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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-24-2012 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
trip report. so before i left i talked to lkj and keith in the chat. i explained how i'm going out without any male companions for the first time in a while and that this is an even riskier situation because i'm pretty sure i wont be in the safest environment. i pick up two modelo tall boys for myself and a bottle smirnoff to share between the 4 of us going. the modelo choice was strategy based on going to past parties like this. not a whole lot of comradery of drinking will be going down. if you put a drink down it'll get stolen. i'm with bootycall girl that the chat knows, her friend, and then a girl they met through my friend's party who has perfect tits that she showed during kings cup one night that i TR'd.

we get there and it's exactly how i imagine just exaggerated in size. there's like 30 people in the front yard alone smoking cigs or just avoiding the cluster **** that is inside. i walk inside, at a snails pace because there's ppl constantly bumping into each other, and there's probably 200 ppl shoved into this 2bd 1bath house. 3:1 guy to girl ratio but like 20:1 african american to other ratio. i'm 6'3, white, wearing a vneck sweater. i stick out a lot but i figure if there's any girls who aren't into grimey people i'll get it all day.

it didn't go as smooth as possible. i danced with the kings cup girl right away then tried to parlay that into other girls seeing i'm not a lame. overall statistics was danced on two girls semi successfully, another didn't even know i was dancing because there was so much bumping into each other lol, and one flat out denied me. i chalked up lack of success to not being black and girls don't want to risk dancing with a white guy who they know nothing about. i ran into a few people i knew so there wasn't much awkwardness.

when i go outside to talk to people i know that are smoking a fight breaks out. it was pretty much a given to happen so i just sit back and watch it unfold. it escalates to groups and not just one on one so the party shuts down. or at least kind of does. maybe half the people at most are leaving but there's still people just now showing up to go to the place. we go to the car and decide to make after party plans. we have a place to go to so while the girls i'm with are smoking a cigarette i go to a group of girls going into a car and try to recruit them. i got their number and right when i start walking towards another group i hear BAM BAM BAM and look down the street to see a guy hanging out the window of a car driving opposite way and see the flashes the gun makes. there wasn't anyone in the direction he was shooting so it was more to look cool imo but everyone's over the place and we leave.

we pick up a 30 rack and the cheapest bottle of vodka ever. it was like 7.99 or something. cheaper than popov or anything. i have it in my house now but too lazy to go look at the brand. starts with a K i think. we play pong there. there isn't much going on so i decide to break my new rule of not getting destroyed all the time and start shot gunning beers and taking the nasty vodka chasing it with beers. i parlay it into other people drinking more than they can in hopes something interesting happens. but before i even hit blacked out drunk or anything i end up making out with kings cup girl on the kitchen counter. it was going well but then i heard noise and turned around and realized everyone there is watching. i know bootycall girl is going to be pissed and if i try to bang this girl here she'll ditch me and i'll be SOL on a ride home. that went through my mind in like 2 seconds before i just go back to making out.

things go back to normal but bootycall girl is ready to leave after like 10min. so we go and drop off kings cup girl. we're in the backseat together and she asks for my number and kiss again before she leaves. the other girls trash on her on the way back calling her a slut etc lol. i mean she's definitely a bop i've seen her at past parties but that body is too good to care.

so i'm at my house and get out and bootycall girl gets out to pop the trunk for me. and while saying bye she's like lets go in and ****. i know she hella likes me and is mad about watching me make out with the girl. i go ahah are you sure? even with what just happened. she says ya i dont care. i know she does but it's not my responsibility to coach her in life so i say okay if you want. we go in. the one condom i have around that my brother gave me on NYE is not looking in the best of shape from the outside. and sure enough it ends up breaking after a while. she says lets keep ****ing it's not like we haven't not used one before. i say no way and say you can give me head to finish or you can leave if you want i understand. she goes down but then it gets awkward. i'm drunk so it's going to be hard to finish. i basically have to jack off myself while she's sucking on my dick on the side/sucks on my balls. i'm furiously doing it. like not in the cool way you do it infront of a girl. i was doing it like i would in private. i keep getting close to finishing but then she'd always look up at me and i'd feel weird as **** almost being out of breath trying to jack off. eventually i just gave up and said i don't think this is going to work out and walked her out.
01-24-2012 , 12:48 AM
You used a gimmick to say THAT?
01-24-2012 , 12:50 AM
Albert15 WOAT
01-24-2012 , 01:46 AM
Ban Albert15. So bad.

Actually, IP check so we can ridicule this person for a terrible gimmick.
01-24-2012 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Ban Albert15. So bad.

Actually, IP check so we can ridicule this person for a terrible gimmick.
100% this. Normally I'd be against this kind of stuff but Albert15 is so horrendous that he deserves a temporary ban and outing to discourage atrocious gimmicks.
01-24-2012 , 02:21 AM
Same for Mark Zuckerberg.
01-24-2012 , 02:25 PM
lol Albert.
01-24-2012 , 11:44 PM
Met a girl at the bar last Saturday. I ended up dancing with her and made out. I unfortunately couldn't get her home that night. I figured this was prob because I didnt build enough comfort through conversation (loud music, etc). However she gave me her number w/o me asking and told me multiple times to call her.

I texted her today (3 days later) to this exchange:
Me: Hey it's <name> from <bar>. Whatsup?
Her: Hey <name> I'm not doing much just having dinner. You?
Me: At <venue> bowling some games for free. Busy this week? Come meet me for drinks Thursday
Her: That's so funny one of my best friends is there right now. And I work early Friday morning if I do go out I'll prob just go to <local bar>

My play here? Should I back off or try to do something for Friday? I can't tell if this is just a polite way of her rejecting me or not.
01-24-2012 , 11:47 PM
youre done
01-24-2012 , 11:54 PM
I don't think you are necessarily done but no I wouldn't try and do anything on Friday. Is the bar Saturday somewhere where you might run into her again?
01-24-2012 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
I don't think you are necessarily done but no I wouldn't try and do anything on Friday. Is the bar Saturday somewhere where you might run into her again?
I doubt I'd run into her again, although she lives fairly close. And I agree shooting for Friday seems bad, but I also don't wanna let this linger too long and fizzle out completely.
01-25-2012 , 12:25 AM
yeah I wouldn't try and set anything up for friday or even saturday. Id just leave it as a drunk hoop up for that night. Her text signals to me that she is rejecting you but letting you off easy.
01-25-2012 , 12:31 AM
Often times I find that random hookups at parties that you get their number, wont be soe friendly on the first text back....**** liek that would be usually a no go for me if you met her sober or already had a date...but I dont think its as big as a lost cause as others, but I still wouldn't text her for friday
01-25-2012 , 12:34 AM
Yeah that's not especially good as you know but I think you played it ok up until then.

Maybe back off until Sat or Sunday afternoon and give it one more rip for something on Monday?
01-25-2012 , 12:58 AM
No reason to give up after one attempt. While she didn't accept the first time around, she could legitimately be busy. The second attempt should be the indicator of her true intentions, and if she is legitimately busy on the second attempt, then it doesn't matter anyway because you'll have a hard time setting something up with her that works for both of you.
01-25-2012 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
trip report. i picked up two boys for myself and one flat out denied me. i chalked up and there wasn't much awkwardness.
ld;dr, figured cliffs would be good, but I got bored. Sorry
01-25-2012 , 03:02 AM
holy ****ing **** GG fantastic TR the ending had me in stitches could not stop laughing. gold.
01-25-2012 , 06:41 AM
Since this thread seems to be dying out lately, and the fact I really need advice, I'll come out of lurking and post. I really want to know what you guys think about my situation and what i should do.

So I've been going out with this girl for about four months. Things are great between us, and we have really great chemistry. So i asked her to be my gf a couple months ago, and she turned me down because she told me she just got out of a four year relationship around February and she's not ready for a relationship. She said wants to take things slowly and doesn't want to hop onto a different relationship that quickly. So I decided to go by her terms and we continue dating. The problem is that she still talks to her ex. At first, she told me she's over her ex and that they're just friends. I was worried at first but i kinda just ignored it. Around early January, she finds out he's leaving to another country and she begins crying over him every day. For the past few weeks, she's been hanging out with him almost everyday. This is when i start to realize that she obviously still has feelings for him and she's not over him (could be another reason why she turned me down and the ex tells her that he still loves her, even though he has a gf waiting for him back home). So today, she tells me she has a confession to make and texts me this:

I just want to be honest with you...i have a confession to make. I just realized that i still love him and i dont know how am i gonna move on and get over from it but u are special to me thought and i do have feelings for you but its not that strong yet compare to my feeligns for him. If he ever comes back here, i might give him another chance..but thats just when he gets back. he didn't assure me. its a wierd feeling. I'm still hoping that he's gonna come back...i'm really confused and i'm so sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you.

And after that text we talked on the phone for two hours about everything. She says she does like me alot (and i like her alot too). Oh yeah, i'm typing this at 2 in the morning, so i'm pretty sleepy while typing this and i might not make sense on some parts. But i really want to know what should i do in this situation? Should i continue dating her and sees if she's moving on from him in a few months, or should i just stop seeing her at all? And i forgot to mention this earlier and i know i should, but the reason why they broke up was because he cheated on her and he was way too controlling. When they were together, he never let her hang out with her friends and constantly checked up on her. And if any of post doesn't make sense, just tell me and i'll clarify.

Last edited by GC8; 01-25-2012 at 06:51 AM.
01-25-2012 , 06:53 AM
Three things:

1) If he leaves the country and she stays with you for a couple of years, she won't want to try to get back with him when he returns

2) The fact that she's presenting it like that is very bad because if you say "ok, that's fine" you are giving in to a pretty terrible request. What do you NOT give in to? So even though I think 1) is true, it doesn't really matter

3) People like going back to their controlling/insanely jealous exes because they're crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was also abusive (if those two attributes didn't already count as such by themselves)
01-25-2012 , 07:00 AM

When we talked about it earlier, I told her at first I really didn't know what I was gonna do, and i asked her if she would understand if i didn't want to pursue anymore. She said she understands if i did leave her. I told her that I'm planning on sticking around after when he leaves (he leaves on Thursday) to see if she does show signs of moving on. If she doesn't, then i'm gonna move on. That's interesting that you brought up number 3. I don't have alot of experience with crazy girls so maybe that's a sign I should look out for. But what's my play here? Should i continue dating her for a few months and see if she moves on, or should i should do something else? And yes he was abusive as well (LDO to most posters reading this).

Last edited by GC8; 01-25-2012 at 07:05 AM. Reason: just read more of sciolist post. I am half awake while typing this so my brain isn't operating 100% right now.
01-25-2012 , 07:25 AM
I don't really know for sure what you should do. I just wanted to present some points to think about. I tend to think it's better to stay away from people who say "yeh, I like you but I'd still go back to him if I could" and are the type to let their boyfriend abuse them, and to want to go back to that.

But I don't know if that's enough to leave her. I would guess that'll be the general advice of the thread though.
01-25-2012 , 07:49 AM
Abusive boyfriend she doesnt want to get away from.
I think crazy is no longer useable to describe her.

Leave that girl alone and run as fast as possible.
01-25-2012 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Often times I find that random hookups at parties that you get their number, wont be soe friendly on the first text back....
This is very true and one of the reasons I don't do the numbers thing. In his situation I wouldn't have texted her but now that he has and she has declined i would not text again. If you run into her again great otherwise doesn't matter as she is just some random girl.

Originally Posted by GC8
So I've been going out with this girl for about four months. Things are great between us, and we have really great chemistry. So i asked her to be my gf a couple months ago, and she turned me down because she told me she just got out of a four year relationship around February and she's not ready for a relationship. She said wants to take things slowly and doesn't want to hop onto a different relationship that quickly. So I decided to go by her terms and we continue dating.
Are you having regular sex with her?
01-25-2012 , 01:58 PM

01-25-2012 , 02:19 PM
Karak or Goofy,

Please change the thread title
