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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

02-19-2012 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mirakal
So real quick, a girl i've been hanging out with lately, think i mentioned her earlier itt, texts me saying shes not looking for anything serious right now.

This is in response to me supposedly drunk texting her that I like her and i want her to be my gf friday night. I know, terrible.

So while we do enjoy hanging out, as far as i can tell, and have hooked up(made out) multiple times is she saying she doesnt want anything to do with me or can i say like ok we can keep it casual and hope for a friends with benefits scenario to work itself out?
Is this a serious post?

There aren't enough facepalm.gif's in the world to satisfy an appropriate reply to the line you took.

Never text her again. Pray that she doesn't know someone who knows you and shares the text you sent.
02-19-2012 , 09:47 PM
Ik. She lives in my dorm actually so theres a decent chance ill see her eventually, or at a party. AFAIK she wouldnt be a bitch like that, but who knows.
02-19-2012 , 09:48 PM
I like dive bars occasionally.
02-19-2012 , 09:48 PM
Nah we don't even have mutual friends. It isn't rude? Is there harm in telling her why, even if it's a overly polite excuse?
02-19-2012 , 09:59 PM
You said you're not interested in going out with her again. So it comes down to how much longer you want to drag out the inevitable.

She's texting you partly/mostly/entirely for attention. You aren't obligated to fulfil that need nor is it rude to just not reply.
02-19-2012 , 10:05 PM
Simple question..i'm looking to ask a girl out on a date later this week. Is calling a lot better than texting or does it really not matter? She lives 2 floors above me so I guess I could always stop by her room as well. Either way, does it make much of a difference?
02-19-2012 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
I like dive bars occasionally.
Quick, everyone! Change your position on dive bars immediately because Mittens likes them occasionally.

I'm guessing dive bars aren't including college bars in college towns. Obviously, dive bars are going to be better or worse depending on location.

Originally Posted by Sheggy1377
Simple question..i'm looking to ask a girl out on a date later this week. Is calling a lot better than texting or does it really not matter? She lives 2 floors above me so I guess I could always stop by her room as well. Either way, does it make much of a difference?
Are you a pussy or not? If she lives that close, I'd probably stop by her room. I don't feel like texting a girl to ask her out on an actual date is the best way to go. Curious as to what others think.
02-19-2012 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by vin17
do you avoid eye contact? do you still say hi?
Nah Dont avoid eye contact and still say high and talk some. Like today talked a good amount. Surprisingly its not awkward
02-19-2012 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Sheggy1377
Simple question..i'm looking to ask a girl out on a date later this week. Is calling a lot better than texting or does it really not matter? She lives 2 floors above me so I guess I could always stop by her room as well. Either way, does it make much of a difference?

but seriously,i would just call her and ask.
02-19-2012 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
yea buddy,

Why don't you guys drink at home then? Dive bars are typically pretty loud, dirty, and filled with rowdy people. The opposite is true at a nice bar or lounge. Definitely gonna have to expand the friend circle.
Yeah, I mean we do drink at home as well but when we go out to the bars it ends up being some ****hole dive bar or some locals spot. I just moved back to my hometown as I am done with school and the scene back home is definitely worse but there are a few places that play EDM and there are decent girls but all my friends say "too many bros," "too loud and dark," etc. I am moving soon I think but am starting to sorta lose my mind, bored, losing any interest in doing anything because of this. That in addition to not going out with the girl I was seeing have put me in a funk the last month and a half I guess. I mean, christ, I went up to the local poker room and played 5 hours live last Saturday night. Just about 2-3 months ago I would have never even entertained that idea.

Last edited by yea buddy; 02-20-2012 at 12:10 AM.
02-20-2012 , 10:16 AM
I've never written a TR here but here goes;

For the last week I had been staying in a backpacker’s hostel on the island of Koh Tao, Thailand. Basically, it was the best ever with some of the most awesome people you could ever wish to meet. We hung out like every day going to the beaches, getting food etc. Part of the travelling culture in Thailand (especially on the islands) involves drinking practically every night, what usually happened is a group of people would start drinking in the hostel, then head down to the beach fire shows/bars for the rest of the night.

This night was my last night in the hostel, and a lot of the original people I had met there and drunk/hungout with before had left. Despite this, we still managed to pull a group of 6 together to go out. There was me, a Swedish girl I had become good friends with(my age), and four somewhat newcomers to the hostel. There was an older English girl (26ish), two younger girls from Canada and Sweden (both 18) and one German dude (19)... (I'm 21). Everyone else in the hostel had already gone out or whatever so we were all sitting round in our room drinking and deciding what we were going to do for the night. We eventually decide to head out and see what's happening at like 10.

Down at the beach, we each grab a bucket (small bucket with some sort of liquor and a mixer) and start walking along the beach. It's still really early and there’s pretty much nothing happening in the bars, so we grab a spot on the beach to catch one of the local fire shows. I have absolutely no idea how this transpires, but we somehow split up into 3 groups of 2 to hangout/talk about random ****/whatever. There’s my Swedish friend and the English girl, the Canadian girl/German dude and the other Swedish girl and I. I'd pretty much never hung out with this girl before; the extent of it was us going to breakfast the same morning along with the English girl, so at first it was kind of awkward. She’s pretty cute and all and the conversation starts flowing a little more freely but i'm still not really feeling it due to the loud as f music in the bar behind us. Eventually, my Swedish friend and the English girl leave us four at the fire show to venture down the beach. All four of us are still pretty sober and the Canadian girl suggests we play some drinking games on the beach. At this point the music is cranking and there are tons of drunken idiots jumping the fire ropes etc so I suggest we all get up and head to a quieter spot on the beach, to which they agree.

We settle on a spot a little way down the beach away from the bars and fire shows, we never start any drinking games but were all mingling/talking and having a good time. At one point, someone makes the suggestion of us going for a night dive in the ocean, I’m not 100% keen but we eventually decide to do it because f it. We obviously have no swimwear so the German guy and I strip down to our boxer shorts while the girls are in their bras/panties. They both have banging bodies and we all go into the ocean and swim/play around for a while etc. It becomes apparent quickly that the German guy/Canadian girl are fast tracking things and he starts holding her around her waist while they both stare at the moon/whatever. The Swedish girl and I take this as our cue to leave so we swim back to shore, put some clothes back on, grab our stuff and start walking further along the beach.

We walk along to a somewhat secluded area (still people walking past but its a lot better), and resume talking about random crap again. Were sitting on a wooden ledge which goes from the beach huts to the beach and I'm starting to become a ton more attracted to her, I still have no idea how she feels however so I hold off for the time being. At one point she claims she wants another tattoo, and asks me to come with her to get one too. I'm thinking wtf no way (not sure how serious she was), then she sort of gets up and makes to be going to get one. As she’s getting up, I reach out and intend to pull her down onto my lap and she obliges instantly. We begin holding hands/talking and getting closer and closer until our noses are practically touching, she playfully tilts her head to the side and we start hooking up. She's really into it and after a few more minutes of talking/hooking up I start fingering her. She’s squirming/moaning like crazy and this carries on for a short while, until she suggests we go for another swim. It's midnight by now and while the water is still bearable, it's not exactly pleasant, we hook up etc some more and she starts giving me a HJ. By this point we’re getting really cold so she suggests we go back to our hostel, I’m assuming she’s down for whatever at this point but I still don't really know for sure.

We take the 5 min walk back to the hostel and walk into our room. She takes me over to her bottom bunk bed and to our disgust there is ONE girl in the room sleeping on the top of her bunk (rooms were really small with 4 bunk beds in each). Shes like no problem LETS JUST GO TO THE SHOWERS. The showers in the hostel were on the way to the toilets and people walk past them a ton so I was extremely paranoid but went with her anyway (irony of this was that I had had a talk to the hostel worker earlier and he was telling me stories about idiots in the showers and about how off-putting it was to other guests lol). We get into one of the showers, she turns the shower on and strips completely, I naturally follow. Were hooking up under the shower which is awesome and I’m getting extremely turned on. I'm laughing so hard on the inside at the absurdity/irony of what’s happening and she eventually goes down on me for what seems like a good 5 minutes, and it's incredible. After this, we hook up some more and she proposes we go back to the room, I know there's someone sleeping there but at this point I don't really care. We lock the door behind us and go to her bed, I’m still very paranoid as anyone with a key can walk in at any time (we had no idea what everyone else was up to) plus there was the issue of the girl sleeping above us. She strips again and is playing/teasing with me before she lays flat on her back on the bed. I climb on top and put it in, she’s incredibly tight and within 2/3 minutes she’s drenched. My emotions are running wild and I can't quite comprehend the absolute ridiculousness of the night’s happenings thus far, meanwhile she’s getting wetter and wetter and has her eyes closed while moaning softly. The bed is moving around a ton and I’m starting to worry about the girl above, so after like 10 minutes I pull out and she starts blowing me again. Biggest beat of the night was that I actually never finished but whatever, were exhausted and she suggests that I stay in her bed and fall asleep. I explain how absurd this would be, give her a kiss goodnight and go to my bed.

I'm lying in bed trying to take everything in and realise I need to go to the toilet. I get up and start making my way to the toilets, only to be suddenly halted by what’s coming from the showers. Sure enough, the Canadian/German duo were ****ing in the shower, with seemingly not a care in the world as to where they were. I save them the embarrassment and go back to bed, this time pretty much laughing out loud at the night’s events.

The next day I had a really early start and travelled to Bangkok with the English girl. Over dinner I told her about the happenings last night between the Canadian girl/German dude to which she replied "what about you and 'Swedish girl'". I had no idea what sort of vibe we were giving off on the beach but all she saw while she was with us was us talking a bunch before she left, I was somewhat concerned everyone might've known but flat out denied anything happening between us anyway(I still have no idea with regards to this).

Overall, a truly epic night and one I won't forget in a hurry!

Last edited by sunnydunerz; 02-20-2012 at 10:43 AM.
02-20-2012 , 10:54 AM
Pretty good TR, but you seem to be really uptight. Loosen up a bit, sex is nothing illegal or unusual.

I get it if you dont want to talk about your sexual life with others, but denying it is pretty absurd. Just tell them you dont want to talk about it and no one will bother. Denying is very weird.

In the given scenario, it might actually hurt your "reputation". When the English girl and the Swedish guy leave, and the German guy goes at it with the Canadian girl, it would be weird if nothing happened between the two "left behind".
02-20-2012 , 11:04 AM
yeah real solid night but if you're ever going to have sex in semi-public, a hostel in thailand is about as risk-free as it gets
02-20-2012 , 11:06 AM
Yeah, idk what I was thinking, it was just the reaction I had at the time....I can't really explain it but I had no idea how she'd know anything so I just blurted that out :/

The English/Swedish girls left us at the fire show btw, they didn't come with us when we went to the quieter part of the beach as described...which was really why I had no clue how she'd know anything
02-20-2012 , 11:40 AM
There are 4 people, two of them hook up: "What happened to the rest?" would be the first thought I'd get.
02-20-2012 , 11:48 AM
Pretty solid TR. This is about what I imagine the bed part to be like


edit: You could probably afford to allow alcohol to loosen you up like 10% more. Don't go ape**** crazy but you did nit it up a little bit
02-20-2012 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
There are 4 people, two of them hook up: "What happened to the rest?" would be the first thought I'd get.
Ah, sorry I misinterpreted your post. I get your point, but she really had nothing to base anything happening on(even w/ the other 2)..everyone in the hostel were usually just friends who hungout at night and she couldn't have seen us as more than acquaintances chatting at the fire show while the other 2 were on the verge of hooking up already..Like if I were her when I left the fire show I'd never assume anything happening b/w us whatsoever..I guess when she learns about the other 2 she's curious so I guess it was somewhat of a natural reaction on her part too
02-20-2012 , 09:28 PM
ARASH DEEBAZAAR is always eating during a vid. just watch the first 15secs of vid
02-20-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
The strategy for dive bars is don't go to them. They are depressing and if there is more than two somewhat attractive girls in the entire venue that would be a good night. Chance of getting into a physical confrontation are much higher than anywhere else. It is just a bad idea.
dive bars are a lot more fun than college bars and getting into a physical confrontation is kind of fun once in a while.
02-21-2012 , 12:03 AM
Physical confrontations are unavoidable sometimes but they are rarely if ever fun unless you are a sociopath or something. Ruins the night, chance of injury or legal problems, etc
02-21-2012 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Nah Dont avoid eye contact and still say high and talk some. Like today talked a good amount. Surprisingly its not awkward
02-21-2012 , 12:54 AM
02-21-2012 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by sunnydunerz
I've never written a TR here but here goes;

For the last week I had been staying in a backpacker’s hostel on the island of Koh Tao, Thailand. Basically, it was the best ever with some of the most awesome people you could ever wish to meet. We hung out like every day going to the beaches, getting food etc. Part of the travelling culture in Thailand (especially on the islands) involves drinking practically every night, what usually happened is a group of people would start drinking in the hostel, then head down to the beach fire shows/bars for the rest of the night.

This night was my last night in the hostel, and a lot of the original people I had met there and drunk/hungout with before had left. Despite this, we still managed to pull a group of 6 together to go out. There was me, a Swedish girl I had become good friends with(my age), and four somewhat newcomers to the hostel. There was an older English girl (26ish), two younger girls from Canada and Sweden (both 18) and one German dude (19)... (I'm 21). Everyone else in the hostel had already gone out or whatever so we were all sitting round in our room drinking and deciding what we were going to do for the night. We eventually decide to head out and see what's happening at like 10.

Down at the beach, we each grab a bucket (small bucket with some sort of liquor and a mixer) and start walking along the beach. It's still really early and there’s pretty much nothing happening in the bars, so we grab a spot on the beach to catch one of the local fire shows. I have absolutely no idea how this transpires, but we somehow split up into 3 groups of 2 to hangout/talk about random ****/whatever. There’s my Swedish friend and the English girl, the Canadian girl/German dude and the other Swedish girl and I. I'd pretty much never hung out with this girl before; the extent of it was us going to breakfast the same morning along with the English girl, so at first it was kind of awkward. She’s pretty cute and all and the conversation starts flowing a little more freely but i'm still not really feeling it due to the loud as f music in the bar behind us. Eventually, my Swedish friend and the English girl leave us four at the fire show to venture down the beach. All four of us are still pretty sober and the Canadian girl suggests we play some drinking games on the beach. At this point the music is cranking and there are tons of drunken idiots jumping the fire ropes etc so I suggest we all get up and head to a quieter spot on the beach, to which they agree.

We settle on a spot a little way down the beach away from the bars and fire shows, we never start any drinking games but were all mingling/talking and having a good time. At one point, someone makes the suggestion of us going for a night dive in the ocean, I’m not 100% keen but we eventually decide to do it because f it. We obviously have no swimwear so the German guy and I strip down to our boxer shorts while the girls are in their bras/panties. They both have banging bodies and we all go into the ocean and swim/play around for a while etc. It becomes apparent quickly that the German guy/Canadian girl are fast tracking things and he starts holding her around her waist while they both stare at the moon/whatever. The Swedish girl and I take this as our cue to leave so we swim back to shore, put some clothes back on, grab our stuff and start walking further along the beach.

We walk along to a somewhat secluded area (still people walking past but its a lot better), and resume talking about random crap again. Were sitting on a wooden ledge which goes from the beach huts to the beach and I'm starting to become a ton more attracted to her, I still have no idea how she feels however so I hold off for the time being. At one point she claims she wants another tattoo, and asks me to come with her to get one too. I'm thinking wtf no way (not sure how serious she was), then she sort of gets up and makes to be going to get one. As she’s getting up, I reach out and intend to pull her down onto my lap and she obliges instantly. We begin holding hands/talking and getting closer and closer until our noses are practically touching, she playfully tilts her head to the side and we start hooking up. She's really into it and after a few more minutes of talking/hooking up I start fingering her. She’s squirming/moaning like crazy and this carries on for a short while, until she suggests we go for another swim. It's midnight by now and while the water is still bearable, it's not exactly pleasant, we hook up etc some more and she starts giving me a HJ. By this point we’re getting really cold so she suggests we go back to our hostel, I’m assuming she’s down for whatever at this point but I still don't really know for sure.

We take the 5 min walk back to the hostel and walk into our room. She takes me over to her bottom bunk bed and to our disgust there is ONE girl in the room sleeping on the top of her bunk (rooms were really small with 4 bunk beds in each). Shes like no problem LETS JUST GO TO THE SHOWERS. The showers in the hostel were on the way to the toilets and people walk past them a ton so I was extremely paranoid but went with her anyway (irony of this was that I had had a talk to the hostel worker earlier and he was telling me stories about idiots in the showers and about how off-putting it was to other guests lol). We get into one of the showers, she turns the shower on and strips completely, I naturally follow. Were hooking up under the shower which is awesome and I’m getting extremely turned on. I'm laughing so hard on the inside at the absurdity/irony of what’s happening and she eventually goes down on me for what seems like a good 5 minutes, and it's incredible. After this, we hook up some more and she proposes we go back to the room, I know there's someone sleeping there but at this point I don't really care. We lock the door behind us and go to her bed, I’m still very paranoid as anyone with a key can walk in at any time (we had no idea what everyone else was up to) plus there was the issue of the girl sleeping above us. She strips again and is playing/teasing with me before she lays flat on her back on the bed. I climb on top and put it in, she’s incredibly tight and within 2/3 minutes she’s drenched. My emotions are running wild and I can't quite comprehend the absolute ridiculousness of the night’s happenings thus far, meanwhile she’s getting wetter and wetter and has her eyes closed while moaning softly. The bed is moving around a ton and I’m starting to worry about the girl above, so after like 10 minutes I pull out and she starts blowing me again. Biggest beat of the night was that I actually never finished but whatever, were exhausted and she suggests that I stay in her bed and fall asleep. I explain how absurd this would be, give her a kiss goodnight and go to my bed.

I'm lying in bed trying to take everything in and realise I need to go to the toilet. I get up and start making my way to the toilets, only to be suddenly halted by what’s coming from the showers. Sure enough, the Canadian/German duo were ****ing in the shower, with seemingly not a care in the world as to where they were. I save them the embarrassment and go back to bed, this time pretty much laughing out loud at the night’s events.

The next day I had a really early start and travelled to Bangkok with the English girl. Over dinner I told her about the happenings last night between the Canadian girl/German dude to which she replied "what about you and 'Swedish girl'". I had no idea what sort of vibe we were giving off on the beach but all she saw while she was with us was us talking a bunch before she left, I was somewhat concerned everyone might've known but flat out denied anything happening between us anyway(I still have no idea with regards to this).

Overall, a truly epic night and one I won't forget in a hurry!
very solid tr. parts of it sounded so familiar (e.g. the shower bit). i suppose everyone runs into pretty much the same problems in hostels.

you still in thailand? i might have to start following this thread again.


i found out about this cool "secret" bar. i'm planning to bring girls to it when we go on dates cause it's quiet, fairly nice, cheap, and shows i'm awesome cause i know the good spots ldo. mittens, mullen, thoughts?
02-21-2012 , 03:31 AM
hows the lighting? Cause I feel like bad lighting could make smiles hard to describe.
02-21-2012 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by Chawklit Rain
dive bars are a lot more fun than college bars and getting into a physical confrontation is kind of fun once in a while.
No, it's not fun. It's pathetic.
