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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-07-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by mullen

Please do not try and hoodwink people into thinking that you actually play 5 hours of SC2 every day.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
lol @ that guy keeping 1-movers in his MA stack. lol @ not using the BUG mod. lol @ playing as what appears to be China.

Originally Posted by Henry17
I think it is the cause although it has nothing to do with video games specifically but video games just happens to be the most common manifestation of something that consumes a lot of time. What it comes down to is that is you spend X number of hours doing something that is anti-social then you have x less hours to do social stuff. If they spent the same time doing something else it would have the same impact.

When it comes to reasons why the number of socially awkward guys has increased dramatically I'd rank video games fourth after the internet, smart phones, and the paradigm shift in the school system that has turned kids into over-entitled pussies. The internet especially has replaced socializing with something that looks like socializing but in no way teaches people the same skill set that going out with other teens teaches them.
I can't really speak to whether or not there are more socially awkward guys now that an at other times, but I would offer that the internet, video games, and other connective media have made every subset of society, including social awkward people, more visible.
06-07-2012 , 01:30 PM
Great TR CCuster, excited for part two!
06-07-2012 , 04:15 PM
06-07-2012 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
normally LDR is a bad thing. But it seems like you have done it on and off for a long period. My brother somehow spent the last few years of college in NYC (he was on a soccer scholarship) in a LDR with a chick from NZ. They are finally both back living in NZ.

Can you not both move to Australia or something. Seems like u are both out of visas for the each others countries. Maybe you could both move to canada. Personally if I had invested that much time the way u have I would consider these options.
Oh sorry, maybe I wasnt clear. We are definitely broken up, because, well, LDR suck. Thought about moving to Canada, but i want to get back into law etc, and it will take me 3 years at least to get settled, so that would be another 3 years of LDR, just doesnt seem worth it. We can always get back together in 5 years if neither of us finds someone better.

More talking about remaining friends afterwords. I mean it seems weird how easily things have transitioned from a breakup that happened a week ago to just friends, and I constantly see here that ending contact etc etc is the way to go. So i'm worried that maybe its a mistake, or is that only for people who get all emotional/jealous about the breakup?
06-07-2012 , 04:57 PM
I normally remain friends with girls after break-ups.
06-07-2012 , 05:22 PM
god, ive spend an embarassing (and perhaps troubling) time on videogames.

ages 18-22 or so were basically spent on FFXI all day and all night. (i seriously played like 12h/day). id go out once per week.

prior to 18 i played socom at the highest levels (basically best clan in the world by any metric) and after 22 i played CoD, although not as competitively.

and although i do consider myself a loser, it wasnt a complete deathblow to sex life. i cant imagine any human-amount of gaming would be an obstacle for anyone.
06-07-2012 , 08:05 PM
There is no real secret to being socially proficient other than experience. Anything that takes away from the opportunity to have experience hurts social skills. If you miss out on learning things at the proper age it becomes an issue that is hard to deal with which usually means people avoid dealing with it and that in turn just makes it worse.
06-07-2012 , 08:50 PM
What do you consider the proper age to be?
06-07-2012 , 09:39 PM
Basically that you start to do group dates and single dates pretty early on and you are clueless but that is when you learn. If you start older because you are smarter you can catch up but at the same time the increased intelligence and maturity also makes you much more cognizant of the fact that you are playing catch up which leads to fear and insecurity.

My theory is that the internet by offering socializing without leaving the house has replaced these co-ed group outings which is where people learned how to be around people of the opposite sex. The result is that I see a lot of guys who at 19-20+ who behave the way I would expect a 14-16 year old to behave.
06-07-2012 , 09:45 PM
I agree about the internet hurting a lot of people wrt to socializing especially more introverted people. I know it has always kind of been a crutch for me since it is very easy to communicate with people but very low pressure compared to irl situations.

Anyway I do belive that the early high school years are very key for people in developing their social skills which will help them down the road.
06-07-2012 , 10:24 PM
So yesterday, I went about my normal errands i usually do every tuesday, Food shopping, hair cut, etc. While I was shopping for grocery, spotted a girl I've seen before, so decided to approach her #yolo. we spoke briefly, then decided to exchange numbers.

She is 22 years old, quarter Portuguese and black, and a student studying business, I got home and decided to shoot her a text straight away. Found out she only lived 5 minutes away from me and is new to the area, she spoke to me about not being into black guys because apparently they don't treat girls well or whatever and she only dates white guys.

So on the train home from work today, I received a text from her telling me I should come over her place to chat sometime, I then replied asking her when she is free, she said how about tonight? I said thats fine and we both agreed on 1:30am, since i got home at 11pm and I like to chill for a bit, eat and play xbox before I go to bed. I kept texting her between 11 - 1 am to make sure she didnt fall asleep or try to flake on me or some bs. I got ready about 1am had a shower, put on some fresh clothes and went out at about 1:20, got to her place at 1:35. her room was pretty messy/dirty for a 22 yo but i didnt really care all i wanted was the pussy and then im out.

We laid down together on her bed and started talking about our days etc (you know the standard how was your day stuff), then she told me she felt a bit sleepy and was going to bed, so I took my clothes off and laid with her with just my boxers and socks on. (long story short) she turned her back to me then i put my arm around her waist and started kissing her on the neck, she then jumped on top of me, and started riding me for like 5 mins, we tried a bunch of other positions, then she said she had to go to the bathroom. she came back out in like a minute and tried to erect my dick again by jerking me off, but it only got up to like a semi boner, she suggested I laid on the floor while she rides me again, I agreed, done that for a while but didn't feel i was gonna come anytime soon, so i jerked myself off and came on her titts.

I tried to take a pic of her but she got all shy and covered her self with a duvet. I dont normally post TR's but i am kinda proud of this one.

06-07-2012 , 10:27 PM
06-07-2012 , 11:06 PM
you get your hair cut every tuesday?
06-07-2012 , 11:09 PM
every 2 weeks or so on a Wednesday, I met her on wednesday not tuesday.
06-07-2012 , 11:46 PM
LOL I don't even know where to start with that TR.
06-08-2012 , 12:02 AM
Good Job Michael!
06-08-2012 , 12:26 AM
Good effort as well.
06-08-2012 , 12:52 AM
Part 2 of lake House

So the last TR ended off with her telling me she wished the other guy would have left. She wants the Cody D...bauss. But he problem is, there are 11 people in the house, unbauss, so it will be hard to get a room where she doesnt feekl worried about eavesdroppers and ****. So its about 11 and we all start hitting the lake and drinking. Some people want to go on waverunners. So the girls who house it is takes a few people on them(cant do individual cause PA law requires a license. So the people that want to ride ride with her, and everyone else chills and drinks and ****. So this goes on for close to 2 hours. About 1:30 everyone wants to go tubing on the boat. however there is a problem, only 8 people can be on the boat at a time(lol laws). So I volunteer to sit out first as i wanted to drink a little more and was hoping it would get sunnier. What do ya know, D also volunteers to sit out, as well as my college roommate. So its 3 of us as they go tubing.

I announce that I am going to go make a drink and if anyone wants one, my buddy says hes cool with his beer, and D is like, ya Ill go make one with you. So we actually, belevie it or not, make drinks. I then go sit in the lviing room overlooking the lake on a couch and she walks in looks at the lake and says, and i quote:

"Man I really hate to leave him out there alone, but we do have the hosue to ourselves"

I say something along the lines of a sarcastic " O do we", meanwhile she sits down next to me and I put my arm around her. We start making out, about a minute in she puts her hands on my dick over my shorts, and i tell her lets go upstairs. We go upstairs, clothes fly off, she asks if I have a condom, I get one out, we go to town, first her on top, then me on top, and thats about it. About 7-8 minutes or so total.

We hear the door open(to house not room) and its my roommate, quickly get dressed and come downstairs. he sort of knew whats up when I made eye contact. Anyways, about 30 minutes later and a couple drinks its our turn to go tubing. a few of the previous people join us just to drive the boat and watch. i go with D tubing, and tubing is incredibly hard at 35 mph apparently.. We stayed on fairly long, apparently one of the longer stays on when the driver(girls who house it was), was actually trying to shake us.

After the tubing we head inside to get more drinks, a couple people are in the hot tub so we join them. We chill in there for a while, until we are the last two left. We start talking about random **** like drugs and stuff and how she wants to do acid or something. Eventually it comes up that we are no longer going in water anymore after hottub and she says she needs to go shower. i say, 'Ya I need one too but I forgot my ****ing shampoo and ****". She says "Well you can shower with me and share mine". Boom.

So we go upstairs and start showering, making out i lift her up and put her against the wall with her legs around my waste, which I found pretty impressive and a tub shower seeing as sides are curved a little at bottom. She then says okay, turns me so my back is facing shower head and starts blowing me. After a couple minutes of that she just, without saying anything, stands up turns around and guides my penis inside her....welp guess no condoms it is. WE go at it, the best one can in a tub shower with curtain and nothing to really plant on, for a couple minutes. Finish after like 5 minutes and then actually shower and I leave so she can shave and ****.

I get changed into clothes, and make a drink and join people outside on the deck grilling for dinner. She comes down like 10 minutes later and joins the group. We chill outside for a while, go in around 7 and play a few drinking games as a group, then go back out around 8;30 and start a fire pit on the deck. Two of our friends(a couple) are coming up around 9, cause the girl had a graduation party for herself during the day.

Chill out, make s'mores, drink and shoot the **** for a while, while the black guy decides to play with fire and throw random **** in it. After a couple hours its liek 12:30 and we all go inside and play some more drinking games. D is pretty drunk and dancing ballet to The Motto in the living room. Later we play drinking games and Me and D go like 4-1, pretty bauss. A couple more hours of drinking and ****(since it was our last night there) and we go to sleep.

Sunday morning we all at first went to the lake and drove the boat around, which is pretty fun.


You can see D in the background trying to photobomb.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning(by the ladies mostly ship) and then most of us went to dinner.
06-08-2012 , 03:10 AM
Awesome tr
06-08-2012 , 08:19 AM
I want that picture to become the new Henry frosted tips picture.
06-08-2012 , 09:50 AM
Nice TR. You guys are nuts if you tubed at 35mph.
06-08-2012 , 11:50 AM
nice pic custer, no homilz
06-08-2012 , 12:02 PM
Hahahha i am proud that u will be my roommate custer.
06-08-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Good effort as well.

Nice TR cody sounds like a sick fun time.
06-08-2012 , 03:55 PM
is that you in the photo vintage? you look like the sherminator. Good TR dude what this thread needed.
