. We were still friends in the other class and still are friends now- it was an interesting situation though, I was just too passive I guess looking back to press her to tell me anything.

Also- she started dating this guy like a month(at most) after we met, so I think she knew I liked her and felt bad because she may have liked me too which was part of the reason she didn't want to share more information.
06-24-2012 , 02:39 AM
How many days/weeks/months until you found out she had a bf?

Nm - I skimmed, the first time thru.

Interesting story.

Last edited by kingofsurvivorbb; 06-24-2012 at 02:48 AM.
06-24-2012 , 02:59 AM
I have class with her from 1:35 to 4:35 pm.

I mostly help her study before class. 11:30ish maybe 12 till class.

I think I'm just gonna forget this girl. Now that you guys have said she's just using me, (which I already knew) but thought we had some decent normal chats too. I thought maybe I could change it.

Next girl, I'll be less passive and inquire about hanging out more. Also probably should try to joke/flirt around with more.

I don't think I gave this girl any hint of an attraction.
06-24-2012 , 04:00 AM
toph and defying laws of thermodynamics yeota coming out of the woodwork.
06-24-2012 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
king-- actually I had a similar relationship with a girl than you do with this girl, a few years ago.

It was less of her using me though-- what happened was I met her the first week of school at a library via mutual friends, we weren't even introduced but kind of just killing time in the same group.

Then friday(or late in the week) we had the first lab and had to find a partner, we sat next to each other and realized we were both friends with X, etc. and were lab partners. We had a ton of fun, probably my most fun class in college-- but to keep it short(er) what happened is that we would do homework and stuff together, always at school though and I wanted to make some sort of move. We went out to dinner a few times after class(it was a late afternoon lab-- nothing fancy, we just went to fast food joints basically) and had fun and chatted. She was very very kept to herself though, and I found out later why-- she had a boyfriend.

I didn't find this out until Valentines week (came up in conversation in another class) and this lab was a Fall class. We were still friends in the other class and still are friends now- it was an interesting situation though, I was just too passive I guess looking back to press her to tell me anything.

Also- she started dating this guy like a month(at most) after we met, so I think she knew I liked her and felt bad because she may have liked me too which was part of the reason she didn't want to share more information.
sick beat
06-24-2012 , 11:19 AM
so got myself in a super stupid situation, met this girl on OKCupid, first date lasted super long (like 11 hours) and was amazing. A week after second date was even longer (coffee+walk+football game in an amazing public viewing+dinner+chilling somewhere). We did not bang cause she had to wake up at 6am (legit she even sent me a text to prove that she was awake) the day after. I guess I could have pushed for it before during the day, but did not really feel like it cause I had banged some b**** the morning before, and see her as relationship material.

There are solid odds from the vibe I am getting that she just may want to f--- me which is obviously an acceptable outcome.

Generally it was excellent, she is very smart, playful and interesting, and probably sees me in the same way. We work in the same industry (consulting), and have the same interests. I guess no one in his right mind would spent two 12 hours dates together without some sort of connection. She keeps accusing me of being a snob though, but I suppose this is not too bad. And it probably is true.

That was two weeks ago. She was traveling for work the week after, and I was traveling this week (and next one). No contact whatsoever has been made since the 6am text. I am kind of stupidly proud so I just refused to make contact, but this seems like it is leading nowhere. I am not sure what to do/think so in the meantime I keep seeing some other girls, but I have little interest in even pursuing them. I will be abroad from Wed to Monday for business. While my line would generally just to let it go, I actually want to find out more. What's my line (yeah I know I am terrible).

PS : oh that was the girl with the FB story I refered to earlier ITT. On the 2nd date she reiterated and I bended in. We are now FB friends (yay).
06-24-2012 , 11:22 AM
+1 siiiiick beat bro
06-24-2012 , 12:07 PM
Just contact her ffs.
She probably feels the same way and women are even prouder when it comes to contacting. Go ahead and call her and it will probably lead somewhere.
06-24-2012 , 12:55 PM
lol @ "i wanna pass notes to her in class tho!"

also -- those texts. bitches love smiley faces mang. esp with the tongue out. Lets em know you go down.
06-24-2012 , 12:56 PM
Obv gotta do the ole note with the

do you like me?
yes [ ]
no [ ]
06-24-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
This is like that time that you responded seriously to this guy.
you cant be human

Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
toph and defying laws of thermodynamics yeota coming out of the woodwork.
haters gonna hate
06-24-2012 , 02:35 PM
I just figured at least with the note we're "talking".

Otherwise we're just either doing work/surfing the net.

But okay, I won't do it.
